View Full Version : Nigger quit its job and claims it's homeless, but it's living in free hotel rooms and has gotten $83K on GibsMeDat

08-21-2021, 10:38 PM
Every time I hear a story like this, I get pissed. I get pissed at the niggers, and I get pissed at the niggerlovers when there are plenty of deserving humans who are struggling with actual diseases, unlike this lying nigger.

These niggers got $83K? What should happen is the IRS swooping in to get the money as small reparations for niggers on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid.

Michael Walker and his wife, Willa Strong, have been living out of hotel rooms as he battles kidney disease and struggles to provide for their three daughters – Rukiya, 16, Niara, 14, and Adia, 12, all of whom are autistic.

In an interview Saturday, Strong told Fox News that her husband has to undergo treatment three days a week, taking him away from his family for 4 to 5 hours each time.

The Roswell couple has been struggling to find an apartment due to their suddenly shaky credit. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, Walker left his job at Walmart because, if infected, he faces a high risk of serious illness or death.

"Every time a challenge comes up, we say, ‘Well, what’s the best thing to do?' And we move forward from there," Strong told Fox News.

So far, their GoFundMe page has raised more than $83,000 with more than 2,500 donations. The goal for the family is $250,000.


The nigger has a few hours of treatment each week. Wow, life can be so tough. And it quit its job so it wouldn't get sick? Total nigger lie.

That nigger looks ready to muh dikk and murder in the second picture. Who the hell takes a selfie looking so angry?



Odin's balls
08-22-2021, 06:40 AM
How can they tell that the three future felon factories are autistic?

All niggers sound and act retarded.

08-22-2021, 04:34 PM
I was talking about autism with a co-worker one day, and the niggeress in the cubicle next over started ooking how "Muh son be autistic." It was 12 years old and couldn't read. That's not "autistic" by any clinical standard, and illiteracy is actually normal for niggers.

08-24-2021, 02:54 AM
As someone in the medical field, I can tell you this: While autism is real, it is a human condition and therefore does not apply to nigger apes. Niggers are always claiming that their sprogs have autism because they think it'll exempt them from having to follow rules.

P.S. Fox News is just as niggerloving as CNN. Not really a surprise, since both are owned by the same (ahem) people.

08-29-2021, 12:43 PM
if you're not flagged with some ' abnormal ' condition now, being ' normal ' is actually abnormal. The world is doomed until operation clean up begins.