View Full Version : Officer on his first day of the job gunned down

10-10-2021, 01:18 PM
A manhunt is underway in central Georgia after an officer was gunned down outside his police department early Saturday, authorities said.
Dylan Harrison, 26, of Dudley, Georgia, was working his first shift as a part-time officer with the Alamo Police Department in Wheeler County when he was fatally shot around 1 a.m. Saturday, police said...He was also a full-time agent with the Oconee Drug Task Force in Eastman, Georgia, and has been in law enforcement since 2018... He leaves behind his wife and 6-month-old baby

The nigger has been wrangled.


Coon Club Road
10-10-2021, 02:20 PM
Almost amazing they used the "b" word in a suspook description.

Whitey Ford
10-10-2021, 11:09 PM
I hope that sick, cold blooded nigger burns in hell. This is the police officer murdered by this groid.

Keep Britain White
10-11-2021, 03:24 PM
Yet another beautiful white family destroyed by some no-good piece-of-shit nigger! When are our western societies going to learn?
All western nations need to rid ourselves of this scum in our midst.

I'm sure you all join me in sending our deepest condolences to this beautful lady and her gorgeous baby. They are now condemned to a life of misery and suffering, all because some fucking nigger couldn't control the raging wild animal inside.
Police - especially in America - do such a dangerous job, having to deal with filthy niggers many times each day. I hope someone or something is watchcing over them to keep them as safe as possible as they go about their job.

With all the nonsensical ideas the loony lefties put forward nowadays, people of our persuasion need to make our own call: Rights for Racists!
Why not? We can justify every one of our beliefs. Get these stinking shitty niggers back to Africa as soon as possible.

10-11-2021, 05:28 PM
Yet another beautiful white family destroyed by some no-good piece-of-shit nigger! When are our western societies going to learn?
All western nations need to rid ourselves of this scum in our midst.

I'm sure you all join me in sending our deepest condolences to this beautful lady and her gorgeous baby. They are now condemned to a life of misery and suffering, all because some fucking nigger couldn't control the raging wild animal inside.
Police - especially in America - do such a dangerous job, having to deal with filthy niggers many times each day. I hope someone or something is watchcing over them to keep them as safe as possible as they go about their job.

With all the nonsensical ideas the loony lefties put forward nowadays, people of our persuasion need to make our own call: Rights for Racists!
Why not? We can justify every one of our beliefs. Get these stinking shitty niggers back to Africa as soon as possible.

It pisses me off when I see Trump rallies like the one in Iowa the other day and then he surrounds himself with "blacks for Trump". I wish Republicucks would quit trying to appeal to niggers already. It's really a turnoff for whites like me.

10-11-2021, 05:47 PM
The nigger has been wrangled.

Like I've said about other niggers: it should not have been taken alive.

Or it must be taken alive, it can be taken back to the precinct as practice for how to properly apply a Maglite.

10-12-2021, 02:29 AM
Like I've said about other niggers: it should not have been taken alive.

Or it must be taken alive, it can be taken back to the precinct as practice for how to properly apply a Maglite.

No it should not have been. What it did was capitol murder. He killed him because he was a white cop. No other reason. Libturds and even conservative whites will refuse to say the killing was race related. They don't want it to be true. But it is. The liberals say we should defund the police and they say police remind blacks of slave roundups or some ridiculous shit. Conservatives say it is the left's fault trying to divide whites and blacks and Democrats like Biden and radicals like BLM put it in black's heads that we are bad. I say the division was already there and they are in serious denial and as usual just making excuses for the niggers because it is easier than facing the truth.