View Full Version : Brit MP stabbed to death by ...you guessed it.

10-15-2021, 02:51 PM
Counter terrorism officers are tonight leading the investigation into the murder of Tory MP Sir David Amess, as forces across the country are being urged to launch an 'immediate review' of security for politicians.
It comes after horrified onlookers screamed for help as they tried to save the Conservative MP who was brutally stabbed to death in front of them at his Southend constituency surgery.
The popular politician - who won at the last general election with a margin of 14,000 votes - was knifed 'multiple times' by a 25-year-old killer - believed to be of 'Somalian origin'.

"Welcome Migrants" indeed. I'm just shocked that it wasn't carefully hidden that the perp is a nigger.

"Immediate review of security for politicians"? How about "immediate deportation of murderous wild niggers and muzzies"?

As long as libtards refuse to admit the real problem, these savage attacks will not end.


Whitey Ford
10-15-2021, 03:10 PM
Just 'part and parcel' of living amongst backwards, bloodthirsty savages.


10-15-2021, 03:54 PM
you should go to the Hill and see all the libtards babbling about how the nigger was some MAGA guy.
Set the comment order to "Best" to see the most woke turds comments: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/576904-british-lawmaker-stabbed-while-meeting-with-constituents-report

10-16-2021, 12:08 PM
you should go to the Hill and see all the libtards babbling about how the nigger was some MAGA guy.
Set the comment order to "Best" to see the most woke turds comments: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/576904-british-lawmaker-stabbed-while-meeting-with-constituents-report

OMG. Only one person there seemed to know it was a Somali nigger muzzie, behaving in the typical way. Most of them sound demented or hopelessly brainwashed.

10-16-2021, 01:39 PM
OMG. Only one person there seemed to know it was a Somali nigger muzzie, behaving in the typical way. Most of them sound demented or hopelessly brainwashed.

Even so called "conservatives". The argument from them which I cannot stand is "the liberals are dividing us." Like I'd want to unite with niggers. As if that makes savage niggers act the way they do towards whites. Idiots. Or "BLM doesn't care about blacks." Ted Nugent said that.

10-16-2021, 05:19 PM
Even so called "conservatives". The argument from them which I cannot stand is "the liberals are dividing us." Like I'd want to unite with niggers. As if that makes savage niggers act the way they do towards whites. Idiots. Or "BLM doesn't care about blacks." Ted Nugent said that.

Yes, I'm sure the Somalicoon (one of the worst of all vile nigger species) was a disgruntled conservative constituent, merely and strongly expressing his disappointment with the victim's ideas.

That's it for sure - freedom of expression - and don't you dare say this is merely another savage feral nigger, imported and coddled by phony nigger lovers and who was acting according to its DNA and instincts to destroy that which it doesn't understand.

They're just like us, after all.