View Full Version : Biden's dindu advisor Cedric Richmond tells CNN down low ape Don Lemon: Biden will 'run over' Governors who oppose vaccines

Whitey Ford
09-10-2021, 03:47 PM
Dindu 'advisors' ha ha ha LOL
Biden truly is cognitively impaired and in the throes of dementia. Heaven help us all.


Nig Zero
09-10-2021, 04:57 PM
Since there has been no long term tests on the safety of this vaccine, I hope every nigger and enabler takes a full prescription dose of the stuff...you know, for the sake of science.

Coon Town
09-10-2021, 05:17 PM
These Libturds all have a tyrannical bent. Niggers seem to wallow in tyranny and "big man" politics.

09-10-2021, 05:39 PM
Since there has been no long term tests on the safety of this vaccine, I hope every nigger and enabler takes a full prescription dose of the stuff...you know, for the sake of science.


Midder Peenud Hayed
09-10-2021, 07:40 PM
I worked in the medical outfitting industry for 15 years and was well-schooled in HIPPA reg's. I just can't see how employers are going to be able to demand proof that an employee has been vaccinated. They can probably ask them to volunteer the information, but should they refuse, I'm not sure what recourse that employer would have.

I am very likely going to have to get the vax at some point over the next few weeks. I'm going to ask my doc for an Rx to get the shot. That way, if shit goes sideways, I (or my survivors) can sue the shit out of someone. I know of a pharmacy about 20 miles from here that still has the J&J dose available, and that's what I will get. I'm not comfortable with the mRNA tech; the Johnson shot mirrors the same biomechanical model as the MMR vaccines we all got as kids.

My wife's employer is currently sparring with the teacher's union over the "household" mandate, but given this new fascist mandate by Biden's commie handlers, I know it's coming in one form or another.

This country is in real trouble, folks!

09-11-2021, 05:56 PM
I worked in the medical outfitting industry for 15 years and was well-schooled in HIPPA reg's. I just can't see how employers are going to be able to demand proof that an employee has been vaccinated. They can probably ask them to volunteer the information, but should they refuse, I'm not sure what recourse that employer would have.

HIPAA doesn't apply to private companies' health requirements, because they're not considered protected information, and as a "libertarian" (whatever the hell it means today), I believe any private business should be able to set its requirements anyway. There's no constitutional right to keep an employer from requiring masks or MMRs.

But what happens when companies are requiring proof of vaccination because the government is forcing them? That's the problem we're about to have. First the Democrats start with companies with 100 employees or more. Then it becomes 50, then 20, then "We should have all employees vaccinated," then "We might as well just have everyone vaccinated."

Democrats were the most against a COVID vaccine until they got back in power. Now they're the ones talking about mandates, and that makes me more than suspicious.