View Full Version : Twin sows choke dey brutha to deff

09-17-2021, 11:27 PM
Just another Norman Rockwell-type nigger fambly.

Two years ago, Tysean Lipford was sentenced to 30 years in prison for choking 17-year-old Christian Matthews to death at his Maryland home. On Friday, the Montgomery County Department of Police announced arrests and first-degree murder charges against three additional suspects in Matthews’ killing—two of whom happen to be his own sisters.

The double sows will now join Tysean in NU. Unfortunately, Leaundra has shit out niglets.

“Make sure yall shit str8 n omerta,” Lipford allegedly texted to Leaundra after the murder. All three are now being held without bond.

Nigga Tysean has been watching too many Mafia movies. :lol Al Capone, he ain't.

Baby Daddy Tysean. Seriously, just like us??? This thing bears no resemblance to anything animal, human, mineral, or other. I'm surprised it can lift its empty head considering the weight of those bootlips.

The 3rd suspook, Daniel “Ghost” Howard - whatever this is supposed to be.


(https://www.thedailybeast.com/twin-sisters-leaundra-and-lemae-matthews-charged-with-helping-choke-own-brother-christian-matthews-to-death) Quick - someone call Robin Steinberg, Patron Saint of Criminiggers.

Ray Cizzums
09-17-2021, 11:39 PM
Two nasty blubberlips, one of whom has been taken by police on rod and reel.
The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a vagrant's dick in it.
They, and their sprogs, should be gassed forthwith.

09-17-2021, 11:47 PM
Daniel "Ghost" Howard might be transgender. Look at his/her chest.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-18-2021, 12:01 AM
Hopefully they all become “ghosts” soon. Cmon niggers! Halloween is right around the corner. Get in the spirit! :lol

09-18-2021, 01:37 AM
Hopefully they all become “ghosts” soon. Cmon niggers! Halloween is right around the corner. Get in the spirit! :lolThat is why they're called spooks.

Coon Club Road
09-18-2021, 02:18 AM
Hopefully they all become “ghosts” soon. Cmon niggers! Halloween is right around the corner. Get in the spirit! :lol

They are already SPOOKS :lol

Coon Club Road
09-18-2021, 02:22 AM


Cue up the Obama "if I had a son" graphic!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-18-2021, 05:12 AM
Two nasty blubberlips, one of whom has been taken by police on rod and reel.
The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a vagrant's dick in it.
They, and their sprogs, should be gassed forthwith.

WTF is it with niggers and La Cosa Nostra? The stupid fuckers are just enamored with them. They seem to want to think that somehow they could gain acceptance and entry into the Mob. They're just niggers. Mulignan's. Italians hate niggers just as much as anyone else hates niggers. Mob guys probably hate them more than just the average Italian citizen does. Niggers are used as "Patsy's". Nothing more, nothing less. Niggers want to be Gangsters in the classic sense of the term, but just end up being the typical nigger "gangsta" street nigger thug. I just saw an advertisement on the nig-tube about a new nigger series called "Black Mafia" or some shit 50 cent (50 IQ) has produced where one of the characters claims " we be fashioned after da Mafia gnomesane"?. Gimme a break.

09-18-2021, 05:34 AM
How the hell does this animal not drown when it walks out in the rain? Better learn to keep that head down in the showers, boy!


I'm with Celtic Girl on this one. Looks like it's preop dreams will have to be placed on hold while it's in the slammer. The estrogen will probably wear off by the time it gets paroled.

At least it will enjoy the company of all dem menz!

09-18-2021, 11:52 AM
WTF is it with niggers and La Cosa Nostra? The stupid fuckers.are just enamored with them. They seem to want to think that somehow they could gain acceptance and entry into the Mob. They're just niggers. Mulignan's. Italians hate niggers just as much as anyone else hates niggers. Mob guys probably hate them more than just the average Italian citizen does. Niggers are used as "Patsy's". Nothing more, nothing less. Niggers want to be Gangsters in the classic sense of the term, but just end up being the typical nigger "gangsta" street nigger thug. I just saw an advertisement on the nig-tube about a new nigger series called "Black Mafia" or some shit 50 cent (50 IQ) has produced where one of the characters claims " we be fashioned after da Mafia gnomesane"?. Gimme a break.

Yeah, they use them and then make them "redundant" or "downsize" them or whatever PC crap term is in vogue at the moment :lol


Ray Cizzums
09-18-2021, 02:12 PM
WTF is it with niggers and La Cosa Nostra? The stupid fuckers are just enamored with them. They seem to want to think that somehow they could gain acceptance and entry into the Mob. They're just niggers. Mulignan's. Italians hate niggers just as much as anyone else hates niggers. Mob guys probably hate them more than just the average Italian citizen does. Niggers are used as "Patsy's". Nothing more, nothing less. Niggers want to be Gangsters in the classic sense of the term, but just end up being the typical nigger "gangsta" street nigger thug. I just saw an advertisement on the nig-tube about a new nigger series called "Black Mafia" or some shit 50 cent (50 IQ) has produced where one of the characters claims " we be fashioned after da Mafia gnomesane"?. Gimme a break.
I grew up with, went to school with, and hung out with a half a dozen kids who's father's were made guys in the
mob, all with infamous family names. The family the Godfather was based on lived just over the bridge from us,
and the toll booth Sonny got killed at was three miles to the east. Goodfella's lived in our town as well, and mob
rat Henry Hill lived right near my friend. Him and Two Gun Tommy Desimone worked at the mob's clubs my town
was known for, before they were promoted. None of them were big fans of the funky negro.

09-18-2021, 06:26 PM
WTF is it with niggers and La Cosa Nostra? The stupid fuckers are just enamored with them. They seem to want to think that somehow they could gain acceptance and entry into the Mob. They're just niggers. Mulignan's. Italians hate niggers just as much as anyone else hates niggers. Mob guys probably hate them more than just the average Italian citizen does. Niggers are used as "Patsy's". Nothing more, nothing less. Niggers want to be Gangsters in the classic sense of the term, but just end up being the typical nigger "gangsta" street nigger thug. I just saw an advertisement on the nig-tube about a new nigger series called "Black Mafia" or some shit 50 cent (50 IQ) has produced where one of the characters claims " we be fashioned after da Mafia gnomesane"?. Gimme a break.

My grandfather knew some back in the day (1930's - 1950's) They would not have wanted them except like you said for patsies. They rat, do stupid shit so they get arrested, are not dependable, and most important of all, cannot aim for shit. You notice in Chicago every weekend it's 100 shot and 3 dead? I'm not defending this behavior at all. And with the mob absolutely no women or children were to be harmed. That is alot of the nigger's first victims because they are easy victims. They don't give a shit. The mob bosses wanted the job done once and on order. Niggers have huge issues following orders, did then, not as bad as now, but it was still there, especially from YT. The St. V Day massacre the hitmen were told where to shoot on the body and at what range. Get in and out.

Niggers leave far too many live bodies that can identify them and get the whole organization pinched. No thanks. That is what I was told. Plus at the end of the day, they are loyal to other niggers only if that. Cosa Nostra needed people they could trust, preferably other Italians but mainly that they could trust. It's a joke that they use mob names. I hate it personally. And they call us culture vultures.