View Full Version : Minnesota Middle School refuses to give niggers an F because racisms, something something

Whitey Ford
10-06-2021, 12:30 AM
Minnesota Middle School Announces It Will Stop Giving ‘F’s To Fight ‘Systemic Racism’


Sunrise Park Middle School in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, is the latest school to change its grading system in the name of combating “systemic racism.”

In a YouTube video, the middle school announced that it would eliminate the “F” grade.

As noted by Fox, the school website mentions that an “equity audit” had been conducted and found “grading disparities among students of color,” according to Fox.


Coon Club Road
10-06-2021, 01:14 AM
Niggers can only be graded by laziness, muh dikking, chicken eating, malt likka drinking, Newpoat smoking etc; etc; but certainly never by academic skills... as they have none.

10-06-2021, 01:38 PM
It's funny. White Bear Lake was known as "White Boy Lake" for decades. It was a tourist town, north of St. Paul at the turn of the Century.

In the early 90's, the City Council of White Bear Lake couldn't pass a Bond Referendum for more school funding. So, the school did what it had to and started deals with inner city programs. Bussing jigs in from all over the place. Schools went from 1 jig per 1000 students to 100 jigs per 1000 students. The city realized that there was money to be made on these underprivilege youth, they cut out the buses and started building Section 8 housing. Over the last 25 years, crime has increased, drop out rates have increased and so forth.

What is interesting, that this article does NOT discuss. There are two middle schools in WBL. One is called Central Middle School and the other is Sunrise Middle School. This article is about Sunrise Middle School. The school board split the city in two and that is where the kids go to school. Guess which one has the Section 8 niggernests and which one doesn't? Guess which middle school has Police Parking spots in the lot? Yup...Sunrise...

Ray Cizzums
10-06-2021, 02:03 PM
An "equity audit" ? The white kids show up, pay attention, pass tests, do homework - and the results are supposed
to be the same for niggers ? Not only do they NOT do any of the aforementioned, they disrupt classes for those who
do, need to be fed "early breffus" and lunch at taxpayer expense, assault teachers, administrators and other
students, all while being allowed to cheat on exams. Taking the F away does what exactly ? Does a D now become raycizzums ?

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-06-2021, 04:01 PM
Minnesota Middle School Announces It Will Stop Giving ‘F’s To Fight ‘Systemic Racism’



Dumb down curriculum and Niggers still can't keep up. This is why the United States is being outperformed by so many other Nations in the education department. No amount of handicapping to help them is enough. These stupid ass Libs and Niggers will never get it through their thick fuckin skulls that no amount of help they give Niggers to be "equal" will help considering they are born with IQ's in the retard range. A retard is a retard is a retard.

10-07-2021, 09:25 AM
Back in the jungle, these retarded niggers would all be A+++++ geniuses.
That's right! They're all geniuses - in Africa.

10-08-2021, 09:07 PM
China is seeing all this and taking notes.

10-08-2021, 09:07 PM
Back in the jungle, these retarded niggers would all be A+++++ geniuses.
That's right! They're all geniuses - in Africa.

Wakanda Forever.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-08-2021, 10:57 PM
What a strange way to illustrate how stupid niggers are. :lol Good ole leftists don’t realize just how racist they are.

10-09-2021, 10:03 AM
An Eff is too high a grade for a nigger. Being stupid and illiterate are parts of their culcha.

10-09-2021, 08:23 PM
At least they are admitting niggers aren't smart enough.

10-09-2021, 09:15 PM
I'd never thought I'd be writing this! #2 son has joined the ranks of trying to educate the masses. He now toeaches geometry in one ot the Texas school systems. The place is part of an affluent community and he has more problems from the white students than from the niggers! He has even stated that the niggers are better students than the whites in his class.What is even more surprising is the parents of the whites demanding gibs on the basis of grades for theiir kids. I'm glad I moved to the country because I'd be in jail for swinging an axe handle to get some attention.

10-11-2021, 06:45 PM
What is interesting, that this article does NOT discuss. There are two middle schools in WBL. One is called Central Middle School and the other is Sunrise Middle School. This article is about Sunrise Middle School. The school board split the city in two and that is where the kids go to school. Guess which one has the Section 8 niggernests and which one doesn't? Guess which middle school has Police Parking spots in the lot? Yup...Sunrise...

When I was a new teacher in training, I rotated through several schools in the district. It's so a rookie can see different kinds of teaching environments, and also to see what schools you like. There's one that serves the town next to mine, which has become increasingly fuxxated by niggers and spiggers. The school doesn't have a very high percentage of their sprogs, but enough that an actual deputy and car are stationed at the school. It's the only school I know of in the district that needs that. And this is a middle school!

That school gets a new principal every year, two years at most. You couldn't pay me enough to teach there. Even the white students made it seem like a zoo between classes.

10-11-2021, 07:04 PM
I'd never thought I'd be writing this! #2 son has joined the ranks of trying to educate the masses. He now toeaches geometry in one ot the Texas school systems. The place is part of an affluent community and he has more problems from the white students than from the niggers! He has even stated that the niggers are better students than the whites in his class.What is even more surprising is the parents of the whites demanding gibs on the basis of grades for theiir kids. I'm glad I moved to the country because I'd be in jail for swinging an axe handle to get some attention.

I gather with that area, it's not a niggerfuxxated school? Think of it this way: if you get 1 unit of trouble from each of 1000 white students, that's more than 10 units of trouble from each of 50 niggers.

I quit after a year because I couldn't take it anymore, being blamed for lazy students, very mostly white at that school. Forget just one day off after parent-teacher conferences: some teachers need a week to recuperate mentally and emotionally, from all the parents demanding to know why their kid with the preppy name didn't get an A. Well, let's see, if a student turns in only 75% of assignments and slacks on the tests, why shouldn't he get the C he deserves? It's exponentially worse in more affluent areas where rich parents just assume their kids are super-smart and can get into a top college. And remember, they never, ever behave like that at home.

Most students weren't like that, but there were too many, and I was wasting my time and sanity.



10-15-2021, 06:38 PM
I gather with that area, it's not a niggerfuxxated school? Think of it this way: if you get 1 unit of trouble from each of 1000 white students, that's more than 10 units of trouble from each of 50 niggers.

I quit after a year because I couldn't take it anymore, being blamed for lazy students, very mostly white at that school. Forget just one day off after parent-teacher conferences: some teachers need a week to recuperate mentally and emotionally, from all the parents demanding to know why their kid with the preppy name didn't get an A. Well, let's see, if a student turns in only 75% of assignments and slacks on the tests, why shouldn't he get the C he deserves? It's exponentially worse in more affluent areas where rich parents just assume their kids are super-smart and can get into a top college. And remember, they never, ever behave like that at home.

Most students weren't like that, but there were too many, and I was wasting my time and sanity.



"No child left behind" and certainly no niglet. Even if it can't spell its own crazy alphabet soup nigger name, give it a trophy.

Chimps are smarter than niggers and parrots have much better verbal and problem solving skills. Should we say "They are just like us?"