View Full Version : Crimi nigger (redundant) finds goodness at NU, claimed it was "mentally ill," just wanted to be "normal"

09-28-2021, 04:50 PM
When Esias Johnson moved to New York from his hometown in 2019, chasing dreams of musical stardom, his parents were terrified.

Johnson, then 21, had been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome as a child and suffered from mental illness for much of his young life, failing to fit in and eventually getting into trouble with the law. His family feared that a city full of strangers who could not understand his struggles might swallow him.

In the two years after his arrival in New York, Johnson faced at least six criminal complaints, but was never convicted of a crime. Bouncing in and out of jail, he occasionally received perfunctory counseling and little else, according to court records and Johnson’s family.

Johnson was arrested in Queens in August when the police said he slapped a man’s backside before chasing him into a bank and, wielding a syringe, threatened to infect him with HIV and hepatitis C.

“Coming onto Rikers should not be a death sentence,” said his family’s lawyer, Jaime Santana.

After Esias Johnson graduated from high school, his parents said that he struggled to find his way. He landed in some trouble, accused of driving in a stolen vehicle and later of driving without a license, local news reports from the time show.

She said many of her son’s legal troubles stemmed from his relationships with the men he was seeing at the time. She said he had been rejected a lot.


For what that nigger did, it absolutely deserved a death sentence. Whatever niggerlovers wrote this, they want to show the world this nigger was a saint, and they list its criminal history like it was nothing. It was just another typical criminal, down to blaming its "mental illness," it wanted to be a cRapper, and it couldn't "fit in" because humans tend to not like niggers that rob and assault and muh dikk. Even its nigger church didn't want it in youth leadership, because it was probably trying to muh dikk everybody it could.

The nigger was eventually found good, probably from OD, or muh dikk gone bad, and the fambly is blaming the jail. Boo hoo, the jail's so inhuman, it's nothing like the Ritz-Carlton. Yeah. It's jail, for God's sake, and it should be a horrible place. Even if I were criminally inclined, I'd want to avoid being a bad guy so I don't wind up behind bars in a terrible place.

The nigger and its fambly really act like it was all :dindu an sheeit because it wasn't convicted. Anyone who knows anything about the niggerloving NYC courts knows that niggers go through NU revolving doors as a matter of routine. They're caught and released almost as fast as sports fishermen throwing back the small ones.

Here's what "normal" is: someone doesn't commit crimes. I have a few friends with diagnosed mental illnesses of varying types and varying severities, and yet none of them commit crimes. But as we already know, niggers love to claim "mental illness" as an excuse for their natural criminal behavior.

And of course the obligatory pictures of what a good boi the nigger was, never dindu nuffins. Maybe for once the Lame Stream Media can show photos of victims.


Ray Cizzums
09-28-2021, 09:25 PM
Silly negro, if you don't want to end up at Riker's Island :
A - Stay out of NYC.
B - Don't commit crimes in NYC.
C - Off yourself, nigga !

Jim Crow
09-29-2021, 08:09 AM
Same ol song and dance!
Criminal nigger who no one wanted around be daid.The fambly tries to make a case, so they can try to hit the ghetto lottery.

Jim Crow
09-29-2021, 08:13 AM
How can you tell if a nigger has a mental illness, they are all mental they are niggers the two go hand in hand.

Exactly! Just like every nigger is an untrustworthy criminal!

09-29-2021, 06:40 PM
"Johnson was arrested in Queens in August when the police said he slapped a man’s backside before chasing him into a bank and, wielding a syringe, threatened to infect him with HIV and hepatitis C.'
99% of nigger fruits carry both diseases.

09-29-2021, 07:56 PM

For what that nigger did, it absolutely deserved a death sentence. Whatever niggerlovers wrote this, they want to show the world this nigger was a saint, and they list its criminal history like it was nothing. It was just another typical criminal, down to blaming its "mental illness," it wanted to be a cRapper, and it couldn't "fit in" because humans tend to not like niggers that rob and assault and muh dikk. Even its nigger church didn't want it in youth leadership, because it was probably trying to muh dikk everybody it could.

The nigger was eventually found good, probably from OD, or muh dikk gone bad, and the fambly is blaming the jail. Boo hoo, the jail's so inhuman, it's nothing like the Ritz-Carlton. Yeah. It's jail, for God's sake, and it should be a horrible place. Even if I were criminally inclined, I'd want to avoid being a bad guy so I don't wind up behind bars in a terrible place.

The nigger and its fambly really act like it was all :dindu an sheeit because it wasn't convicted. Anyone who knows anything about the niggerloving NYC courts knows that niggers go through NU revolving doors as a matter of routine. They're caught and released almost as fast as sports fishermen throwing back the small ones.

Here's what "normal" is: someone doesn't commit crimes. I have a few friends with diagnosed mental illnesses of varying types and varying severities, and yet none of them commit crimes. But as we already know, niggers love to claim "mental illness" as an excuse for their natural criminal behavior.

And of course the obligatory pictures of what a good boi the nigger was, never dindu nuffins. Maybe for once the Lame Stream Media can show photos of victims.


OMG! What a bunch of libtard utter bullshit. OH, poor little downlow criminal buck was just misunderstood. He was just an aspiring cRapper who got led astray. I am weeping here.

Whatever niggerlovers wrote this,

One of them is a bigmouth, typical sow and the other is this: A neckbearded, twerpy, super-cuck nu-male libtard personified who is no doubt in touch with his feminine side. Oh, and his heart bleeds for criminiggers.

Anything else you need to know about Jonah E. Bromwich? Didn't think so. This says it all. :lol


OH, and btw, no professionals say that Asperger's makes one into a violent criminal. Nigger Syndrome does that but gotta grasp at straws to excuse the TNB.

09-30-2021, 09:44 AM
Same ol song and dance!
Criminal nigger who no one wanted around be daid.The fambly tries to make a case, so they can try to hit the ghetto lottery.

Wheh beez ben crump when yooz needs him?!

Chimp Detester
09-30-2021, 02:15 PM
Stupid sub-cockroach mega-turd nigger crap beast. Now you beez 100% a gut boi. The only kind of nigger which never causes problems. Millions of tax dollars saved. With the size of that now-good pavement ape, a pterodactyl got its wings.


And by the way, we have a good friend whose daughter has Asperger. The daughter is actually quite brilliant and creative. NEVER VIOLENT, unlike stupid niggers.

10-04-2021, 11:30 AM
People with Asperger's don't run around committing crimes. The myth of this nigger "having Asperger's" is just one of the many excuses woketurds come up with to present this nigger as anything but what it really was - a typical violent, worthless, muh-dik obsessed criminigger.