View Full Version : Niggers, water and joe-dunz

09-30-2021, 12:21 PM
It has been pouring down rain for the past 2-3 days here.

Yesterday, I had to take Mrs. Tweak to an appointment on the other side of Nig Orleans which means there is no getting around niggers - you just have to drive through them. On our way back, there we were on a six lane major road through Jefferson Parish during the rain. I was in the far right lane and about to go over a drainage ditch bridge. There was no sidewalk, but there was plenty of grass on both sides of the guard rail on the side of the bridge. A puddle the length of the bridge covered half my lane. As I rounded the curve, a nigger shuffled out from where the sidewalk ended and right into my lane and proceeded to walk around the puddle straight towards me. The speed limit was 45 in this area but thanks to the rain, I was driving much slower so I managed to not give it a winning lottery ticket. This was right in the middle of rush hour traffic and this nigger left me nowhere to swerve around him.

This dumb nigger didn't want to walk through the grass or through the puddle on the side of the road so it was walking in the middle of traffic in the rain to avoid getting it's back paws and it's precious Jordans wet. This left me nowhere to go as traffic was coming up behind me in the two left lanes. I hit the horn to warn this animal. What did it do? It threw its paws up in the air, palms up, and started cursing at me with some nigger babble about "whatchu woan me do?" while pointing at the puddle.

I know what I would have done. I would have worn boots. I would have walked on the other side of the guard rail through the grass. I would have waited until there was no traffic to make it to the other side of the bridge where the sidewalk continued. I would yield to traffic since it's easier for me to stop walking than it is for a 3500 pound van to come to a stop in the middle of traffic during a storm with cars behind it, also being forced to stop to avoid a wreck and nigger stains on their cars. I wouldn't force traffic to wait until traffic cleared to swerve into another lane to avoid hitting me. I would not impede traffic, risking lives, especially my own for a damn pair of shoes that were already soaking wet from the storm!

But that's just me. A courteous human. With common sense and normal self preservation instincts.

I can't wait to get out of this shit hole.

Ray Cizzums
09-30-2021, 01:01 PM
I know what I would have done. I would have worn boots. I would have walked on the other side of the guard rail through the grass. But that's just me. A courteous human. With common sense and normal self preservation instincts.
That's a perfect oppa-tunity for a blistering fusilade of N-bombs, except for the presence of the missus.
I make sure a loaded gun is close at hand when doing so, of course.
I had a marine VHF with a 25 watt hailer in my old truck. It was wired through a selector switch, to police-grade
mini-PA horns, one in each front wheel well. I could switch to whichever side my victim was on. The missus used
to insist I unplug the mic, before she'd get in the vehicle. Before she knew better, I called some lady a
"Wire-haired old bat", which she still laughs about today. But she was mortified a couple of times by my profane
self, as this thing was incredibly loud. My present truck doesn't have a center console, so I couldn't install it in a
good spot, much to the relief of my wife. That thing really punched up the ole' N-bomb broadside ......

Coon Club Road
09-30-2021, 02:04 PM
It has been pouring down rain for the past 2-3 days here.

Yesterday, I had to take Mrs. Tweak to an appointment on the other side of Nig Orleans which means there is no getting around niggers - you just have to drive through them. On our way back, there we were on a six lane major road through Jefferson Parish during the rain. I was in the far right lane and about to go over a drainage ditch bridge. There was no sidewalk, but there was plenty of grass on both sides of the guard rail on the side of the bridge. A puddle the length of the bridge covered half my lane. As I rounded the curve, a nigger shuffled out from where the sidewalk ended and right into my lane and proceeded to walk around the puddle straight towards me. The speed limit was 45 in this area but thanks to the rain, I was driving much slower so I managed to not give it a winning lottery ticket. This was right in the middle of rush hour traffic and this nigger left me nowhere to swerve around him.

This dumb nigger didn't want to walk through the grass or through the puddle on the side of the road so it was walking in the middle of traffic in the rain to avoid getting it's back paws and it's precious Jordans wet. This left me nowhere to go as traffic was coming up behind me in the two left lanes. I hit the horn to warn this animal. What did it do? It threw its paws up in the air, palms up, and started cursing at me with some nigger babble about "whatchu woan me do?" while pointing at the puddle.

I know what I would have done. I would have worn boots. I would have walked on the other side of the guard rail through the grass. I would have waited until there was no traffic to make it to the other side of the bridge where the sidewalk continued. I would yield to traffic since it's easier for me to stop walking than it is for a 3500 pound van to come to a stop in the middle of traffic during a storm with cars behind it, also being forced to stop to avoid a wreck and nigger stains on their cars. I wouldn't force traffic to wait until traffic cleared to swerve into another lane to avoid hitting me. I would not impede traffic, risking lives, especially my own for a damn pair of shoes that were already soaking wet from the storm!

But that's just me. A courteous human. With common sense and normal self preservation instincts.

I can't wait to get out of this shit hole.

That particular nigger with the Joe-duns was axed when it was born if it wanted a brain. It thought it heard "train" and asked for a slow one! Probably with a leather cheerio coupler too!

Tar Remover
09-30-2021, 10:25 PM
I know you were tempted....... EXCELLENT self control on YOUR part. I hate goddamn stupid fuckin' niggers. I WANT to see them get smeared all over the ground. But NOT at the expense of a good, intelligent human.

Tar Remover
09-30-2021, 10:26 PM
That's a perfect oppa-tunity for a blistering fusilade of N-bombs, except for the presence of the missus.
I make sure a loaded gun is close at hand when doing so, of course.
I had a marine VHF with a 25 watt hailer in my old truck. It was wired through a selector switch, to police-grade
mini-PA horns, one in each front wheel well. I could switch to whichever side my victim was on. The missus used
to insist I unplug the mic, before she'd get in the vehicle. Before she knew better, I called some lady a
"Wire-haired old bat", which she still laughs about today. But she was mortified a couple of times by my profane
self, as this thing was incredibly loud. My present truck doesn't have a center console, so I couldn't install it in a
good spot, much to the relief of my wife. That thing really punched up the ole' N-bomb broadside ......

THIS Ray, is why YOU are my hero!

Ray Cizzums
09-30-2021, 11:41 PM
THIS Ray, is why YOU are my hero!

Thanks, Tar. I used to do a lot of electronics installations in boats and vehicles, and I was the only one who ever
bothered to hook up the hailing system on high end marine radios. They usually have a great selection of electronic
horn sounds, and the PA functions both ways, with the speaker horns acting as microphones, so you can curse out
the deck hands, and hear them return the favor. I'd always include a forward facing horn, and one blasting aft , on
a toggle switch. Squad cars, fire trucks and ambulances often get 100 watt horn/hailer systems, that could wake up
a stiff from 500 feet away. I'd love to get near a BLM rally with one of those, and do 15 minutes of nigger jokes.

10-01-2021, 01:16 AM
Thanks, Tar. I used to do a lot of electronics installations in boats and vehicles, and I was the only one who ever
bothered to hook up the hailing system on high end marine radios. They usually have a great selection of electronic
horn sounds, and the PA functions both ways, with the speaker horns acting as microphones, so you can curse out
the deck hands, and hear them return the favor. I'd always include a forward facing horn, and one blasting aft , on
a toggle switch. Squad cars, fire trucks and ambulances often get 100 watt horn/hailer systems, that could wake up
a stiff from 500 feet away. I'd love to get near a BLM rally with one of those, and do 15 minutes of nigger jokes.

Maybe you can this one to your repertoire:

What has four legs and says "Hoe dee doe!"?

Two niggers running for an elevator.

Ray Cizzums
10-01-2021, 01:26 AM
Maybe you can this one to your repertoire:

What has four legs and says "Hoe dee doe!"?
Two niggers running for an elevator.

What's the difference between heroin, and a nigger ?
People should think twice before they shoot heroin.

Two files land on a turd, and one of 'em spits, then shits.
The other one says, "Hey, I'm eatin' here"

Tar Remover
10-03-2021, 01:38 PM
Thanks, Tar. I used to do a lot of electronics installations in boats and vehicles, and I was the only one who ever
bothered to hook up the hailing system on high end marine radios. They usually have a great selection of electronic
horn sounds, and the PA functions both ways, with the speaker horns acting as microphones, so you can curse out
the deck hands, and hear them return the favor. I'd always include a forward facing horn, and one blasting aft , on
a toggle switch. Squad cars, fire trucks and ambulances often get 100 watt horn/hailer systems, that could wake up
a stiff from 500 feet away. I'd love to get near a BLM rally with one of those, and do 15 minutes of nigger jokes.

Coon Club Road
10-03-2021, 11:32 PM
What do tasers and J Wax have in common...?

Both will put a shine on the deck!