View Full Version : Obsolete Farm Equipment Playing Nigger Lotto

Coon Town
09-10-2021, 05:08 PM
The article does not mention why these niggers are no longer employed. Niggershines is my bet.

Mississippi farm recruited White immigrants rather than hire Filthy Niggers, lawsuit says...

Mississippi Center for Justice and Southern Migrant Legal Services filed the federal lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of the six workers against Pitts Farm Partnership, which grows cotton, soybeans and corn in the Mississippi Delta's Sunflower County.

"Lawdy! Niggas can't pick no cotton no mo."



LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-10-2021, 09:53 PM
The article does not mention why these niggers are no longer employed. Niggershines is my bet.

"Lawdy! Niggas can't pick no cotton no mo."



Lol. So now niggers WANT to pick cotton? Never satisfied.

Coon Club Road
09-10-2021, 10:41 PM
Lol. So now niggers WANT to pick cotton? Never satisfied.

Niggers will never be happy until they are on a chaise lounge being served food and drink and being blown by a white woman. And even then they would find something to complain about.

Jim Crow
09-10-2021, 11:38 PM
Same old song and dance! Lazy nigger looking for free gibbs!

Whitey Ford
09-11-2021, 12:02 AM
.....White laborers from South Africa....

Sounds like Boers, they have been traditional farmers making Apefrica bloom- that is until niggers messed everything up. Niggers never wanted to farm anything and when Whitey does, it's always somehow raycissssss. Rayciss in S Africa and raycisss here too apparently.