View Full Version : Nigger school crossing guard accused driver of injury to leg!

09-18-2021, 06:45 PM
Tesla driver is arrested and thrown in jail after Nigger school crossing guard accused him of driving into her and causing injury!...I smell Free Gibs?


09-18-2021, 07:47 PM
The unidentified crossing guard told WJLA of the incident: 'Everything speaks for itself. I know what took place.'

Yeah, keep the scamming sow's identity a secret but name the guy who did nothing wrong, who is put in handcuffs and spent the night in jail. This is a common nigger scam - throw themselves against a stopped car and ook, "Dey hit me!"

I wouldn't blame him for running down this fat boon who continued to block traffic for no reason, just to use the little power given to her by libtards. Give a nigger an inch and they take a mile, every time.

Coon Club Road
09-18-2021, 11:04 PM
Yeah, keep the scamming sow's identity a secret but name the guy who did nothing wrong, who is put in handcuffs and spent the night in jail. This is a common nigger scam - throw themselves against a stopped car and ook, "Dey hit me!"

I wouldn't blame him for running down this fat boon who continued to block traffic for no reason, just to use the little power given to her by libtards. Give a nigger an inch and they take a mile, every time.

I'd be willing to bet if you could sort workman's compensation claims by race, the moolies would represent well more than 13% of "on the job injuries".

Fucking nigger sponges!

09-19-2021, 12:58 PM
I'd be willing to bet if you could sort workman's compensation claims by race, the moolies would represent well more than 13% of "on the job injuries".

Fucking nigger sponges!

Like crime? 13% of the population, but half of crime, probably half of workman's comp claims, well more than half of welfare when you count spiggers, and now a lot more than "people" in commercials.