View Full Version : Why don't police use tasers instead of shooting niggers?

Buck Simian
09-22-2021, 11:48 PM
This is why. A officer approaches a suspect (nigger). Asks him to stop. The nigger instantly attacks the cop. The cop pulls out his taser and uses it. No effect on the beast, it pulls out a gun and fired at the officer. Luckily, the bullet only grazed the side of its head. The officer was able to return fire with a real gun this time and brought down the negro, but was unable to make it good. Are there times for a officer to use a taser or pepper spray? Certainly. But not when its against a full grown buck nigger that has already acted violently against you.


09-23-2021, 02:46 AM

Jim Crow
09-23-2021, 08:04 AM
I believe that if a nigger is cazy enough to attack a police officer,it will not think twice about attacking anyone else.Therefore, the nigg should be made good.No electric bullwhip no pepper spray.Just lead!Take the son of a bitch monkey ass off the street forever and do the taxpaying citizens a solid!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 10:55 AM

Oh that'll work against a wild monkey. Lol. We're dealing with Niggers, not Ninjas.


Great acting though. Call Ultraman!

Ray Cizzums
09-23-2021, 11:21 AM
Cops are hamstrung by use-of-force regulations. Old school cops just cracked your head open with a baton, for
starters. Any dipshitting around, you'd get a Rodney King ass-whooping. That alone kept niggers, and everyone else,
from acting the fool. Tasers are okay, for human mental cases, and naked niggers. 12 gauge baton and bean bag
rounds are an option, good for wild negro, but seldom used. Today's gun-slinging jaboons just need to be shot on
sight, Brazilian-style, for the good of all.

09-23-2021, 11:33 AM
Oh that'll work against a wild monkey. Lol. We're dealing with Niggers, not Ninjas.


Great acting though. Call Ultraman!

Flippin’ hilarious!

09-23-2021, 03:51 PM
Fuck that net, tazer, (non) lethal bean-bag shit. It's been proven over and over again not to work on the feral rampaging groid or sheboon.

The ONLY measure that should be used if a heavy loaded Tranquilizer gun. Something that will instantly take the nigger down and keeps it down. *Maybe load the needle dart round with fentanyl :lol

Will an elephant gun work?

09-23-2021, 11:34 PM
Someone posted this bodycam vide of a cop trying to arrest a nigger that shoplifted and stabbed a stoer employee. The cop tased it twice, nothing. And then the nigger turned and started stealing the cop car. That's when the cop started firing. Unfortunately no batwings were issued.


Ray Cizzums
09-23-2021, 11:46 PM
Someone posted this bodycam vide of a cop trying to arrest a nigger that shoplifted and stabbed a stoer employee. The cop tased it twice, nothing. And then the nigger turned and started stealing the cop car. That's when the cop started firing. Unfortunately no batwings were issued.

I'd get my riot gun out and sling it at the ready, anytime I heard a black male was the suspect.
Looking into that big bore is something even the stupidest negro understands.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-23-2021, 11:53 PM

haha, this video is hilarious. I would love to watch a nigger criminal get shot by one of these… and then set on fire.

09-24-2021, 12:35 AM
Someone posted this bodycam vide of a cop trying to arrest a nigger that shoplifted and stabbed a stoer employee. The cop tased it twice, nothing. And then the nigger turned and started stealing the cop car. That's when the cop started firing. Unfortunately no batwings were issued.


Yup, we're the same species.

SC Anemia
09-24-2021, 01:46 AM
I'd get my riot gun out and sling it at the ready, anytime I heard a black male was the suspect.
Looking into that big bore is something even the stupidest negro understands.

Absolutely right about that Ray. But sometimes you gotta wonder. Only a nigger would think it was a good idea to try to jack a cop car. Man that's weapons-grade stupidity.
Too bad the days are gone when you could crack them in the dome with a solid stick of hickory. Actually that's just to get their attention like the old joke about smacking a mule between the ears with a 2x4 to get its attention.
Personally, I think tasers are a waste of time with shines. A 12ga with bean bags ought to be the first option. I hear that hurts like a bitch. Oh yeah, not a pump either but a semi-auto shotgun so you can issue 3-4 attention getters in quick succession.

Ray Cizzums
09-24-2021, 11:51 AM
Personally, I think tasers are a waste of time with shines. A 12ga with bean bags ought to be the first option. I hear that hurts like a bitch. Oh yeah, not a pump either but a semi-auto shotgun so you can issue 3-4 attention getters in quick succession.
Tasers are great for K2-spiced naked niggers in traffic, and for calming down jaboons in courtrooms and public
meetings, who are acting the fool. But a short, semi-auto riot gun full of bean bag or baton rounds is perfect
medicine for wild negro, so you could apply as many rounds as needed in a couple of seconds. Those sawed off
"Defender"-type shotguns could be slung, filled with BB rounds, with a 6-pack of OO buck on a carrier somewhere.
With all these non-physical specimens on the force these days, such an edge is badly needed.

09-24-2021, 04:51 PM
Because niggers all need to be shot.....that's why

09-24-2021, 07:06 PM
Because niggers all need to be shot.....that's why

Alternatively, all niggers must hang! The windchimes can be wholesome family entertainment.


09-25-2021, 10:26 PM
Yes, tasers will subdue a human, but not quite enough to stop fierce animals with a large corporal body mass and a poor sense of danger