View Full Version : Ireland is too cold, needs more gibs muh and has no gun violence says first ever african born Miss Ireland

Whitey Ford
09-08-2021, 06:52 PM
Miss Ireland Pamela Uba: 'The direct provision system needs to be revamped'

'I just remember landing here, feeling that it was colder, and being aware that there was no gun violence here'


As the first Black Miss Ireland, however, Pamela hadn't seen a contestant that looked like her before. It was even more of a reason to put herself forward for the title.

Pamela was born in South Africa and moved with her family to Ireland at the age of seven. She spent the next ten years living in direct provision with her mother and three younger siblings.

“I think Pamela is going to do a fantastic job representing Ireland at the Miss World final.”


09-08-2021, 07:54 PM
Whenever I hear about Ireland getting more fuxated I always think how many good hardworking people that country lost during the potato famine. They died or were sent to US, Australia, wherever. Actually all of Europe lost alot of whites during that period. They are really paying for it now.

09-08-2021, 08:21 PM
Niggers are being put on a pedestal in Ireland, of all places. There really is no hope. My ancestors (and by the way, I demand restitution for the treatment they received and virtual slavery they endured) must be rolling in torment in their graves.

“I think Pamela the Africoon nigger sow is going to do a fantastic job representing Ireland at the Miss World final.”

Dear Lord.

09-08-2021, 08:25 PM
I remember one man told me I had the map of Ireland all over my face. I guess that meant he could tell I was of Irish descent It's a shame. No country in Europe can keep their culture. Poland is trying and Hungary but they will fall sooner rather than later.

09-08-2021, 08:29 PM
Niggers are being put on a pedestal in Ireland, of all places. There really is no hope. My ancestors (and by the way, I demand restitution for the treatment they received and virtual slavery they endured) must be rolling in torment in their graves.

Dear Lord.
I read somewhere that the white Irish citizens of today don't identify with Irish immigrants from years ago that come back to visit. The one Irish guy says he identifies more with African Americans. He said they call us (Irish Americans) "plastic paddies". Which is fine. I get it. It's not like they have any connection to us and our ancestors left there 150 years ago. They will learn soon enough but by then it will be too late.

09-08-2021, 08:31 PM
I read somewhere that the white Irish citizens of today don't identify with Irish immigrants from years ago that come back to visit. The one Irish guy says he identifies more with African Americans. He said they call us (Irish Americans) "plastic paddies". Which is fine. I get it. It's not like they have any connection to us and our ancestors left there 150 years ago. They will learn soon enough but by then it will be too late.

Transport him to MLK Blvd at midnight and we'll see how much he identifies with the niggers.

09-08-2021, 08:39 PM
Transport him to MLK Blvd at midnight and we'll see how much he identifies with the niggers.

He sounded really clueless. Us Irish Americans were kind of taken aback like "Ok we don't want to bother you but our ancestors did live here." My great grandma was born there. The others came over during the "Great Famine". There is one Irish guy I talked to that said they should offer descendants of Irish that had to leave during the famine incentives to come back. That way they won't have to take as many Africans and muslims. You could tell the guy hated having the Africans there. He said he has suggested it many times to government.

09-08-2021, 10:07 PM
Ms Congo thinks its too cold in Ireland. Then go and float back to the hot jungle.

09-08-2021, 10:09 PM
I don't remember Irish women looking like primitive proto-orangutans.

09-08-2021, 11:55 PM
I don't remember Irish women looking like primitive proto-orangutans.

None of the women in my family do! :lol

Here are some Irish women whose voices are as beautiful as they are. They don't look anything like black-assed proto-simians:


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-09-2021, 12:53 AM
I don't remember Irish women looking like primitive proto-orangutans.

This shit's out of hand. As ridiculous as crowning a white lady "Miss Black America". Can't get much more Caucasian then our beautiful women of Ireland.

09-09-2021, 01:12 AM
Miss Ireland Pamela Uba: 'The direct provision system needs to be revamped'

'I just remember landing here, feeling that it was colder, and being aware that there was no gun violence here'



Glad for that photoshop. Surely, that chimp looks cuter than the nigger.

09-09-2021, 01:51 AM
Glad for that photoshop. Surely, that chimp looks cuter than the nigger.

No kidding, but obviously Affirmative Action thinks she's much prettier than all the Irish colleens. I see she's "Miss Bikini" too. Looks like a tranny here. Too bad she didn't rockfish.

09-09-2021, 03:51 AM
We was Ireland n sheeit
At last we found out how AIDS got to Ireland

09-09-2021, 04:47 AM
I just remember landing here, feeling that it was colder, and being aware that there was no gun violence here."

Well, you niggers sure fixed that shit didn't you?


Interesting side note here, the media plays the same tune no matter the country. Glock semiautomatic handguns are called "automatic" and "rapid fire" in this story to brainwash the uneducated masses, just as they are in America.

09-09-2021, 09:01 AM
I read somewhere that the white Irish citizens of today don't identify with Irish immigrants from years ago that come back to visit. The one Irish guy says he identifies more with African Americans. He said they call us (Irish Americans) "plastic paddies". Which is fine. I get it. It's not like they have any connection to us and our ancestors left there 150 years ago. They will learn soon enough but by then it will be too late. That makes no sense. How does a modern Irish man identify more with a mindless American nigger thug who barely speaks English than an Irish American? These idjits are just getting woke.

09-09-2021, 11:55 AM
That makes no sense. How does a modern Irish man identify more with a mindless American nigger thug who barely speaks English than an Irish American? These idjits are just getting woke.

I think that possibly (I could be wrong) he means he identifies with oppressed and cruelly treated nigger slaves which is probably most of what he hears about. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't identify with these "African Americans":


"I beez Irush 'n sheeiit!"


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-09-2021, 12:35 PM
No kidding, but obviously Affirmative Action thinks she's much prettier than all the Irish colleens. I see she's "Miss Bikini" too. Looks like a tranny here. Too bad she didn't rockfish.

Monkey in a bikini. Looks like a rotten banana.

Jim Crow
09-09-2021, 01:27 PM
Niggers are being put on a pedestal in Ireland, of all places. There really is no hope. My ancestors (and by the way, I demand restitution for the treatment they received and virtual slavery they endured) must be rolling in torment in their graves.

Dear Lord.

Truely disgraceful! with all the gorgeous redheaded Irish girls, they pick a filthy disgusting sheboon to represent them. Sickening!

Coon Club Road
09-09-2021, 01:46 PM
Transport him to MLK Blvd at midnight and we'll see how much he identifies with the niggers.

:rofl X 10

Coon Club Road
09-09-2021, 01:50 PM
That makes no sense. How does a modern Irish man identify more with a mindless American nigger thug who barely speaks English than an Irish American? These idjits are just getting woke.

That Irish man's daughter probably married a nigger and now he justifies her actions by knobbing nigger cock.

09-10-2021, 08:28 AM
That Irish man's daughter probably married a nigger and now he justifies her actions by knobbing nigger cock. Niggers rapidly turn everything ghetto.