View Full Version : Fire in the flat I live in plus my parents are non muslim muslims "radical" muslims

08-28-2021, 09:27 AM
3 weeks ago a fire broke out in the shitty flat I live in and I didnt know life could rape u this bad. wait is life under sharia at home and outside even life or death? I think its death. the Arab muslims ordered the flat to be emptied so everything was moved to another flat. a lot of stuff broke by their rough handling and a lot got stolen. I am assuming the shifters were muslim or muslim lovers like all the "non muslims" here. nightmare... I could not even sleep last night so I cant type the whole story out but the arab gov had this very trouble causing rule of not giving electricity until the flat was fully empty. our "watchman" was fucking praying in the fucking mosque when the fire happened he wasn't even there to hose the fucking fire down. cant write all the details down but my ptsd, stress, depression, anxiety and other symptoms of being abused/opressed just got worse.

My fucking parents are fucking enemies of freedom. They fucking think this muslim shithole we live in and sharia are so cool. fucking muslims not on paper but effectively same as muslims ... nightmare nightmare and the fucking Taliban took over the fcking Afghanistan at the same time I ran out of the burning apartment. no fire extinguishers, no sprinklers, no smoke detectors, no emergency lights (lights of room where ac was burning went out and so did corridor outside flat's lights - had to escape flat in the dark) in this shit building I wasted 20 years in... I am so fucking traumatized from all angles by so many ppl muslims, parents, other ppl who hate me etc... I didnt sleep much last night so I cant type more but maybe I'll add more details about how the muslims and my asshole parents who say inshaallah and hamdulilah turned a bad situation worse. seriously who fucking makes someone empty their goddamned flat before giving them electricity back? Arab muslims thats who, Arabs are such devout muslims. boycott Arabs and other muslims. they'll shill for Palestine only no matter how many fucking "Abraham accords" are signed

I came out wearing a short shorts only and it was so awful with all the people of the "neighborhood" staring at us. my whole face had gone black from the smoke it was exactly like blackface in such a nigger and muslim loving country... the hotel we went to on a muslim employee of the building's recommendation to my dad didnt even have room service and the she boon at the reception said we couldn't see the rooms before taking them cause its sealed and shit sheeit. I told my parents lets leave this place but they said no no other hotel has room service either. actually my dad said that he's the ultimate secret Taliban more islamic than bin laden even. and my mom just went along with him as usual. then I called another hotel from there and they said they have room service. but my mom and dad didnt agree to move to another hotel cause this one beez closer to the flat and shit sheeit. it beez easier to go supervise the muslim lovers working/destroying at the flat and shit sheeit. okay I as usual had to listen to them but imagine not even having room service I had to go get food from downstairs once or twice a day and had to wear a mask each time. there's a mask mandate here on paper but its not like ppl dont pull their masks down or off or wear them properly and some not at all and no one is caught by the pohlees. sharia Arab muslim pohlees. Arabs beez terrorists and shit but my dad is so corrupt and low class he's impressed by this country and its leaders. my mom is kind of impressed by them too. I wonder how awesome my life wud have been if my parents weren't terrorists and muslim tolerators.

My dad went to America in the 90s to supposedly make a way for us to settle there. instead of doing that he was whipping out 100$ bills in front of niggers. he's gandhian. all he could talk about after coming back was how the niggers were excelling in every field in America and americans beez racis and shit. I mean I cant describe the losses n non gains I have experienced cause parents were west phobes :(

There were a lot of niggers at the hotel wearing Cuba caps/t shirts...