View Full Version : Supermarket Shelves empty across Nigger Loving UK

10-09-2021, 03:22 PM
Pictures show Coal burners and fat boon Shoppers seen pushing trolleys laden with toilet roll and water Melons.


10-09-2021, 04:55 PM
The explanation is right there. All your niggers are eating you out of house and home. They get to hit stores once deliveries come in, before those of you who actually work.

10-09-2021, 06:22 PM
and meanwhile in NewNig City, the niggers have cleared the shelves of drug stores in mass steaming thievery jaunts !! There is nothing the PD can do as the nigs are getting dem rep-uh-ray-shunz !!


10-09-2021, 09:22 PM
and meanwhile in NewNig City, the niggers have cleared the shelves of drug stores in mass steaming thievery jaunts !! There is nothing the PD can do as the nigs are getting dem rep-uh-ray-shunz !!


These niggers and niglets robbing stores are exactly like the savage wild baboons in the hills above Cape Town South Africa that teach their young to break into homes to steal food. Niggers and baboons are all savage creatures that are turning Earth into The Planet of The Apes.

Coon Club Road
10-09-2021, 11:30 PM
The explanation is right there. All your niggers are eating you out of house and home. They get to hit stores once deliveries come in, before those of you who actually work.

The nigger way of life! And we are forced into paying to support that way of life!

10-10-2021, 05:50 AM
Sadly this will never improve. Resolving such a problem is nearly impossible, and human society won't even admit it has one yet w these creatures.

The more of this race mixing...err breed mixing that is increasing, is proof. Human advancement has peaked and now is doomed.

10-10-2021, 07:28 AM
I hope the niggers, being too stupid to read stole poison from the vermin control isle and thought it was candy.
There should be an underwater KFC that you have to scuba dive to enter that offers free chicken on Sunday so every Monday can be rockfish counting day.

10-10-2021, 05:42 PM
The nigger way of life! And we are forced into paying to support that way of life!

All your stuff is belong to them.


Blue Gum
10-11-2021, 02:46 PM
The nigger way of life! And we are forced into paying to support that way of life!

And just think......that liberal piece of shit Biden just let almost 2 million illegals in the country So Far...the bastard has 3 1/2 more years...just think how many more he's gonna let in....and among those are 15,000 nigger Haitians, with an estimated 60,000 more nigger Haitians on the way.....and its ALL DELIBERATE....to change the voting landscape so the liberal democraps can maintain power...Disgusting..