View Full Version : Nigger finally charged for video piracy on YouTube, and someone streamed its arrest

09-23-2021, 11:10 PM
In the foyer of his New Jersey home on Tuesday, Bill Omar Carrasquillo wore only neon yellow underwear as federal agents placed him in handcuffs.

For close to two years, Carrasquillo, who flaunted his glittering jewelry and sizable car collection to his hundreds of thousands of YouTube followers, said he knew the day was coming. Carrasquillo, who goes by Omi in a Hellcat online, even told a local news station that his arrest was "100 percent a relief" because he will finally get his day in court.

In an indictment unsealed Tuesday, prosecutors accuse Carrasquillo and two associates of stealing copyrighted material from cable companies and redistributing that content through a streaming service Carrasquillo set up and charged customers to use. From March 2016 until about November 2019, Carraquillo and his partners earned more than $30 million - money he used to buy large homes and fast cars that he flaunted on social media, prosecutors say.

If convicted, Carrasquillo doesn't face a "few years," as he indicated, but rather a maximum of 514 years, prosecutors said.

Carrasquillo, 35, has portrayed himself as a self-made millionaire. In an interview with a fellow YouTuber in 2019, Carrasquillo spoke of his transformation from a teenager who had spent time in jail for drug dealing into an entrepreneur who could broadcast his riches to his followers on social media. As of Thursday, Carrasquillo has about 790,000 YouTube followers, and 1 million followers on Instagram.


With underwear like that, it's going to be very popular with all the other niggerbucks at NU. And it's definitely headed for NU unless there's at least one nigger on the jury that refuses to convict a "brutha."


Ray Cizzums
09-23-2021, 11:30 PM
That spigger will be streaming - piss into a stainless steel sink/toilet combo, courtesy of Nigger U.
The only problem is that he will be deemed non violent, and let out when he promises to make restitution.
Of course, a person of color's word is like money in the bank.....

09-25-2021, 01:28 AM
Bill Omar Carrasquillo wore only neon yellow underwear as federal agents placed him in handcuffs.

But they were white when he put them on.

09-25-2021, 02:06 AM
But they were white when he put them on.


Good one, Diva!

It's not that I have a problem with any nigger getting a 514 year sentence for anything as small as a stolen pie from a window.

I have a problem with a two tiered justice system. The rich get away with crimes that the poor can be railroaded into prison for life. Meanwhile, big money will ensure the most aggressive and harshest prosecution is delivered when you cut into their corporate bottom line. Child rapist and murderers will go free after little or no time while anyone who dares cut into the profits of the likes of Hollywood, big pharma or Wall Street scum can face decades behind bars.

There's something really wrong with our world's justice system, and it's not just niggers.

09-25-2021, 11:18 AM

Good one, Diva!

It's not that I have a problem with any nigger getting a 514 year sentence for anything as small as a stolen pie from a window.

I have a problem with a two tiered justice system. The rich get away with crimes that the poor can be railroaded into prison for life. Meanwhile, big money will ensure the most aggressive and harshest prosecution is delivered when you cut into their corporate bottom line. Child rapist and murderers will go free after little or no time while anyone who dares cut into the profits of the likes of Hollywood, big pharma or Wall Street scum can face decades behind bars.

There's something really wrong with our world's justice system, and it's not just niggers.


I don't have a problem either with a nigger off to NU for years for mere theft. If it stole a pie, it's a guarantee it committed something far worse that it had gotten away with. It might have even muh dikked or killed someone on the way to stealing the pie.

09-25-2021, 12:04 PM

Good one, Diva!

It's not that I have a problem with any nigger getting a 514 year sentence for anything as small as a stolen pie from a window.

I have a problem with a two tiered justice system. The rich get away with crimes that the poor can be railroaded into prison for life. Meanwhile, big money will ensure the most aggressive and harshest prosecution is delivered when you cut into their corporate bottom line. Child rapist and murderers will go free after little or no time while anyone who dares cut into the profits of the likes of Hollywood, big pharma or Wall Street scum can face decades behind bars.

There's something really wrong with our world's justice system, and it's not just niggers.

What I've been saying for years, and did so just a few days ago in another thread.
I never, ever understood the concept of bail, and what money has to do with crimes committed and never will.

As for everything else that is wrong with the INjustice system, where does one start?