View Full Version : Vile mudshark and Joker buck nabbed for child sex trafficking

09-14-2021, 09:01 PM
Johnny Thomas, 34, of Durham, NC, and Becca Mills, 25, of Whispering Pines, NC, posted commercial sex ads for minors and took the minors to locations in Fayetteville, NC, and Myrtle Beach, where the minors engaged in commercial sexual encounters with other individuals, according to court records. Mills also participated in many of the sexual encounters, and Thomas engaged in sexual acts with one of the minors on at least two occasions in Fayetteville, NC, and Myrtle Beach.

I hope they get shivved in prison, after being raped 100 times each.



09-14-2021, 10:20 PM
This is why we need the death penalty.

Ray Cizzums
09-14-2021, 10:41 PM
Why can't we have an actual death penalty, without dozens of schmucks getting paid to drag it out for 20 years ?
What's all this quibbling about "Cruel and unusual" punishment ? Why all the pearl-clutching over what happens to
fucking murderers ? DNA analysis, photographic, and cell phone-based evidence has removed any shred of doubt
about guilt. Let a jury's recommendation for the death penalty proceed, especially when it's obvious that you can't
ever let the perpetrator loose. Then make some money out of the spectacle, to defray costs, entertain us, and give
the victims families a shot at throwing the switch.

Coon Club Road
09-14-2021, 11:57 PM
Why can't we have an actual death penalty, without dozens of schmucks getting paid to drag it out for 20 years ?
What's all this quibbling about "Cruel and unusual" punishment ? Why all the pearl-clutching over what happens to
fucking murderers ? DNA analysis, photographic, and cell phone-based evidence has removed any shred of doubt
about guilt. Let a jury's recommendation for the death penalty proceed, especially when it's obvious that you can't
ever let the perpetrator loose. Then make some money out of the spectacle, to defray costs, entertain us, and give
the victims families a shot at throwing the switch.

Hell yes!
Pay per view all day long!

Chimp Detester
09-15-2021, 12:13 AM

This kind of stories really infuriates me!!!!! And take a good look at the mega-turd sub amoeba nigger crap beast Johnny Thomas. He could win Grand Prize in the Ugliest Nigger Ever Koon-test. And race-traitor mud-shark Becca Mills defiles its humanity rutting with that ugly-as-sin koon. Notice how when a human betrays its natural humanity, it automatically becomes as vile as the nigger shit beast it ruts with.

I hope both of these felons literally rot in prison. Gangrene, cancer, COVID, ebola, anything that will literally, painfully consume their hideous carcasses.

I also hope none of their under-age victims was human...

09-15-2021, 01:49 AM
Why can't we have an actual death penalty, without dozens of schmucks getting paid to drag it out for 20 years ?
What's all this quibbling about "Cruel and unusual" punishment ? Why all the pearl-clutching over what happens to
fucking murderers ? DNA analysis, photographic, and cell phone-based evidence has removed any shred of doubt
about guilt. Let a jury's recommendation for the death penalty proceed, especially when it's obvious that you can't
ever let the perpetrator loose. Then make some money out of the spectacle, to defray costs, entertain us, and give
the victims families a shot at throwing the switch.

Yeah, because THIS wasn't cruel and unusual:

Sacramento nigger raped woman, killed her and her dogs, and lit house on fire.

I cannot contemplate this woman's last moments on earth. It's too disturbing. She didn't even get to have free shyster lawyers there, begging for her life and she didn't even commit any crime, GODDAM IT! But humanely putting a rabid nigger down is sooooooo mean! I would personally never hesitate to pull the switch on Ol' Smoky myself and my only regret would be the nigger didn't suffer nearly enough.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-15-2021, 02:21 AM
Why can't we have an actual death penalty, without dozens of schmucks getting paid to drag it out for 20 years ?
What's all this quibbling about "Cruel and unusual" punishment ? Why all the pearl-clutching over what happens to
fucking murderers ? DNA analysis, photographic, and cell phone-based evidence has removed any shred of doubt
about guilt. Let a jury's recommendation for the death penalty proceed, especially when it's obvious that you can't
ever let the perpetrator loose. Then make some money out of the spectacle, to defray costs, entertain us, and give
the victims families a shot at throwing the switch.

"DNA analysis, photographic, and cell phone-in weed evidence has removed any shred of doubt
about guilt."

Exactly! The sentence should be carried out immediately.

Ray Cizzums
09-15-2021, 09:11 AM
Yeah, because THIS wasn't cruel and unusual:

I cannot contemplate this woman's last moments on earth. It's too disturbing. She didn't even get to have free shyster lawyers there, begging for her life and she didn't even commit any crime, GODDAM IT! But humanely putting a rabid nigger down is sooooooo mean! I would personally never hesitate to pull the switch on Ol' Smoky myself and my only regret would be the nigger didn't suffer nearly enough.
Set Ole' Sparky on slow cook, then dry sponge the nigger in question.
Use his sclerotic yellow crack eyes as a pop out timer, then turn up the current,
until his shit-snakes burst into flames. Then let the victim's family take a piss on the smoking corpse.

09-15-2021, 11:27 AM
Set Ole' Sparky on slow cook, then dry sponge the nigger in question.
Use his sclerotic yellow crack eyes as a pop out timer, then turn up the current,
until his shit-snakes burst into flames. Then let the victim's family take a piss on the smoking corpse.

That sounds about right. And yeah, I meant "Sparky" and not "Smoky". Brain not work at 1:49 a.m.

These vicious niggers should get the same mercy and consideration they gave their innocent victims.

09-15-2021, 04:25 PM
Yeah, because THIS wasn't cruel and unusual:

I cannot contemplate this woman's last moments on earth. It's too disturbing. She didn't even get to have free shyster lawyers there, begging for her life and she didn't even commit any crime, GODDAM IT! But humanely putting a rabid nigger down is sooooooo mean! I would personally never hesitate to pull the switch on Ol' Smoky myself and my only regret would be the nigger didn't suffer nearly enough.

That nigger should have never been on the streets.