View Full Version : Stock photos these days

08-25-2021, 06:09 PM
I came upon an article concerning parenting styles. This is the stock image used to represent the average, typical family - always a white woman delirious with joy over her Happy Ever After with her nigger buck. No one dares to say a word lest they be branded "rayciss" and drummed out of the human race.

Models and actors of course, since no one can find a real-life example of this happy bestiality, at least not one where the burner isn't sporting mudshark sunglasses or where the buck is not in NU:


08-25-2021, 06:58 PM
There's a reason that these stock photos and ads keep popping up everywhere. They work. They accomplish exactly what they are meant to accomplish and it's not about selling goods or services. They sell flawed ideas and we eat them up.

To see their effectiveness, one need look no further than everyday life.

I just returned from a quick trip to the pharmacy on base. I drove through base housing on my way and noticed all the young, mostly attractive white mommies lined up to get their kiddos off the screwull bus that I was stuck behind.

I'm sure you can guess what happened when the red stop sign popped out from the side of the bus.

The doors opened up and a dozen or so half breed snot nosed mutant sprogs jumped off running to their defiled formerly human mothers, half of which were obviously gravid with another round of societal buckshot in the barrel.

Do you think these women just woke up one day and decided to ditch everything their families, friends and their own eyes and ears taught them over the course of their lives?

No. They are brainwashed by the constant drip of sewer water into their eyes.

The picture above? Sewage!

Coon Town
08-25-2021, 09:32 PM
There's a reason that these stock photos and ads keep popping up everywhere. They work. They accomplish exactly what they are meant to accomplish and it's not about selling goods or services. They sell flawed ideas and we eat them up.

Nailed it. One of my hobbies is collecting old cameras. I recently came into possession of several vintage instant cameras and was looking for some film for them.

These are from the website of the original producer of the cameras. Rhymes with groid...kinda.

All part of operant conditioning.

08-26-2021, 03:59 PM
I came upon an article concerning parenting styles. This is the stock image used to represent the average, typical family - always a white woman delirious with joy over her Happy Ever After with her nigger buck. No one dares to say a word lest they be branded "rayciss" and drummed out of the human race.

Models and actors of course, since no one can find a real-life example of this happy bestiality, at least not one where the burner isn't sporting mudshark sunglasses or where the buck is not in NU:

https://i.imgur.com/IHJfBEX.pngOh my fucking god, my woke SJW sister-in-law had me put the exact same :mudshark picture on her woke website.

08-26-2021, 04:52 PM
Oh my fucking god, my woke SJW sister-in-law had me put the exact same picture on her woke website.

Seriously? Does she really not know, or has no one informed her that this is not real, and could NEVER be real but is models posing to represent a fantasy of desperate libtards determined to prove they aren't rayciss?

Did she believe the Huxtables were an accurate depiction of nigger fambly life too? :lol

08-26-2021, 10:27 PM
Seriously? Does she really not know, or has no one informed her that this is not real, and could NEVER be real but is models posing to represent a fantasy of desperate libtards determined to prove they aren't rayciss?

Did she believe the Huxtables were an accurate depiction of nigger fambly life too? :lolShe could have been Triggly Puff's mom except she's skinny as a rail.

Whitey Ford
08-29-2021, 06:23 PM
Ever go to Big Lots? Sometimes they have some good deals, too bad about the nigpropaganda.


Coon Club Road
08-30-2021, 11:37 AM
Ever go to Big Lots? Sometimes they have some good deals, too bad about the nigpropaganda.


Goddamn those niggers anyway!

I like Big Lots... but no more. Go woke, go broke!

Whitey Ford
08-30-2021, 08:27 PM
I just typed in 'stock photo' in Google Image Search. meh.


08-30-2021, 08:36 PM
Just today, I saw a white whale mudshark, and a Mexican mudshark. Shook my head on the first "couple". In the past, even plump women married human husbands, and never sharked for fear of their fathers. The next generation, even the parents think burning coal is normal, and having ugly brillo head grandchildren is ok. They don't think - daughter beaten or killed, grandchildren go to jail, lawyer's fees when necessary, and least of all, animal DNA in their bloodline!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-30-2021, 08:46 PM
I just typed in 'stock photo' in Google Image Search. meh.


:rofl A bunch of Nigger Woods type China Niggas.

08-30-2021, 11:15 PM
:rofl A bunch of Nigger Woods type China Niggas.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dat BEEZ sum funny sheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, maing!!

08-30-2021, 11:28 PM
I just typed in 'stock photo' in Google Image Search. meh.


Advertisers: "Hey, check out how cool we are! We eliminated stupid YT completely. After all they aren't the ones investing in stocks, buying new cars, applying for mortgages, doing online banking, or getting insurance, right? Therefore, there is no need to represent them in ads."

Seems YT can only be shown in late-night drug-pushing ads.