View Full Version : 'Sit still' is white supremacy, tard English teacher

09-15-2021, 02:58 PM
A severely retarded English teacher says 'sit still' is white supremacy.


09-15-2021, 11:14 PM
He adds, ‘The idea of just sitting quiet and being told stuff and taking things in, in a passive stance, is not a thing that's in many cultures. So if we're positively enforcing these behaviors, we are by extension positively enforcing elements of white culture. Which therefore keeps whiteness at the center, which is the definition of white supremacy.’

Bullshit. When I was on both sides of education, the best-behaved students had parents who were Indians and Pacific Rim Asians. These are cultures where mama-san will beat the disrespect out of a child that a teacher makes the least negative comment about. These are cultures where there is no such thing as students effectively running the schools by uncontrolled behavior.

When I tried teaching, I was lucky that my regular classes didn't have niggers. It was enough to deal with lying white teens with arrogant and bad attitudes. But I did have to deal with an occasional nigger when I lost my prep period to fill in for an absent colleague, and having those uncontrollable beasts on a daily basis, forget it. I'd have quit after a day. And if I knew I'd be accused of "white supremacy" if I told one to sit down? I'd have never taken the job in the first place.

09-20-2021, 12:52 PM
Luckily where I went to school there were very few niggers. However the small handful we had were obnoxious as hell, couldn’t stfu,couldn’t sit still and thought they were hot shit and still graduated even though they never even showed up to class. Had a race traitor that hated me and wanted his little pets to gang up on me but they wanted no piece of this White boy!