View Full Version : Neonatal ICU niggernurse posts pics of poor kid born with intestines outside of body with cruel captions

Whitey Ford
10-02-2021, 05:55 AM
Heartless neonatal ICU nurse is fired after mocking newborn with a birth defect by posting photos with message, 'your intestines posed to be inside not outside baby'


Sierra Samuels, a nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital Miami, was fired Thursday
Samuels posted two photos on Instagram of a baby in her care born with gastroschisis - a condition causing its intestines to be outside of its body
'My night was going great then boom!' she captioned the first photo
The second read: 'Your intestines posed (sic) to be inside not outside baby'
The hospital first placed her on administrative leave pending a probe
Jackson Health System said it takes patient privacy breaches very seriously

This is what you get for hiring a nigger you stupid fuckwits! I hope they sue the shit out of that hospital.

Jim Crow
10-02-2021, 07:30 AM
Hiring a nigger always ends bad.Lower productivity,stealing,muh dickin,abusive behavior. Either way the cuck who hired the shitskin ends up getting fired and the company sued.Best not to give a nigger a job where you can watch it 24/7.Back of a garbage truck.Or digging a ditch.

10-02-2021, 09:27 PM
:( My brother's girlfriend was born with her intestines outside. Damn that nigger ho

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-02-2021, 10:02 PM
No nigger has ever taken pictures of my intestines (that I know of...)!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-02-2021, 11:17 PM
“Yo testins posed ta be inside n sheeeit” I would love to see the test scores of this nigger in comparison to the white or asian ones she took the place of. Hopefully, tyrone will knock this one up and off her ass when she is 9 months pregnant with her little niglet like another recent case, which I received vitriol on for daring to solve the crime by testing ten nigger bucks who may be the daddy. Surprise nigger lovers! Baby daddy be guilty!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-02-2021, 11:18 PM
Heartless neonatal ICU nurse is fired after mocking newborn with a birth defect by posting photos with message, 'your intestines posed to be inside not outside baby'


This is what you get for hiring a nigger you stupid fuckwits! I hope they sue the shit out of that hospital.

Typical! Nigger nurses are the worst! I used to dread being assigned a nigger nurse when I'd have to go to the hospital. I have chronic pancreatitis so I go alot unfortunately. They waddle around in slow motion as if any request is a horrible inconvenience to them. Fuckin diversity hires. I have an image on my cell phone that shows two she-boon nurses with the caption "will unplug your respirator to charge dey sail foams". Perfect portrayal of them. If I were more savvy on my phone I'd post it.