View Full Version : The Hayshee niggers are gone. But where did they go?

09-25-2021, 01:34 AM
It seems to be a secret as to how many of them were loaded on planes and sent back to their shitholes (probably flew first class) and how many shipped to various places around North America.

Gonna need a few tons of lime or maybe a row of flamethrowers to rid the area of the nigger stench.


09-25-2021, 01:53 AM
Since we haven't seen any local airports flying over a thousand sorties in two days time from Texas to Haiti, I would look for convoys of buses traveling in every direction away from the bridge. They'll probably house them next door to the Afcoonistan sand niggers crammed into barracks and base housing units onboard every continental military base they can cram them into. Expect rapes and murders of our troops and their families. Of course, they know damn well that this will happen - it's already started. It's easier for them to contain the stories on bases by ordering the troops to keep their mouths shut about the situations under penalty of the UCMJ.

Whitey Ford
09-25-2021, 02:00 AM
I'm sure he found some predominately White inhabited red states to dump them in. Anything to fuck up America. Democrats hate America.

Jim Crow
09-25-2021, 07:10 AM
Hopefully not to Miami! last time I was in Miami visiting a friend, he told me that the Haitian problem was so bad that he couldn’t even let his cat out in fear or a nigger from Haiti eating it! And Haitian monkey shines are equally as stealing and robbing as their Africoon counterparts.Miami has an infestation already!

09-25-2021, 12:33 PM
I'm sure he found some predominately White inhabited red states to dump them in. Anything to fuck up America. Democrats hate America.


I guess the niggers had to be quickly whisked out of sight after the good Rev. Al Sharpcoon expressed dismay at how cruelly they were being treated.