View Full Version : The inner chimp comes out of Jon Jones: domestic violence, headbutting a cop car, resisting arrest

09-28-2021, 07:21 PM
More details have emerged in the arrest of UFC fighter Jon Jones, and they paint a disturbing picture. Jones was arrested in Las Vegas on Friday, and was charged with battery domestic violence and injuring and tampering with a vehicle.

The Las Vegas Police Department released the police report from Jones' arrest Tuesday. Jones is accused of grabbing a woman's hair, headbutting a cop car and telling police he wanted to take them all on.

Jones, who was in Las Vegas attending a UFC Hall of Fame event, reportedly went out with friends around 11:30 p.m. The woman stayed behind in the room and went to sleep. Jones allegedly returned to the room later and grew angry with the woman. She told officers Jones grabbed her hair and the back of her head because she was trying to leave the room.

[QUOTE]Police encountered Jones outside the hotel. He identified himself and then resisted arrest. While being detained, Jones reportedly headbutted a police car, leaving a dent and chipping paint. Police said Jones' mood alternated drastically during the arrest. He broke down in tears, and alternated between being calm and angry while speaking with officers.

When informed of the charges, Jones reportedly joked about the arrest, and told police "he would like to take us all on and see what we could do." He also said he could escape from the handcuffs. Jones reportedly apologized after officers threatened to tase Jones.QUOTE]


I wish this had the happy ending of the nigger charging at cops, and the cops putting it down like a rabid dog.

Ray Cizzums
09-28-2021, 08:18 PM
That's a wild, 'roided out MMA nigger. He wants to take on all the cops ? Here's famous MMA nigger Kimbo Slice,
who couldn't handle one cop. This was from back in the underground, bare knuckle MMA days. Officer Gannon
had Kimbo in a choke early, then two fat niggers jumped in, and got their boy outta trouble, helping him get the
cop on the ground. Gannon bounced back, fed Kimbo some punches, then got him in a choke - again two fat
niggers interfere. This was a money fight - why the white boys in attendance didn't beat the living fuck out of these
monkeys I'll never know. My brother and I would have fucked them up by ourselves, and dropped a 100 N-bombs
while doing so. Their boy was outta gas, and they kept stopping Gannon from finishing him off, but it finally happened. Fuck you, niggers.


09-28-2021, 10:06 PM
I haven't thought about Kimbo the Sambo in a long time, maybe not since it achieved goodness. If you remember, appropriately it literally gave itself a heart attack from being so roided up.