View Full Version : FBI ends “Black Identity Extremism” category to target ‘White’ January 6 Protesters

Whitey Ford
08-24-2021, 02:49 PM
Glowniggers suck!
Wray Deputy In Sordid Scandal Admitted That FBI Ended Its Black Extremism Category, Replaced It With Program Targeting ‘White’ January 6 Protesters


Jill C. Tyson, a top deputy to FBI Director Christopher Wray who played a key role in getting Wray confirmed to the FBI’s top post, admitted that the FBI totally deleted the entire “Black Identity Extremism” category for domestic terrorism after consultations with the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement (NOBLE), an organization funded by Coca-Cola and Walmart among others. The FBI then replaced the category with a new label, “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” (RMVE) which refers to people that Tyson refers to as “extremists who advocate violence in furtherance of a perceived superiority of the white race,” according to Jill C. Tyson’s letter to Democrat Congressman Bennie G. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Democrat Congressman Cedric Richmond. Tyson wrote her 2020 letter to the Democrats just four days after George Floyd’s death, at the beginning of nationwide black riots when an FBI “Black Identity Extremism” program might have come in handy.
That “RMVE” label is now being used to target January 6 election integrity protesters from the U.S. Capitol, according to a report funded by the Department of Homeland Security that urges Congress and the federal government to “create crimes of domestic terrorism” in response to January 6. So who is Jill C. Tyson, the woman who revealed the FBI’s anti-white policy? Jill C. Tyson is Wray’s Deputy Director for Congressional Affairs. She previously worked in the DOJ’s legislative affairs department and on Capitol Hill, and she is seen as an instrumental force who lobbied for Wray’s confirmation to the FBI director job.


08-24-2021, 10:02 PM
The FBI is just another government entity with well paid positions, enviable pensions and unchallengeable jobs for its finest sycophant. It is nothing more than a Nazi machine, terrorizing unlikely citizens in the name of their ardent string pullers. They have purchased the loyalty of their operatives and it's work is nothing more than a tool and machine for the world's wealthy underground leaders. It can be directed wherever it needs to go to fulfill their nefarious agenda.

I have no faith in any arm of the US government and see the whole regime as an industry against the people. The government demonstrates complete contempt with my tax dollars and distributes my earnings to oil its own wheels. The rot is too deep to salvage. We need to start again I'm afraid. The whole house of cards is about to fall and will be not too far from the crumbling of the old Soviet Union.

08-26-2021, 09:41 AM
So the animals who commit the most violent crimes in the US get a pass AGAIN!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-26-2021, 12:38 PM
So the animals who the most violent crimes in the US get a pass AGAIN!


08-29-2021, 12:47 AM
Diversionary tactic to keep masses focused away from how many illegal immigrants Biden is letting in