View Full Version : Murders of sheboons on the rise

10-06-2021, 07:43 PM
Even the sows love those Jordans.

Sarayah Redmond, the 19-year-old murdered in Sacramento last fall, was the youngest of three children. Her parents, Jennifer and Clifford Redmond said she loved her family, friends and Jordan tennis shoes fiercely.

It feels like nobody cares

That is because nobody does care. I do agree that the increase in shooting deaths, at least here in Baltimore, is due to the police basically leaving the niggers alone to do their thing. Since nigs have atrocious marksmanship, they end up just spraying in the general direction of their target, and the bystander sheboon or niglet gets batwings. I fully support this strategy by the police. Patrol non nigger neighborhoods and the tourist/business areas, and let the pavement apes do their thing in the hood. It is just a shame that human taxpayers have to pay for the chimps' medical care for those that survive.


Ray Cizzums
10-06-2021, 09:15 PM
I care, because I want more dead sheboons. The fastest way to reduce the negro population is to eliminate the
breeder sows, who replicate like cockroaches. The latest census figures have the niggers down to 12.1%, and
falling. If we could just quit feeding them, they'd give each other STDs, covid and ebola while whoring for money,
then add in the shootings, and presto - they're going extinct.