View Full Version : Liberal group funded by Soros advocates "shooting Republicans"

Whitey Ford
09-23-2021, 08:11 PM
You can bet your ass that if a so-called 'Far Right' group were to infer anything about shooting Democrats, that the Glownigger Gestapo would descend down on them like a Biblical horde of locusts.
Liberal Group Includes Call to ‘Shoot Republicans’ in Letter to FCC


A left-wing group funded by the Center for American Progress and George Soros's Open Society Foundations submitted a letter to the government that advocated for murdering Republicans.

Free Press, a well-funded liberal group that aims to "reshape media" in the United States, sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission that included the question: "Are we going to have to shoot Republican[s] to reclaim our democracy?"

The Free Press letter, which called on the FCC to "investigate its own history of racism and examine how its policy choices and actions have harmed black people and other communities of color," was signed by just under 5,000 of the group's members, who were given the opportunity to provide comment along with their signature. The call to "shoot" Republicans came from a California member named David Lyons, who further complained that "racist horseshit like FOX and the other ultraconservative outlets and Christians" owned "most of our media."

Free Press formally withdrew the petition after FCC commissioner Brendan Carr said its inclusion of violent rhetoric was disqualifying.


Ray Cizzums
09-23-2021, 08:22 PM
There's talking about it........and there's doing it.
Feelin' froggy ? THEN LEAP, MOTHERFUCKER !
:bugeye 17465

Nig Zero
09-24-2021, 08:29 AM
So I read that letter and some of the included comments. This is another piece anecdotal of evidence that liberals are crazy and low IQ. They already have what they are demanding in this "letter" and they don't realize it. With the ability to detect abnormal brain functioning through MRI scans, liberalism may actually (not figuratively) be determined to be a mental disorder. Liberalism could be medically diagnosed and those individuals could be professionally treated rather than remain in the regular population to cause chaos. Likewise, once the sane humans of the world realize that africans are a subspecies, then the africans could be reclassified from an Affirmative Action protected class to that of an Invasive Nuisance Animal. The Left loves three letter acronyms, so how about that, "INA's". Then the sane humans of the world can develop a plan for managing the africans, such as a mandatory repatriation to some isolated and secure part of Africa.