View Full Version : Congo: niggers stealing catalytic converters to make drug called 'Bombe' and get high

Whitey Ford
10-03-2021, 07:16 AM
Craze for drug made from catalytic converters alarms Congo's capital


KINSHASA, Congo — A new craze for a drug derived from crushed vehicle exhaust filters is rattling authorities in Kinshasa, triggering a campaign to stamp out the concoction and a related rash of car part thefts.

In August police rounded up and paraded nearly 100 alleged dealers and users of the drug "bombe," which means powerful in the local Lingala language, following a call to action by Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Tshisekedi.
"This social phenomenon calls for collective responsibility by the whole nation," Tshisekedi told ministers at a weekly meeting.

In an abandoned shack in a suburb of Kinshasa a young man seeking oblivion slits open a bag of brown powder, blending it with a couple of crushed pills using the back of a spoon, before snorting the "bombe" mixture, with his friends.

Within minutes the trio are swaying slowly, scratching themselves in a catatonic state that experts in Congo say can cause users to stand motionless for hours, or sleep for days.

"We used to drink very strong whiskey ... we were restless and we would hurt people," said Cedrick, a 26-year-old gang leader in a white designer shirt.

"But with bombe, it calms you down, you get tired, you stay somewhere standing up or sitting down for a very long time. When you're done, you go home without bothering anyone."
Car owners, police, and drug experts aren't so sanguine.

The brown powder is obtained from crushing the ceramic honeycomb core of automotive catalytic converters, the device that cuts the emission of toxic gases in vehicle exhaust pipes.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-03-2021, 09:06 AM
Let niggers smoke gasoline for all I care.

10-03-2021, 11:30 PM
Let niggers smoke gasoline for all I care.

Have you ever seen videos of when a fuel tanker crashes anywhere in a nigger country? There are usually batwings galore as niggers try to scoop up gasoline or kerosene in open containers, even frying pans. The niggers get literally smoking. :D

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-04-2021, 12:04 AM
Have you ever seen videos of when a fuel tanker crashes anywhere in a nigger country? There are usually batwings galore as niggers try to scoop up gasoline or kerosene in open containers, even frying pans. The niggers get literally smoking. :D
Hahaha yes, I have seen a couple. Very entertaining stuff.

Chimp Detester
10-04-2021, 12:51 AM
Pull quote:

But with bombe, it calms you down, you get tired, you stay somewhere standing up or sitting down for a very long time. When you're done, you go home without bothering anyone.

Folks: I don't know about you, but am 1,000% in favor of promoting anything that keeps niggers calm and in one place for several days. In fact: We need to introduce bombe immediately to the manure piles (niggerhoods) of America, Australia and Europe.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-04-2021, 03:40 AM
Just how, in thee absolute fuck, do niggers come up with this shit? Only a nigger would think, "Yo, I bet if I chopped up a pollution filter, dat shit would fuck a nigger up".


10-04-2021, 05:12 AM
Just how, in thee absolute fuck, do niggers come up with this shit? Only a nigger would think, "Yo, I bet if I chopped up a pollution filter, dat shit would fuck a nigger up".


You beat me to it.

The shit that oozes from the nigger brain never ceases to amaze me. They can spend more time thinking of ways to get out of work than actually working. They can spend more effort to steal pennies than it would take to earn dollars.

Now this. What kind of nigger witch doctor chemist figured out that burnt hydrocarbon encrusted oxidized platinum could be ground up to get a nigger high? Wouldn't it have been easier to simply grow poppies and make heroin? Marijuana? Cocaine? It's not like any of that takes a rocket scientist to do.

They already have jenkum. They already know how to make booze, which takes near zero effort.

I would love to know what the active ingredient is that gets them high. I'll bet it causes untold sicknesses.

Niggers are the strangest animals.

Whitey Ford
10-04-2021, 07:51 PM
Just how, in thee absolute fuck, do niggers come up with this shit? Only a nigger would think, "Yo, I bet if I chopped up a pollution filter, dat shit would fuck a nigger up".


Niggers are like cockroaches. Cockroaches can eat and live on just about anything, while niggers can find just about anything to get high on. Niggers have been known to smoke AIDS drugs to get high. They managed to figure out how to get high off of shit and piss by turning it into jenkem gas. Niggers will always find a way to get high.

10-05-2021, 02:03 AM
There is a rash of cat thefts around here these days, they are worth at least $400 a piece. But there the niggers are smoking rare earth heavy metals instead, un fucking believable.

Coon Club Road
10-05-2021, 10:37 AM
Just how, in thee absolute fuck, do niggers come up with this shit? Only a nigger would think, "Yo, I bet if I chopped up a pollution filter, dat shit would fuck a nigger up".


They lose the Jenkem recipe?

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-05-2021, 04:47 PM
They lose the Jenkem recipe?

Lol. They must have. Of they're all constipated.