View Full Version : Teacher cuts octoroon’s hair, niggers sue

animal mother
09-17-2021, 06:22 PM

Ray Cizzums
09-17-2021, 08:01 PM
That fambly needs to go on a "Jurnee" to Africa, to escape whitey's raycizzums. Her daddy is "Black and White" ?
That's what we call a "Nigger". The shitling is a quadroon, which means it should be sterilized, so it can't breed
with unsuspecting humans, and produce an octoroon infestation. If you see something, say something.

Coon Club Road
09-18-2021, 03:19 AM
These fucking niggers with their nigger lotteries and nigger pay days roll on.

If I were the judge sitting for this lawsuit, I'd schedule the trail as far out as possible so the nappy headed zebra has ample time to grow the wool, then dismiss the case.

09-18-2021, 04:05 AM
One million dollars?

This nigger thinks this kid's hair is worth that much?

Here's a hint, nigger. Next time, give the kid a normal cut, not an asymmetrical one that makes her stick out like a sore thumb. This kid could almost pass for white but you made damn sure that will never happen with your very public chimpout that will follow the kid for life - years after your nigger lotto money has run dry in pursuit of rheeumz, bling and crack.

Do the child and the world a favor and KYS with that crack. Maybe then, she can once again pass as somewhat human if people will forget you existed.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-18-2021, 05:34 AM
Maybe they'll settle out of court for $125,000 since it's 1/8 nigger? Or will it get the full million due to the one drop rule?
Never do a favor for a nigger. I'm sure the teacher was well intentioned and the little spooklets hurr probably looked better than after the other student cut it. Saved them a $15 bill from Supercuts as well.

09-18-2021, 10:06 AM
Niggers should get haircuts with a single machete stroke...about half a foot or so below the hairline. Although would there be a blade sharp enough to do it by hand?

09-18-2021, 01:13 PM
Niggers should get haircuts with a single machete stroke...about half a foot or so below the hairline. Although would there be a blade sharp enough to do it by hand?

Made me laugh this morning! Good that I wasn't drinking coffee.

1/4 nigger = 100% nigger. Here's a rare occasion that math and logic doesn't work. But we know niggers break every law, even the unassailable laws of mathematics.

(For you nerds out there, specifically, it's called the identity law or some shit like that. a = a, so 100 should equal 100. But, even .0000001 nigger is equal to 100 nigger.) There's no forgiveness for a nigger in my book.

Jim Crow
09-18-2021, 05:05 PM
That’s what niggers live for,a chance to hit that ghetto lottery!

09-19-2021, 10:36 AM
Niggers should get haircuts with a single machete stroke...about half a foot or so below the hairline. Although would there be a blade sharp enough to do it by hand?


Define by hand.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa8%2F7 5%2Fa0%2Fa875a02315ac2e5646a3bafd136279af.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

I could hold this by hand!