View Full Version : Niglet murders its shiter-outer at Zoom meet !!

08-13-2021, 09:17 AM
Here's your Friday feel good story folks ! A sow was in da crib doing a Zoom meet and its spawned shitlet shot it dead live !!


“Investigators determined that the injury was caused by a toddler who found a loaded handgun, which was left unsecured by an adult in the apartment,” the statement

We need to award that little hood rat with a special CO accolade.....the " he a good boi " trophy !

08-13-2021, 10:51 AM
21 and already shat out two niglets. It's best that the "toddler" shut that shit down.

Shamaya Lynn, 21, was on the conference call

Yeah, I can imagine what kind of conference that was - virtual porn for money.
"Shamaya" doesn't look like she was the type to be engaged in any legit business. :lol


SC Anemia
08-13-2021, 11:00 AM
I would almost pay to see that zoom video. Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing?

All the nigger gunfire there is, all the 'spray and pray', not a single nigger in the world couldn't hit water shooting from a boat and this little fucker x-rings it's mammy on the first try. Nice shootin' Tex.


08-13-2021, 11:50 AM
21 and already shat out two niglets. It's best that the "toddler" shut that shit down.

Yeah, I can imagine what kind of conference that was - virtual porn for money.
"Shamaya" doesn't look like she was the type to be engaged in any legit business. :lol


on the phone with welfare for sure... " wiz muh motha fukkin sheeit at an shhhit? "

08-13-2021, 12:49 PM
Yeah, I can imagine what kind of conference that was - virtual porn for money.

I would almost pay to see that zoom video. Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing?

I just read this on Fox and still can't stop laughing myself. But if Ise is right, that's a video I couldn't be paid enough to see. Who knows how it was muh poosieing itself. Maybe with the older niglet?

08-13-2021, 01:03 PM
I would almost pay to see that zoom video. Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing?

All the nigger gunfire there is, all the 'spray and pray', not a single nigger in the world couldn't hit water shooting from a boat and this little fucker x-rings it's mammy on the first try. Nice shootin' Tex.


Seriously, right in the coconut! I don't think I could do as well my first time out. :lol

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-13-2021, 08:35 PM
I would almost pay to see that zoom video. Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing?

All the nigger gunfire there is, all the 'spray and pray', not a single nigger in the world couldn't hit water shooting from a boat and this little fucker x-rings it's mammy on the first try. Nice shootin' Tex.


I wish I could rec this shit TWICE!

Ray Cizzums
08-13-2021, 08:51 PM
21 and already shat out two niglets. It's best that the "toddler" shut that shit down.

That nasty hood rat mammy's voice was getting on the turdler's nerves, and he was holding the means
to stop it, once and for all. This kid should get his marksman badge, from the African Boy Scouts.

Coon Town
08-13-2021, 09:07 PM
Bye bye, sowrilla. Say hello to oblivion for me. Batwinged by her own turdler. I bet Daddy is so proud. I do wonder if the little shitbeast held the gun sideways tho.


SC Anemia
08-13-2021, 09:16 PM
Who knows how it was muh poosieing itself.

Just guessing here. :lol


SC Anemia
08-13-2021, 09:20 PM
I do wonder if the little shitbeast held the gun sideways tho.


Why do niggers hold their guns sideways?

Because that's the way they came out of the box. :lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-13-2021, 09:59 PM
I would almost pay to see that zoom video. Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing?

All the nigger gunfire there is, all the 'spray and pray', not a single nigger in the world couldn't hit water shooting from a boat and this little fucker x-rings it's mammy on the first try. Nice shootin' Tex.


:lol already a better shot than 99% of all niggers. Poosy factory closed and we are all thankful to lil Tyrone for that.

08-13-2021, 11:43 PM
Just guessing here. :lol


That is particularly disgusting. And whyfo she gots all dem WHITE dildoes? Now I"m actually feeling sorry for sex toys. If they had legs they'd run away.

Full clip
08-14-2021, 07:24 PM
LMAO - talk about 'Make my Day'....