View Full Version : Niggers have culturally appropriated hanging

10-05-2021, 07:58 PM
Necklace with a noose at the end is racist. I didn't know the French had a history of lynching niggers by hanging. Personally, I think the necklace, and the whole fashion thing, is moronic, but that has nothing to do with hanging niggers. I imagine that throughout history, thousands of criminals of other races were executed by hanging for every nigger "lynched" in the U.S.


10-05-2021, 11:04 PM
Necklace with a noose at the end is racist. I didn't know the French had a history of lynching niggers by hanging. Personally, I think the necklace, and the whole fashion thing, is moronic, but that has nothing to do with hanging niggers. I imagine that throughout history, thousands of criminals of other races were executed by hanging for every nigger "lynched" in the U.S.


Yep!! Hanging was an "equal opportunity" punishment!! Of course narcissistic, "look at meez" niggers think they were the only ones lynched!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-06-2021, 12:02 AM
Unfortunately, not enough were hung.

10-06-2021, 12:15 AM
That looked nothing like a noose. It only looked like a piece of gaudy jewelry.

The next story I saw listed under on this stupid website was one about niggers bitching over a couple of reporters wearing "afro" wigs.

These fucking niggers do nothing but look for shit to bitch about and somehow get paid to do it.

When are we going to get paid to bitch about niggers here on CO? Never. Just once I'd like to see a nigger get fired from a job for talking shit about YT or other humans. News flash, niggers, WHITE PEOPLE WORE PERMS IN THE SEVENTIES and it wasn't to look like niggers! Stupid as it was, it was a style! Did little orphan Annie have a 'fro? NO - she just had curly hair!

One of the whitest shows on TV in the 70's would have to be The Brady Bunch.
Both the father and oldest son characters wore those ridiculous looking perms, as did many of the kids I went to school with. They're not afros unless a nigger is wearing it and it happens to be the nigger's natural pubic hayed hair, uncut.

Speaking of white 70's TV shows, it must have been really nice to be stuck on Gilligan's Island. Perfect weather, two hotties, tropical drinks served in coconuts, no crime, and not a nigger in sight. For the life of me, I don't know why any of them wanted to leave.

Coon Club Road
10-06-2021, 01:17 AM
I think chicken eaters want to be wind chimed.. they are always knuckling about with tow chains around their necks.

Nig Zero
10-06-2021, 01:13 PM
If if were up to me, every hardware store in every town in the USA would sell pre-made nooses. I mean with all the niggers, who has time to tie your own noose?

10-06-2021, 06:36 PM
Crap....the only person ever lynched in my county was a honky. He most likely was innocent tp boot.
That was also probably the last time the men in my county had any balls.