View Full Version : Oh Lawdy, Dey Whippin Negros From Horseback Just Like Slabbery

SC Anemia
09-21-2021, 02:44 PM
EVERY SINGLE LAST MSM outlet has been jumping on the videos of the Texas Border Patrol on horseback corralling up all the stray hayshees and crying that they're getting run down and whipped just like runaway slaves used to.

EXCEPT, not a single one of these dumbasses know the difference between a whip and a horse rein. Jesus Christ what excitable idiots.

There isn't a single instance in miles of video, theirs included, showing anyone getting whipped. I actually wish there was one getting the black whipped off it's vile ass. Ahhhhh, the good old days. :lol


EXIT: After the horses, the rest of the vid is just shit, hayshees whining about not having any :gibs

09-21-2021, 04:28 PM
The boarder patrol should have used cattle prods on those hayshees and wetbacks.

It wouldn't be needed if a thirty foot tall border wall topped with outward facing electrified razor wire was built. I would have a two wall system with landmines in between them, as well. Maybe some gators for the Rio?

Should I run for President?

Nig Zero
09-21-2021, 04:43 PM
Good Lord in Heaven, I am so sick of niggers complaining that they don't have any food and diapers. Not Our Problem Niggers!!! In fact, I am glad you are starving and your niglets are living in shit!

09-21-2021, 05:57 PM
It wouldn't be needed if a thirty foot tall border wall topped with outward facing electrified razor wire was built. I would have a two wall system with landmines in between them, as well. Maybe some gators for the Rio?

Should I run for President?

But that would be inhumane and rayciss!

Spain put up a 30-foot Nigger-Guard fence, but those monkey-like niggers,who refuse to take a hint, scale it easily. I guess they didn't electrify it which might help.


Those Hayshees being "whipped"? Utter BS, but even if they were it's a hell of lot better than getting a concrete slab on their domes and being turned into a long pork barbeque which would be their fate in that shithole they slithered out of.

animal mother
09-21-2021, 06:17 PM
It’s funny that most people weren’t overly concerned when the illegal border hoppers were Latino but now the whole country is alarmed now that they see an invasion of niggers. Further proof that everyone hates niggers, even the fucking hypocrite liberals.

09-21-2021, 07:34 PM
It wouldn't be needed if a thirty foot tall border wall topped with outward facing electrified razor wire was built. I would have a two wall system with landmines in between them, as well. Maybe some gators for the Rio?

Should I run for President?

And a few snipers to pick off any that get over the inner wall.

SC Anemia
09-21-2021, 10:06 PM
And a few snipers to pick off any that get over the inner wall.

Working for a state prison in my early 20's, that's exactly what we had. Two 30' perimeter fences with 20 yards of nothing but freshly mowed grass between them except for a 60 foot manned tower every 80-100 yards and a fuck-ton of sodium lamps like street lights. Each tower had a scoped Remington 700 chambered in .223 in case anything made it over the inner fence. My granddaughter could make those shots. Good fuckin luck with that second fence. (is it wrong that I secretly wished some bootlip would try it?)

09-21-2021, 10:31 PM
Maybe black border niggers will get violent with the Hispanic border niggers. We really don't need these kind of filth to co-mingle with us at Costco, Target, NigMart.

We already have too many local born niggers.

09-22-2021, 12:22 AM
If Biden (or any past admin for that matter) wanted to keep them out, we would have done so years ago:


Years prior to the above non-lethal versions, DARPA developed a lethal version of the ADS to replace landmines. It was a basically a radar system connected to a programmable, electrically fired round, multi-shot (upwards of 20) barrel array that would target incoming threats and kill quite effectively without leaving landmines for someone to step on years after a conflict was over. Ammo could be chosen depending on requirements including buckshot, rubber bullets, armor penetration or regular rounds. You simply packed up the whole system and took it off the battlefield when ready.

Too bad we don't use them today. I would have them every 1/4 mile along the border. I think everyone knows what ammo I would load.

SC Anemia
09-22-2021, 02:34 AM
Too bad we don't use them today. I would have them every 1/4 mile along the border. I think everyone knows what ammo I would load.

I'd just use the ones that say "front toward enemy".I can personally attest to their effectiveness.

Jim Crow
09-22-2021, 07:40 AM
I originally saw this on Yahoo. It’s obvious it was not a whip. It was the horse’s reins.But they knew that!The liberal media loves to lie and exaggerate to protect their nigger pets! Personally, I don’t think they should be using horses, A tank!

09-22-2021, 01:15 PM
Vice President Cackling Kamala Harris told reporters Tuesday she was 'deeply troubled' by the 'horrible' images


One agent said the outrage shows officials lack 'basic knowledge' of handling horses and 'proves what absolute idiots they are'
Another accused Harris of 'placing blame on agents to deflect because she and Biden are not going to change how they are handling this'
And in another interview, National Border Patrol Council Vice President Art Del Cueto insisted the agents were using approved techniques

How are they supposed to get the message through to those nigger parasites to GTFO?


Midder Peenud Hayed
09-22-2021, 06:56 PM
Should I run for President?

I would definitely vote for you!


09-22-2021, 07:17 PM
Who's paying for all the take-out styrofoam boxes of chigguns and other goodies the niggers are carrying around? They all look pretty well-fed to me in spite of their whining.

Most humans couldn't afford to eat take-out every day.

09-22-2021, 08:10 PM
Maybe black border niggers will get violent with the Hispanic border niggers. We really don't need these kind of filth to co-mingle with us at Costco, Target, NigMart.

We already have too many local born niggers.

In east Baltimore, the Hispanics have actually displaced a lot of the local niggers. A lot of people don't like this, but I will take illegal Hispanics over local niggers. They don't tend to commit nearly the amount of crimes that dindus commit against humans, and they keep their neighborhoods clean and maintained.

09-23-2021, 01:02 AM
A lot of people are pissed off at Kamala for "vilifying" the border patrol for doing their jobs.

"The vice-president is disgusting!" and this guy has the nerve to say "Illegal aliens".


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 12:31 PM
The boarder patrol should have used cattle prods on those hayshees and wetbacks.

Better yet, shotguns.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 12:40 PM
EVERY SINGLE LAST MSM outlet has been jumping on the videos of the Texas Border Patrol on horseback corralling up all the stray hayshees and crying that they're getting run down and whipped just like runaway slaves used to.

EXCEPT, not a single one of these dumbasses know the difference between a whip and a horse rein. Jesus Christ what excitable idiots.

There isn't a single instance in miles of video, theirs included, showing anyone getting whipped. I actually wish there was one getting the black whipped off it's vile ass. Ahhhhh, the good old days. :lol


EXIT: After the horses, the rest of the vid is just shit, hayshees whining about not having any :gibs

Hmm. Spanish speaking Haitian Niggers. How long have they been in Mexico or South America? Not to mention the hoards of Afghani's they're flying in by the tens of thousands. All safe now that America has a nigger loving POTUS. This country is done! Done, done, done! Won't last three and a half more years.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 12:47 PM
It wouldn't be needed if a thirty foot tall border wall topped with outward facing electrified razor wire was built. I would have a two wall system with landmines in between them, as well. Maybe some gators for the Rio?

Should I run for President?

You're absolutely correct. But since they're importing all these niggers in, let's import Nile Crocodiles in from Africa. They're far more aggressive than alligators. It would look like those scenes on National Geographic of the Wildebeast and Zebra migration crossing the Mara River.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 12:55 PM
I originally saw this on Yahoo. It’s obvious it was not a whip. It was the horse’s reins.But they knew that!The liberal media loves to lie and exaggerate to protect their nigger pets! Personally, I don’t think they should be using horses, A tank!

Just aim the ass end of the horse towards the nigger. A horse kick would launch those niggers right across the Rio Grande. Of course if they point the ass end of a horse towards a nigger, the nigger would probably try to fuck it.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 01:05 PM

How are they supposed to get the message through to those nigger parasites to GTFO?


Some serious riding skills exhibited by those Vaquero's.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 01:08 PM
In east Baltimore, the Hispanics have actually displaced a lot of the local niggers. A lot of people don't like this, but I will take illegal Hispanics over local niggers. They don't tend to commit nearly the amount of crimes that dindus commit against humans, and they keep their neighborhoods clean and maintained.

I'm gonna have to agree with you on this. Plus the Hispanics do another thing the niggers refuse to do. WORK!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 01:13 PM
A lot of people are pissed off at Kamala for "vilifying" the border patrol for doing their jobs.

"The vice-president is disgusting!" and this guy has the nerve to say "Illegal aliens".


I remember this guy testifying in front of Congress. He doesn't play around. Tells it exactly like it is.

09-23-2021, 01:20 PM
Just aim the ass end of the horse towards the nigger. A horse kick would launch those niggers right across the Rio Grande. Of course if they point the ass end of a horse towards a nigger, the nigger would probably try to fuck it.


09-23-2021, 01:27 PM
Hmm. Spanish speaking Haitian Niggers. How long have they been in Mexico or South America? Not to mention the hoards of Afghani's they're flying in by the tens of thousands. All safe now that America has a nigger loving POTUS. This country is done! Done, done, done! Won't last three and a half more years.

Exactly. Haitians speak only French and many of these have been living in Chile, Guatamala, etc for years, so they are NOT refugees from the earthquake. They just wore out their welcome in those places and are looking for more and better gibs.

Notice the ranger who said the bucks (like nigger bucks everywhere) grab a sow and a niglet to use as shields? This is instinctive nigger behavior.

09-23-2021, 01:43 PM
I remember this guy testifying in front of Congress. He doesn't play around. Tells it exactly like it is.

Damn straight he does! I'd like to see this guy in the Oval Office.


This man is fearless and does not hold back. He goes into battle with DC armed with the facts in hand and is no holds barred when dealing with these idiots.



You work for ME, BITCH!


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 01:46 PM
"Notice the ranger who said the bucks (like nigger bucks everywhere) grab a sow and a niglet to use as shields? This is instinctive nigger behavior."

Ah yes, those brave nigger bucks the burners so desire.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-23-2021, 02:02 PM
Damn straight he does! I'd like to see this guy in the Oval Office.


This man is fearless and does not hold back. He goes into battle with DC armed with the facts in hand and is no holds barred when dealing with these idiots.



You work for ME, BITCH!


Someone should've rammed that gavil straight up her stinking asshole. I remember those hearings well. More people need to have the balls this guy has when testifying in front of these shit-fer-brain politicians. They forget they're "servants" of the people. Great videos. Thanks.

09-23-2021, 05:28 PM
"Notice the ranger who said the bucks (like nigger bucks everywhere) grab a sow and a niglet to use as shields? This is instinctive nigger behavior."

Ah yes, those brave nigger bucks the burners so desire.

We see that often - nigger bucks cornered by the popo hold up dey hoe's sproglet thinking it's like a bullet-proof vest. They don't understand that a niglet won't stop a bullet. Maybe the cops won't shoot, but other niggers or enraged baby mommas will and do.

Jim Crow
09-23-2021, 05:53 PM
Of course if they point the ass end of a horse towards a nigger, the nigger would probably try to fuck it.
Good!That would piss off the horse even more!

09-23-2021, 08:48 PM
I propose the mounted BP agents be rearmed with lances, like the French and Polish cavalry units in the Napoleonic wars, or some of the Native American tribes. Then they would not have to whip the poor negros.

09-23-2021, 09:09 PM
A few observations about the nature of Haitians, including those of Bill Clinton - the same Hayshees that SloJo and Cackling Kamala are wailing about, horrified at the inhumane treatment of these welcome "migrants".

The reports of human rights abuses are horrifying: An army officer accuses a man of stealing fruit, cuts off the man's ear and forces him to eat it, before carving his initials in the man's buttocks. A priest is savagely beaten for distributing a Catholic newspaper. People wake to find mutiliated bodies - some of them young children - lying in the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

It's from 1994, but it doesn't matter. A leopard never changes his spots and a nigger is a nigger no matter the time or place.

"Cedras and his armed thugs have conducted a reign of terror. Executing children. Raping women. Killing priests. As the dictators have grown more desperate, the atrocities have grown ever more brutal," Clinton said.

This is what Joe is welcoming with open arms and borders and of course, truckloads of gibs for you to pay for.
