View Full Version : 8 year old Demetrius catches drive by batwing shot to the head meant for his older gangbanging jigabro

Whitey Ford
09-29-2021, 03:31 AM
Boy, 8, shot to death while playing in front of Markham home. ‘He shot my baby in the head. Why would you do that? Why?’

Nigger marksmanship being what it is, it isn't surprising that the nigger missed its target. But, at least there was a consolation prize in this case.

Across the street, two people hid behind a fence planning an ambush, according to police and neighbors. They had come from Chicago to settle a gang dispute with a man standing in the boy’s yard.

One of them, in a white hoodie, peeked around the fence and backed away, according to surveillance video. The other man, in a black hoodie, stepped up and fired six .45-caliber shots.

He missed his target and hit Demetrius in the head, killing him.

The sound of gunfire brought Demetrius’s mother running downstairs. “When I looked down, I saw my baby’s head hanging in that door and I screamed,” said LaTonya Stevenson, 43.

Why beez dey dooz dat?
Because their niggers, that's why.

“He shot my baby in the head — my 8-year-old baby,” she said. “Why would you do that? Why?”

Batwings for one, a N.U. scholarship for the other.

The older son was taken into custody after the shooting on a separate warrant, according to city administrator Derrick Champion. Officials reported no one in custody for the attack.

Nig Zero
09-29-2021, 04:04 PM
I really wish these gangsta nigs would live stream these shootings. That would be sooooo fun to watch.

09-29-2021, 04:54 PM
What difference does it make if Shitravius is 8 months, years, or decades? It's one less welfare sucker.

09-29-2021, 05:38 PM
1. “When I looked down, I saw my baby’s head hanging in that door and I screamed,”

2. That was a chance in a billion. That is, hitting a niglet in the head and killing it. As we all know, a nigglet's bundle of nerves that resemble a brain, is very tiny.

3. ""She grabbed a sweatshirt and placed it over her child’s wound. “And then I ran away because I couldn’t take it no more,” she said, crying."""
It abandoned it's niglet?

4. ""“The news and Markham city police are lying about my son,” she said. “He was not the target. They’re trying to say my baby is in a gang. My baby ain’t in no gang.”""
Niggers don't teach their ninnies. Even after this incident, the sow is still in denial.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-29-2021, 06:05 PM
"Why beez dey dooz dat?"


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-29-2021, 06:10 PM
"city administrator Derrick Champion."

Derrick Chimpion is probably more like it.


Ray Cizzums
09-29-2021, 09:05 PM
Muh babuh, muh babuh ! Muh son ain't in naw gang !

Another year or two older, and that .45 round would have bounced right off that niglet's head.
Results of gunfire to a nigger's head are very similar to those of a chicken. There isn't much
to hit in there, as it's just a brain stem, a walnut, with the remainder being solid bone.
:traybat :bugeye :traybat

09-30-2021, 04:21 PM
I really wish these gangsta nigs would live stream these shootings. That would be sooooo fun to watch.

Oh boy, I'd love that channel! I'd watch it all day long.

09-30-2021, 08:06 PM
This gud boi would have grown up to be a model nigger - rapist, gang member, jogger, murderer. We need more gud bois, killed by their own monkey paws.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-30-2021, 08:46 PM
Oh boy, I'd love that channel! I'd watch it all day long.

I think the closest we're going to get to that is the program The First 48.

Jim Crow
09-30-2021, 09:03 PM
How to give the shooter some credit.Nice head shot,nigger!

10-01-2021, 03:45 PM
I think the closest we're going to get to that is the program The First 48.

Yep, and they already censored The First 48 because it "enforces racial stereotypes".

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-01-2021, 04:55 PM
Yep, and they already censored The First 48 because it "enforces racial stereotypes".

The Producer of that program stated "If we tried to feature more white murderers on the show, we wouldn't have a show".

10-03-2021, 11:43 PM
This gud boi would have grown up to be a model nigger - rapist, gang member, jogger, murderer. We need more gud bois, killed by their own monkey paws.

It was probably a drug gang courier already, hence the "real target" standing in the yard. The niglet was probably getting its latest key to deliver.