View Full Version : Nigger TV commercials

Blue Gum
08-16-2021, 05:58 PM
It's getting worse and worse....tv commercials are becoming saturated with niggers....Its like 4 out of 5 commercials are 2/3rds niggers....stinking nigger animals....

Coon Club Road
08-17-2021, 12:03 AM
It's getting worse and worse....tv commercials are becoming saturated with niggers....Its like 4 out of 5 commercials are 2/3rds niggers....stinking nigger animals....

There was a recent thread pertaining to the last 4 months of television commercial demographics.

Niggers, niggers and more niggers on TV summed it up.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-17-2021, 12:15 AM
Yea, the joke will be on us all, when they make up 2/3 of the population as well. It will be a nigger shitshow. Trash will be on every street, lil skeleton nigger kids will roam free begging for wowdamelm. We are fucked. Just send the commercial to Japan now asking for 25 cents a day to feed a starving nigger.

Jim Crow
08-17-2021, 07:52 AM
A DVR allows you to skip commercials, are used to skip commercials before they started pandering to niggers!

08-17-2021, 08:52 AM
there has been a complete abstinence of white folk from TV for a while now. There is clearly a central plan to devalue and demoralize white people. I NEVER turn the TV on any more as it's clearly become nothing more than a political enforcing machine. You seriously have to be mentally ill to watch these commercials with their exclusive nigger content day after day, week after week. It's all designed as a mind status altering campaign. The gullible I'm afraid are part of the problem - and I'd have no issue with exporting the humans that refuse to comply alongside the niggers.

Coon Club Road
08-17-2021, 07:48 PM
A DVR allows you to skip commercials, are used to skip commercials before they started pandering to niggers!

Yep we do the same thing out on Coon Club Road.

We record everything, watching nothing live, fast forwarding through the commercials.

We used to have Direct TV until a few years ago when we suddenly began receiving a message "This Function Not Permitted" when attempting to fast forward through some commercials.

Direct TV was immediately shit canned (with detailed explanation left upon cancelation) and replaced with Dish Network, which still allows commercials to be skipped.

You also save your valuable time by watching one hour shows in about 40 minutes.

08-17-2021, 07:54 PM
Yep we do the same thing out on Coon Club Road.

We record everything, watching nothing live, fast forwarding through the commercials.

We used to have Direct TV until a few years ago when we suddenly began receiving a message "This Function Not Permitted" when attempting to fast forward through some commercials.

Direct TV was immediately shit canned (with detailed explanation left upon cancelation) and replaced with Dish Network, which still allows commercials to be skipped.

You also save your valuable time by watching one hour shows in about 40 minutes.

All I watch now are YouSpook all human programs and BBC iPlayer where I can pick the programs that I want to see that are coon free. Even BBC countryside programs are presented by niggers now. The assault on whiteness can not continue. Watched Oklahoma the original R&H 1958 movie the other day. Beautiful nigger free music and acting. How ever did we get by without the black plague ?

Coon Club Road
08-17-2021, 08:44 PM
How ever did we get by without the black plague ?

Lord knows!

Mrs. CCR is famous for dozing off with the remote... essentially forcing me to watch commercials unless I pat her down and recover the remote.

Tonight, she was out pretty quickly and I actually saw 3 totally nigger free commercials! I thought we were going for 4, however a pop up spook popped up 2/3rds of the way through #4.

Things may be looking up!

08-18-2021, 10:13 AM
Direct TV was immediately shit canned (with detailed explanation left upon cancelation) and replaced with Dish Network, which still allows commercials to be skipped.

You also save your valuable time by watching one hour shows in about 40 minutes.

Screw those con artists at DTV, and I'm not sure DN is much better. We signed up for two years of an low introductory rate, which they said "didn't apply" when they hiked our rates after one year. We canceled and told them to shove it.

I've been meaning to get something like a Tivo, or set up an old PC. It really is so much nicer to wait a little and skip commercials. Years ago when I used to watch an occasional Jets or Giants game (a test of true optimism), it was great to start a game halfway through, then finish around the same time it was ending.

Coon Club Road
08-18-2021, 12:19 PM
Screw those con artists at DTV, and I'm not sure DN is much better. We signed up for two years of an low introductory rate, which they said "didn't apply" when they hiked our rates after one year. We canceled and told them to shove it.

I've been meaning to get something like a Tivo, or set up an old PC. It really is so much nicer to wait a little and skip commercials. Years ago when I used to watch an occasional Jets or Giants game (a test of true optimism), it was great to start a game halfway through, then finish around the same time it was ending.

I too am currently getting ass raped as my promotional offer has ended.

I'd rather pay more to avoid commercials though.

Jubal Early
08-18-2021, 08:04 PM
I dont understand how these minorities do it.
Knock down NYC trade towers and suddenly
The muslims and dune coons in general get respect and media coverage.

Blacks riot, burn cities and destroy billions
In property and productivity and they are
Suddenly way over exposed in advertising

Coon Club Road
08-19-2021, 12:55 PM
I dont understand how these minorities do it.
Knock down NYC trade towers and suddenly
The muslims and dune coons in general get respect and media coverage.

Blacks riot, burn cities and destroy billions
In property and productivity and they are
Suddenly way over exposed in advertising

The brainwashing of white kids in school that nigger equality is OK has been pounded into their heads for so long, it as followed them to adulthood and are our nations leaders and policy makers now.

Smarter niggers suddenly got a pass as far as employment opportunities they had never seen before while the rest of the niggers are still niggers living out of our wallets.

Goddamn those niggers anyway! Whoever imported them and gave them shoes really fucked up!