View Full Version : Will Justice Be Served?

09-22-2021, 02:00 PM

Three niggers robbed and killed a beautiful, young, human female with a bright future. The niggers had planned to 'rob someone...' that day. This is proof that niggers are always thinking about committing a crime instead of getting a job. I fucking HATE niggers. So, the filthy beasts pick a target of opportunity, she fights back, they stab her multiple times and she dies. Now all three niggers have been corralled, two of which are minors. I guess being a piece of shit starts early...

Sadly, these niggers are in New York City, the libtard capital of the east coast. There will be no death penalty, so these niggers will never be made good through the legal system. I hope that they are goodified by some inmates or whomever decides to batwing these motherfuckers.

RIP to the victim. I am saddened that your life was ended my animal niggers. I hope that ALL NIGGERS burn in hell. Fuck you and die, niggers.

09-22-2021, 06:38 PM
And the liberal cucks are still covering for these apes

Jim Crow
09-23-2021, 08:07 AM
As long as liberals decide the faith of their murdering nigger pets,no!Justice will not be served.Just a slap in the face given to the victim’s family!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 10:52 AM

Three niggers robbed and killed a beautiful, young, human female with a bright future. The niggers had planned to 'rob someone...' that day. This is proof that niggers are always thinking about committing a crime instead of getting a job. I fucking HATE niggers. So, the filthy beasts pick a target of opportunity, she fights back, they stab her multiple times and she dies. Now all three niggers have been corralled, two of which are minors. I guess being a piece of shit starts early...

Sadly, these niggers are in New York City, the libtard capital of the east coast. There will be no death penalty, so these niggers will never be made good through the legal system. I hope that they are goodified by some inmates or whomever decides to batwing these motherfuckers.

RIP to the victim. I am saddened that your life was ended my animal niggers. I hope that ALL NIGGERS burn in hell. Fuck you and die, niggers.

Will justice br served? Of course not! Can't even comment on it. Comments are closed on the article. Of course that just means they were getting too many comments telling the truth about nigger crime and nigger criminals.

Ray Cizzums
09-23-2021, 11:39 AM
13 year old "Zyairr" Davis was already sentenced - to 18 months in juvie. The other two retards will be getting
similar slaps on the wrist. All three should be torched in Ole' Sparky, but that makes too much sense.
Don't fret over the victim, however. She was cute as hell, but was on track to be a flaming libturd
asswipe. Her parents were/are woketurd idiots, and they sent her to Barnard, a bastion of liberal idiocy.
Incoming students no longer received the cautionary "Watch out for the dangerous negroes" talk, that was
once standard practice. The victim was not too quick on self preservation, as she had already been relieved
of her Iphone, on a previous outing. It was no secret that niggers from nearby housing projects preyed on
the students, but there she was, an easy mark for them.

09-23-2021, 11:43 PM
Sadly, these niggers are in New York City, the libtard capital of the east coast. There will be no death penalty, so these niggers will never be made good through the legal system. I hope that they are goodified by some inmates or whomever decides to batwing these motherfuckers.


I mention this horror every so often. One nigger was sentenced to life when it deserved death. The other nigger was sentenced to death, but then the NY Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment is unconstitutional. It's "cruel and unusual punishment" to put down a violent nigger that's a waste of oxygen and taxpayer money, but it wasn't "cruel and unusual' for the two niggers to execute people?

At the time, I was managing a little retail place until a fairly late closing. I don't want to say I was naive, but I was young and didn't think things like that could happen anywhere. Even the daytime team was freaked out.

Ray Cizzums
09-24-2021, 12:08 AM

I mention this horror every so often. One nigger was sentenced to life when it deserved death. The other nigger was sentenced to death, but then the NY Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment is unconstitutional. It's "cruel and unusual punishment" to put down a violent nigger that's a waste of oxygen and taxpayer money, but it wasn't "cruel and unusual' for the two niggers to execute people?

At the time, I was managing a little retail place until a fairly late closing. I don't want to say I was naive, but I was young and didn't think things like that could happen anywhere. Even the daytime team was freaked out.
I was installing electronics on a fishing vessel, on Jamacia Bay, in Far Rockaway when I heard about that. There
were some skelly niggers afoot, and you'd hear gunshots if you were there at night. We heard a gun battle on shore,
while fishing the radar pier at Kennedy Airport. I was prepared in that neck of the jungle, but Flushing wasn't really
niggered back then. But the jigs will make forays to some unlikely places, if they know where some money is at.

09-24-2021, 07:00 PM
I was installing electronics on a fishing vessel, on Jamacia Bay, in Far Rockaway when I heard about that. There
were some skelly niggers afoot, and you'd hear gunshots if you were there at night. We heard a gun battle on shore,
while fishing the radar pier at Kennedy Airport. I was prepared in that neck of the jungle, but Flushing wasn't really
niggered back then. But the jigs will make forays to some unlikely places, if they know where some money is at.

We were close enough to the boroughs that one evening a gang of Bronx niggers (we found out later) drove out to the strip mall where I worked, to scam people and probably worse. They went around from store to store, casing things, claiming they were selling candy bars for their high school. What store did they steal the box from, maybe the local grocery store, and what high school allows very adult niggers? They were more like NU enrollees.

Our place was the one open late, and at our closing time, they were hanging around outside by the glass doors. Our last customer, a really nice middle-aged white lady, begged to stay until the niggers left. I couldn't blame her for being frightened. So I locked the door, and we waited. We could have gone out the back, but our cars were still in front. I called our security guard, and he took a bit to arrive, so the niggers left by the time he came. Another night he and his cop friend caught them. That's when they found out they were from the Bronx. I don't think the niggers were charged with anything, but they were told to GTFO and not come back.

Ray Cizzums
09-24-2021, 08:13 PM
Our place was the one open late, and at our closing time, they were hanging around outside by the glass doors. Our last customer, a really nice middle-aged white lady, begged to stay until the niggers left. I couldn't blame her for being frightened. So I locked the door, and we waited. We could have gone out the back, but our cars were still in front.
I worked at Green Acres mall in the '70s, when it was Valley Stream, instead of Valley Nigger. Boons from
Queens would do stickups in our parking lot occasionally, so our crew from Sam Goody would all exit
together at closing time. Other store's employees would sometimes wait for our gaggle before they would exit.
It was a nice mall back then, where many sweet teen girls would hang out for hours. It's Africa today. :(

09-25-2021, 11:37 AM
It was a nice mall back then, where many sweet teen girls would hang out for hours. It's Africa today. :(

So many malls have gone that way. Segregation worked, for restaurants, malls, neighborhoods. Some malls died/are dying because of pure economic reasons, but throw in a growing nigger coonmunity, and it's poison to the most thriving mall.

A friend's parents (now deceased) got their place in Co-Op City a long time ago, when it was a new area built by humans for humans. When I visited them a few times, starting about 15 years ago, I might as well have been in Johannesburg or Monrovia. It was scary just to drive around for a parking spot.

Ray Cizzums
09-25-2021, 12:31 PM
So many malls have gone that way. Segregation worked, for restaurants, malls, neighborhoods. Some malls died/are dying because of pure economic reasons, but throw in a growing nigger coonmunity, and it's poison to the most thriving mall.

A friend's parents (now deceased) got their place in Co-Op City a long time ago, when it was a new area built by humans for humans. When I visited them a few times, starting about 15 years ago, I might as well have been in Johannesburg or Monrovia. It was scary just to drive around for a parking spot.
Everyone knows, the minute you see tribes of niggers hanging around a place, it's time to GTFO. No other race
makes humans leave it all behind, and head for parts unknown. Big Mike Obama's spiel about whites deserting her
Chicago neighborhood, "leaving it a shambles", after blacks were "doing more than the right thing", is a laugh riot.
Whites left, niggers then had no one to leech off of, every school turned into a kennel/zoo, and formerly nice areas
were turned into dangerous nigger shitholes. Today, the place is a war zone, due to "Gun violence" and whitey's
"Raycizzums". Big Mike, and his fairy husband, vamoosed long ago, to a place far removed from their own kind.