View Full Version : 16 year old girl slipped a mickey by much older niggers at party and gangraped

Whitey Ford
10-12-2021, 02:09 AM
Girl gang-raped on 16th birthday after drink laced with cocaine

What's a 16 y.o. 'Birthday Girl' doing drinking in the first place, and with a room full of niggers that are almost 30?

A teenager was gang-raped on her 16th birthday after she was given a drink laced with cocaine and awoke to find men assaulting her.

The victim attended a party in Cardiff in 2019 and was taken advantage of by rapist Prince Irving and others who spiked her drink with the Class A drug which caused her to black out.

A sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court on Friday heard the defendant travelled from his home in London with others to attend the party at a rented flat and was described by Judge Daniel Williams as "intending to have sex".

"You were to an extent under the influence of drink and drugs and she was given a drink of alcohol spiked with cocaine. The effect upon her was almost immediate and she started blacking out. Her next memory was waking in the bedroom and being raped by one of your group.

"Other members of your group, when the rape was going on, came into the bedroom to watch. You then, as [the victim] put it, swapped with the first man and you raped her. She shouted in pain as you raped her and she told you to stop but you wouldn't. Your response was a vile boast that she couldn't handle you."

The court was told that a third man was planning to rape the victim but a disturbance at the flat prevented this from happening. As a result of the rape the girl suffered significant bleeding.


10-12-2021, 10:44 AM
Well we all know what those animals at the party all had for dinner.

10-12-2021, 11:43 AM
I hope the victims was a nigger too. But htf does cocaine knock her out? It's a stimulant.

10-12-2021, 02:52 PM
nigs these days call fentanyl .....cocaine. that pharm is doing a fine job at killing off it's users. kudos. eugenics programs need to be supported. If you ain't doing that shit, little chance of OD'n on it.