View Full Version : Hate crime vs justice

09-09-2021, 02:46 PM
Hate crime:


Justice, not hate crime:

I'm sure your average pavement ape/thug/cRapper knows all about Robert E. Lee.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-09-2021, 08:33 PM
Robert E Lee was such a great military strategist, his battle techniques are still being taught at Military Academies across the world. So of course Fentanyl Floyd should be celebrated rather than him. SMFH! Just like nigs and libs to think the Civil War was just about slavery. When white soldiers from the North heard about The Emancipation Proclamation, they deserted in droves. They weren't going to put their lives on the line to free a bunch of niggers. Lincoln snuck in The Emancipation Proclamation long after the war had began.

Jim Crow
09-10-2021, 07:15 AM
Robert E Lee was the greatest general that ever lived! I am proud to fly the confederate flag in front of my house in his honor!Liberals suck ass!

09-10-2021, 11:22 AM
Robert E Lee was such a great military strategist, his battle techniques are still being taught at Military Academies across the world. So of course Fentanyl Floyd should be celebrated rather than him. SMFH! Just like nigs and libs to think the Civil War was just about slavery. When white soldiers from the North heard about The Emancipation Proclamation, they deserted in droves. They weren't going to put their lives on the line to free a bunch of niggers. Lincoln snuck in The Emancipation Proclamation long after the war had began.

He was greatly admired and respected even by his adversaries. He didn't particularly approve of slavery, but the know-nothing, fanatical sheep, screeching "South b-a-a-a-d!!" Instagram crowd of libtards (and it has to be YT libs yelling about this because the nigs don't know who Lee was) are ignorant of this, as they are of most things not found on FB. As usual, there is no reasoning with fanatics of any kind. To them, everything is black or white, so to speak, with no shading in between. Fanaticism is another form of insanity.

Rational people might not like someone's views or opinions, but can still understand and admire other facets of the person who holds them.

Why does this not make perfect sense?

While both Robert and his wife Mary Lee were disgusted with slavery, they also defended it against abolitionist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abolitionism) demands for immediate emancipation for all enslaved.[69] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee#cite_note-69) Lee argued that slavery was bad for white people but good for black people,[70] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee#cite_note-:2-70) claiming that he found slavery bothersome and time-consuming as an everyday institution to run. In an 1856 letter to his wife, he maintained that slavery was a great evil, but primarily due to adverse impact that it had on white people:[71] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee#cite_note-71)
In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence

That certainly holds true to this day but sadly the discipline has been forgotten and just look what that has wrought.

Ray Cizzums
09-10-2021, 11:59 AM
The plantation owners fucked up by importing and breeding a very harmful sub-species. That had to be stopped,
but then the Union fucked up by freeing said species, instead of sending them back. Military men on both sides
performed admirably, and their heroics should be remembered. Then, as now, the niggers are the shit sandwich,
and no one should have to take a bite. Send them back, ffs ! Better late than never...

09-10-2021, 05:31 PM
The plantation owners fucked up by importing and breeding a very harmful sub-species. That had to be stopped,
but then the Union fucked up by freeing said species, instead of sending them back. Military men on both sides
performed admirably, and their heroics should be remembered. Then, as now, the niggers are the shit sandwich,
and no one should have to take a bite. Send them back, ffs ! Better late than never...

This is what happens every time a species gets transplanted to a place where it is not natural. Niggers were okay in their natural habitats, romping in the jungle, killing and eating each other but in a civilized world of human beings they are a plague more devastating than the Black Death.

But I have to give the planters a break. They knew very well that niggers weren't human and not in their most dire nightmares or fever dreams could they have envisioned a time when YT would bow down to an inferior species like the nigger.

Ray Cizzums
09-10-2021, 10:10 PM
This is what happens every time a species gets transplanted to a place where it is not natural. Niggers were okay in their natural habitats, romping in the jungle, killing and eating each other but in a civilized world of human beings they are a plague more devastating than the Black Death.

But I have to give the planters a break. They knew very well that niggers weren't human and not in their most dire nightmares or fever dreams could they have envisioned a time when YT would bow down to an inferior species like the nigger.
The planters should have realized they were endangering us all, as soon as they saw what nigger slaves did to their
French hosts in Haiti, in 1804. They could have found buyers in South America, and shipped all of them out. Actual
human resources could have been had, using a little imagination and some global wheeling and dealing. Instead,
they refused to acknowledge reality, and let things fester for 5 decades, until it blew up into a catastrophe. The time
to get rid of niggers was, is and always will be - immediately. Lets get 'er done !
:bugeye 17237

09-10-2021, 11:02 PM
The planters should have realized they were endangering us all, as soon as they saw what nigger slaves did to their
French hosts in Haiti, in 1804. They could have found buyers in South America, and shipped all of them out. Actual
human resources could have been had, using a little imagination and some global wheeling and dealing. Instead,
they refused to acknowledge reality, and let things fester for 5 decades, until it blew up into a catastrophe. The time
to get rid of niggers was, is and always will be - immediately. Lets get 'er done !
:bugeye 17237

Yes, but they had an arrogance that made them think THEIR niggers were under control and couldn't and wouldn't dare uprise, just as mudsharks feel their niggers will never murder and decapitate them. It's an old story.

As recently as 25 or so years ago, no one could have foreseen the nigger and muzzie disaster that is taking place now thanks to enablers who seem not only willing but eager to destroy their own heritage and race in the name of Liberalism and social media points.

Ray Cizzums
09-11-2021, 12:27 PM
As recently as 25 or so years ago, no one could have foreseen the nigger and muzzie disaster that is taking place now thanks to enablers who seem not only willing but eager to destroy their own heritage and race in the name of Liberalism and social media points.
Growing up in the NYC area in the '60s and '70s, at the tail end of the "Cibbil rights" era, nigger hostility was at
all time highs. That translated into being attacked, whenever 3 or 4 to 1 odds were in their favor. Blundering into
the wrong neighborhood back then, would produce the results seen in the Johnny Quest outro, at the 1:45 mark.


Coon Club Road
09-11-2021, 10:00 PM
Ha! They have a fuckin' Hadji for good measure!

09-12-2021, 03:04 PM
I'm no fan of the CSA, those jerks could have kept slavery going for 30 years if they legally fought emancipation in Congress. But RE Lee was a 1000X better than that pile of nigger shit George Groyd.