View Full Version : Old Navy gets with the New Agenda

08-20-2021, 10:56 PM
Overeaters Anonymous with gargantuan sowpotomi front and center are now models that we should strive to emulate so we too can drop dead at 40 from heart attacks, still clutching our last KFC chiggun piece in our sausage fingers.


08-20-2021, 11:23 PM
That should hasten their retail stores demise.

Jim Crow
08-21-2021, 07:56 AM
There was a time when airline stewardesses and models were required to be slim,in shape and attractive. Now transgenders can be a stewardess. And a fat ugly sowapotomus can be a super model. How times have changed…. For the fucking worse! Fucking liberals are ruining the world!

SC Anemia
08-21-2021, 10:48 AM
There was a time when airline stewardesses and models were required to be slim,in shape and attractive. Now transgenders can be a stewardess.

If you already know or research a bit, it's almost embarrassing the way stewardesses were screened and hired.
Pan Am were the worst offenders who actually made them weigh-in (literally) and closely monitored their fitness, dress size and how they spent their free time while not at work. Just to start, they had and incredibly narrow age range. 30 seems to be the retirement age at the time. They were also expected to be single and childless.

So I have a history lesson for the next feminazi that doesn't approve of my use of 'stewardess' and insists upon flight attendant. I'm making progress on that front and have personally found that they prefer stewardess over sky bitch.

BTW, last time I flew, my sky bitch was most assuredly past her 'sell by' date. I believe she may have worked aboard Lindbergh's plane.

Ray Cizzums
08-21-2021, 01:31 PM
If you already know or research a bit, it's almost embarrassing the way stewardesses were screened and hired.
Pan Am were the worst offenders who actually made them weigh-in (literally) and closely monitored their fitness, dress size and how they spent their free time while not at work. Just to start, they had and incredibly narrow age range. 30 seems to be the retirement age at the time. They were also expected to be single and childless. So I have a history lesson for the next feminazi that doesn't approve of my use of 'stewardess' and insists upon flight attendant. I'm making progress on that front and have personally found that they prefer stewardess over sky bitch.
Being a stewardess was a glamour job back then, and the travel perks were a reward for being fit and attractive.
But it also made financial sense, not having to haul excess weight, and sacrifice cabin space unnecessarily.
Being called a "Flight attendant" is similar to a men's room or locker room attendant. It's a perfect moniker for the
almost-always-gay male sky bitch, who's "swinging lifestyle" spread AIDS from Africa, all over the world.
:bugeye 16800

SC Anemia
08-21-2021, 01:54 PM
. It's a perfect moniker for the
almost-always-gay male sky bitch, who's "swinging lifestyle" spread AIDS from Africa, all over the world.
:bugeye 16800

Oh it's a forgone conclusion that if your flight attendant is a male, you might want to scrutinize whatever food and drinks he hands you. Odds are likely that those hands have had a dik in them just prior to the flight and that dik...not his own.

Ray Cizzums
08-21-2021, 01:58 PM
Overeaters Anonymous with gargantuan sowpotomi front and center are now models that we should strive to emulate so we too can drop dead at 40 from heart attacks, still clutching our last KFC chiggun piece in our sausage fingers.

Old Navy were one of the first woketurd companies to pair black bucks with pretty blondes in their ad campaigns.
They did it 10 years ago, and even featured the mulatta mongrel offspring of such bestial couplings. That was back
when you could contact companies by email, and I told them my wife wouldn't be shopping there again, as a result
of their race mixing agenda. I got a sickening "Old Navy wants to welcome everyone, for a fun shopping experience"
horseshit response. I shot back with "Your advocacy of miscegenation has resulted in many white women, and their
pathetic half-breed children, being abandoned, with no hope of a future stable relationship or support". No smarmy,
canned public relations garbage retort was forthcoming. They head off these exchanges now, by not having any
way to contact the company, other than by stamped mail. You know damn well they shit-can most of that.

08-21-2021, 02:43 PM
Old Navy were one of the first woketurd companies to pair black bucks with pretty blondes in their ad campaigns.
They did it 10 years ago, and even featured the mulatta mongrel offspring of such bestial couplings. That was back
when you could contact companies by email, and I told them my wife wouldn't be shopping there again, as a result
of their race mixing agenda. I got a sickening "Old Navy wants to welcome everyone, for a fun shopping experience"
horseshit response. I shot back with "Your advocacy of miscegenation has resulted in many white women, and their
pathetic half-breed children, being abandoned, with no hope of a future stable relationship or support". No smarmy,
canned public relations garbage retort was forthcoming. They head off these exchanges now, by not having any
way to contact the company, other than by stamped mail. You know damn well they shit-can most of that.

So I see. Also the horrible "racist" reactions they got were ignored.

They expect people to believe this what life is like when you consort with your sweet sweet nigger buck?


Not even facts that we all know are true could sway them. One commenter:

"97% of women with children by black male partners get ZERO financial help from their partner," punctuating his tweet with the hashtag "#fact."

Another person called the ad "disgusting" and asked Old Navy why it was trying to "force" black-white intermarriage onto people.

An Old Navy spokesperson told Fortune (http://fortune.com/2016/05/02/old-navy-interracial-ad/) that the retailer is proud of its message of "diversity and inclusion."
Old Navy was not immediately available for comment when Mic reached out.


Beta cucks get their turns too. Naturally, they're actors. Good luck finding real burners and drillers this happy.

Actors portray a biracial family in an ad for the Old Navy clothing retailer. (Courtesy Old Navy)

A happy interracial family hugging each other while wearing apparel from clothing retailer Old Navy. A smiling Black man giving his white girlfriend an engagement ring in a State Farm insurance ad. And a biracial couple and their kids on a road trip in a vehicle made by Hyundai.

These are among the increasing number of advertisements selling everything from cereal to prescription drugs that portray the American family in ways few companies and advertising agencies would have dared a generation ago.

More than 50 years after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws banning interracial marriage, a growing number of ads feature interracial couples with biracial children.

In Alexandria, Virginia, Kelly Thalman, who is white and a single mother to a biracial child, is glad to see the trend.

well, of course, she's a "single mother". Anyone who spreads for a nigger - sow or burner - is a single mother. And yet, she feels these fake celebrations of bestiality are just great. She's too damned stupid to even see the laughable irony.



08-21-2021, 03:38 PM
There was a time when airline stewardesses and models were required to be slim,in shape and attractive. Now transgenders can be a stewardess. And a fat ugly sowapotomus can be a super model. How times have changed…. For the fucking worse! Fucking liberals are ruining the world!
I hear you, nowadays human women think that "tall, dark, and handsome" is referring to niggers. That context is way off.

08-21-2021, 05:30 PM
So I have a history lesson for the next feminazi that doesn't approve of my use of 'stewardess' and insists upon flight attendant. I'm making progress on that front and have personally found that they prefer stewardess over sky bitch.


And just how hard were you slapped to correction by your stewardethss femboid?


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-22-2021, 01:10 PM
Being a stewardess was a glamour job back then, and the travel perks were a reward for being fit and attractive.
But it also made financial sense, not having to haul excess weight, and sacrifice cabin space unnecessarily.
Being called a "Flight attendant" is similar to a men's room or locker room attendant. It's a perfect moniker for the
almost-always-gay male sky bitch, who's "swinging lifestyle" spread AIDS from Africa, all over the world.
:bugeye 16800

If you already know or research a bit, it's almost embarrassing the way stewardesses were screened and hired.
Pan Am were the worst offenders who actually made them weigh-in (literally) and closely monitored their fitness, dress size and how they spent their free time while not at work. Just to start, they had and incredibly narrow age range. 30 seems to be the retirement age at the time. They were also expected to be single and childless.

So I have a history lesson for the next feminazi that doesn't approve of my use of 'stewardess' and insists upon flight attendant. I'm making progress on that front and have personally found that they prefer stewardess over sky bitch.

BTW, last time I flew, my sky bitch was most assuredly past her 'sell by' date. I believe she may have worked aboard Lindbergh's plane.

Sky Bitch. Love it.:rofl

Coon Town
08-24-2021, 02:38 PM
While all of this nigger-loving, commie, SJW bullshit sickens me to my core, it also makes me glad that Playboy is no longer in print. I'd hate to see that on the news stand with some sowpotamus, or tranny on the cover.

08-26-2021, 07:55 PM
That isn't good enough for this landwhale, she is "infinifat" and apparently topped the scales at over 500 lbs at one point. According to this beast, it is discrimination that she can't get an MRI because she can't fit in the machine.


08-26-2021, 08:09 PM
While all of this nigger-loving, commie, SJW bullshit sickens me to my core, it also makes me glad that Playboy is no longer in print. I'd hate to see that on the news stand with some sowpotamus, or tranny on the cover.

Sadly, this chick-with-dick was on the cover the second ol' Hef went toes-up. I guess they think normal men will lust after some guy's ass.


08-26-2021, 08:17 PM
That isn't good enough for this landwhale, she is "infinifat" and apparently topped the scales at over 500 lbs at one point. According to this beast, it is discrimination that she can't get an MRI because she can't fit in the machine.


They can send the fat bitch to the equine vet for the MRI. She weighs as much as a good-sized Shetland pony.

I needed an MRI not too long ago. Someone from the hospital called me about a week before my appointment to ask me my height and weight. I told her and was puzzled about why I was asked this. I soon realized after hearing about all these "Fat activists" (Haha! Their activity consists of going from fridge to sofa and bitching and reeing online) that they needed to know if I would fit in the machine!

Imagine being such a greedy glutton you eat yourself into such a state of obesity you can't fit into medical equipment! There was enough room in mine for two of me.

Ray Cizzums
08-26-2021, 10:57 PM
I needed an MRI not too long ago. Someone from the hospital called me about a week before my appointment to ask me my height and weight. I told her and was puzzled about why I was asked this. I soon realized after hearing about all these "Fat activists" (Haha! Their activity consists of going from fridge to sofa and bitching and reeing online) that they needed to know if I would fit in the machine!
That hospital had plenty of fatties that didn't fit in the machine, no doubt, but they at least were trying to avoid what
happened when I showed up. The operator started motoring me in, and says "Uh oh". My shoulders were too wide.
Anyone could figure that out in advance. He wanted to reschedule me for the open MRI, but I scrunched up and
made it in. It felt like when I got stuck in a culvert pipe on an Army obstacle course. They didn't have a motorized
table in that pipe however.

Coon Town
08-27-2021, 12:53 AM
Sadly, this chick-with-dick was on the cover the second ol' Hef went toes-up. I guess they think normal men will lust after some guy's ass.


Blech! Good thing I stopped reading it back in 2005.

Coon Club Road
08-27-2021, 12:32 PM
Blech! Good thing I stopped reading it back in 2005.

I wasn't aware Playboy was no longer in print... but if it was, that would be the last copy I'd buy if it had some dickless faggot in it.

And old Hugh is undoubtedly rolling in his grave!