View Full Version : That's what I thought....

Blue Gum
08-22-2021, 11:50 AM
When the Trump supporters took on the crooks in DC in Washington in January, there was ONE individual shot and killed by police, a 30 something year old white woman, Air Force Veteran, as protesters tried to enter some hallway, Ashli, started to climb through a broken door pane(?), got maybe one leg through and was shot through the neck by a plains cloth DC Capitol police lieutenant standing approximately 6-10 feet away. It's my opinion IF youve seen the video that it was completely unnecessary, there were NO members of congress present at that site and in the video, there were 3 DC police officers guarding the door on the protesters side, they moved away from the door, and were NEVER physically assaulted by the protesters In the video.

The prosecutors refused to press charges and a great deal of no-reporting about the story followed,even the name of the police officer in question was never released, Ashli was Unarmed, in the video I think almost anyone would agree it was a blatant misuse of police force, so I wondered why it was covered up so quickly, my first thought was, here you have an attractive white woman shot dead, why did they close it up so quickly? I thought, I'll bet it was a nigger cop that shot her, so I found out recently That it was indeed a nigger cop that shot her and in the background of said video behind the nigger cop are1-2 more plainclothes police standing around, No guns drawn and not seeming to be too terribly worried.

I hope her husband can get justice if only through a civil suit, the fucking stinking nigger in usual nigger fashion Over reacted. I'll bet the nigger enjoyed murdering a white woman.

Well whatever side of the January Trump supporters clash at the Capitol you're on, she was the ONLY person shot and killed that day, and a stinking nigger did it. Let me say; I'm Not anti-police, But I am anti-nigger, even if the nigger is a cop. I dont trust niggers Period. Whatever position the nigger happens to be in.

IF you can find the video somewhere, check it out, and I'll bet you anything that if it was a white cop that shot a nigger coming through like this? It would've been all over the news and the cop would've been arrested.

08-23-2021, 11:20 PM
I feel like there’s a few people pulling the strings in the media and Michael Bloomberg is one of them. His agenda is gun control. I think there’s like 6 people who own all American media and you have all owners steering the county with social control creating select buzz where they report only certain things and not others in a certain way. They spin it in a certain way to encourage outrage especially if your not paying full attention kind of like when they showed Trevon Martins baby picture when he got shot while trespassing and didn’t tell the complete story. Another example is when that ape Retard Brooks fell asleep drunk in an Apelanta Wendy’s drive through while drunk and then fought the cops and stole and fired a taser at the officers leaving the police no choice but to shoot back killing him. What were they supposed to do let a drunk man that assaulted police officers loose in the middle of the night with a stolen taser so he could carjack someone and get in a wreck and kill innocent people? This capitol story is no different you have this young unarmed veteran walking through an getting shot and killed but, they spun the story in the opposite direction making her into the villain. This is pure social control. Will everyone fall for it? Let’s hope not. The last year and a half brought me here and really opened my eyes. Let’s hope there’s more silent majority who still gives a shit and gets these bastards out of office.

08-25-2021, 12:08 AM
Yes yes thank for bringing this up. Ive long suspected the shooter was a black. DC is
Like Coon Town USA.

08-25-2021, 08:27 AM
Yes yes thank for bringing this up. Ive long suspected the shooter was a black. DC is
Like Coon Town USA.

A white cop might have been defended as "in fear for his life" or "a hero defending himself and Congressional staff."

Democrats know there's a lot of nigger fatigue, though. They can't admit it was a nigger that shot a white woman, as proud as they are of it.

Blue Gum
08-26-2021, 09:10 PM
Sure as shit, just found out it was a nigger that shot unarmed 5'2" 125lb Ashli, just saw a portion of an interview the nigger cop, Michael Byrd, was giving to that piece of shit nigger Lester Holt...the cop said it was in fear of its life and "just doing my job" ...remember that as much as went on that day a d all the confrontations with cops that day, many much more physical than a small white woman with one leg through a broken glass window, shot and killed by a nigger cop who was probably at least 10 feet away from her...its TOTALLY Disgusting....that nigger needs to step out in front of a speeding bus.....

Jim Crow
08-27-2021, 07:45 AM
The nigger cop who shot and murdered Babitt in cold blood was exonerated recently. Which is fucking wrong! If it were the other way around, the white cop would end up being a cell mate to Derek Chauvin.Babbitts family is going to civil court soon. I’ll be surprised to see if they get any money.

Coon Club Road
08-27-2021, 10:12 AM
"... just saw a portion of an interview the nigger cop, Michael Byrd, was giving to that piece of shit nigger Lester Holt..."

Lester Fucking Dolt.

(dolt /dōlt/... a stupid person)

What an irritating little piece of shit.

Looking forward to the day he gets his batwings!

Tell it like it is
08-29-2021, 08:35 AM
I, too was outraged at how the libtards played this murderous nigger as a hero. Seemed proud to have killed an unarmed woman who was only trespassing to protest the election fraud.Nigger says it was doing its job and defending the congress from terrorist.What a joke...half of congress IS terrorists.Wonder if this weak ads bitch would have been so eager to hand out justice if confronted by REAL terrorists, like the saint Floyd "protesters".Just more proof of the double standard for these useless animals.