View Full Version : Pro paintball player properly calls out nigger: no need for a vaccine, but a treadmill

08-11-2021, 06:49 PM
A Team USA Women's Paintball athlete has been permanently suspended from the professional group after she said in a since-deleted viral TikTok that a teenager hospitalized with COVID-19 needed "a fucking treadmill" instead of a vaccine.

The video shows Maiolo reacting to an "ABC World News Tonight" segment that aired on Thursday, August 5, that addressed rising COVID-19 cases in the United States, particularly among children. It included an interview with a 17-year-old football player who was hospitalized with COVID-19 in Florida and his mother, who said they regretted not taking the vaccine.

"Ma'am, your kid does not need a COVID shot," Maiolo says in the video. "Your kid needs a fucking treadmill. That's what he needs."


Die already, niggers. They've sucked up enough oxygen already, not to mention buckets of KFC every night.


Then that anti-"disinformation" crusader claims Maiolo isn't "qualified to speak on public health issues," like that coddler bitch is more qualified than anyone else. She's the kind I hope gets muh dikked and torn apart by the niggers she loves, and then we send the niggers to Ol' Sparky after being useful for once.


Coon Club Road
08-12-2021, 12:39 AM
She needs to be stripped of that paint ball gun bullshit, issued an AR-15 with plenty of "paint balls", then sent to the ghetto to sweep the streets.

SC Anemia
08-12-2021, 01:45 AM
Die already, niggers. They've sucked up enough oxygen already, not to mention buckets of KFC every night.

That's some funny stuff right there "a treadmill". And you're right, they already steal way too much oxygen. Also how many stories have we read over the years about some defective sprog getting a heart transplant or some other ridiculously elaborate medical intervention on the taxpayers dime because mammy is a leeching welfare sow?

Meanwhile decent humans are going bankrupt trying to pay for lifesaving measures for their children?

I'm with you, just fuckin die already parasites.

Jim Crow
08-12-2021, 07:43 AM
I guess the liberal cancel culture club canceled freedom of speech to!

08-12-2021, 08:27 AM
That's some funny stuff right there "a treadmill". And you're right, they already steal way too much oxygen. Also how many stories have we read over the years about some defective sprog getting a heart transplant or some other ridiculously elaborate medical intervention on the taxpayers dime because mammy is a leeching welfare sow?

Meanwhile decent humans are going bankrupt trying to pay for lifesaving measures for their children?

I'm with you, just fuckin die already parasites.

Remember that nigger "teen" with drug problems that was denied a heart transplant, then got it after the Lame Stream Media played up the sob story? Then it died, 17 years old, in a high-speed car chase. A God damn car chase. What human died waiting when it could have had that heart?

Flash forward two years: Stokes on Tuesday afternoon crashed a stolen car while being pursued by police in Roswell, Georgia, department spokeswoman Lisa Holland told NBC News. Firefighters got him out of the car, and he later died at a hospital.

Holland said Stokes is linked to a home break-in that happened before the crash. She said an 81-year-old woman reported that a person had entered her house wearing a mask and fired gunshots at her.

That intruder then sped off in a black car, evading the police who responded to the scene, according to neighbors. Authorities then spotted the car, ran the license plate and found it was stolen. A pursuit ensued. A couple miles into the chase, the car apparently lost control, hit a pedestrian and crashed, Holland said.


08-12-2021, 10:42 AM
I guess the liberal cancel culture club canceled freedom of speech to!

Even when that speech is 100% true - a 17-year-old should not be a fat sack of shit - don't say it if it might insult niggers, trannies, gays, the morbidly obese or anyone besides straight, white males. It's open season on them.

Jim Crow
08-12-2021, 02:53 PM
Even when that speech is 100% true - a 17-year-old should not be a fat sack of shit - don't say it if it might insult niggers, trannies, gays, the morbidly obese or anyone besides straight, white males. It's open season on them.

The liberal cancel culture cocksuckers are 100% against facts.They want to cancel and hide the truth.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-14-2021, 03:15 AM
Remember that nigger "teen" with drug problems that was denied a heart transplant, then got it after the Lame Stream Media played up the sob story? Then it died, 17 years old, in a high-speed car chase. A God damn car chase. What human died waiting when it could have had that heart?


Good choice for a heart transplant. A nigger teen with a drug problem. "He gonna turn he life around if he gets the chance. He beez a aspiring rapper". Oofah! You're so right. Some deserving human kid could have received that heart and actually APPRECIATED the second chance at life. Not the nigger though. Just thought of it as a second chance to continue its criminal career. There's a reason drug addicts aren't considered for these transplants. It's not worth the risk of wasting the organ on someone who will just abuse it. Nigger privilege. SMH

08-14-2021, 08:38 AM
That nigger whale is enormous. When was the last time it exercised? Probably when it went to buy more pork.

Coon Club Road
08-14-2021, 11:06 AM
That nigger whale is enormous. When was the last time it exercised? Probably when it went to buy more pork.

And a foadie ouncer of malt likka to wash those rinds down.

Ray Cizzums
08-14-2021, 12:04 PM
Even when that speech is 100% true - a 17-year-old should not be a fat sack of shit - don't say it if it might insult niggers, trannies, gays, the morbidly obese or anyone besides straight, white males. It's open season on them.

"Fat shaming" is just another installment in the leftist's endless list of no-no's, in an effort to protect their
blubberous minority pets, mudsharks, and other undesirables like Micheal Moore.
16680 :bugeye

08-14-2021, 04:53 PM
"Fat shaming" is just another installment in the leftist's endless list of no-no's, in an effort to protect their
blubberous minority pets, mudsharks, and other undesirables like Micheal Moore.
16680 :bugeye

Look at the hamhock arms on that sow! She should be shamed for being such damned greedy glutton. I don't believe in diets and eat whatever I want, but do believe "Everything in moderation." If you are so out of control you gobble down everything in sight and work your way up to 400lbs to the point of being unable to walk and needing a scooty chair to get around, shaming is the only thing that might work.

Ray Cizzums
08-14-2021, 06:10 PM
If you are so out of control you gobble down everything in sight and work your way up to 400lbs to the point of being unable to walk and needing a scooty chair to get around, shaming is the only thing that might work.
:) A "Scooty chair" !
Those things really irritate me, ever since high school. A rich kid from our town got a speedboat for his birthday,
and paralyzed himself. He started out in a wheelchair, ending up in a motorized contraption as he got fatter and
more obnoxious. He'd mow down anyone who didn't jump out of his way when hallways filled between classes,
putting a couple of kids in the hospital. He finally hit one of the jock's hot girlfriends, and ended up pinned in a
stairwell with his scooty chair on top of him. The dam broke after that, and he'd eat punches in the halls. I saw
a motorized Walmart buffarilla in a video that I definitely would have punched.

08-14-2021, 06:45 PM
:) A "Scooty chair" !
Those things really irritate me, ever since high school. A rich kid from our town got a speedboat for his birthday,
and paralyzed himself. He started out in a wheelchair, ending up in a motorized contraption as he got fatter and
more obnoxious. He'd mow down anyone who didn't jump out of his way when hallways filled between classes,
putting a couple of kids in the hospital. He finally hit one of the jock's hot girlfriends, and ended up pinned in a
stairwell with his scooty chair on top of him. The dam broke after that, and he'd eat punches in the halls. I saw
a motorized Walmart buffarilla in a video that I definitely would have punched.

What bugs me are the scootypuff crowd who can now claim obesity to be a disability and probably get their fat wagons for free. I just don't get how they can afford enough food to create 400+lbs of blubber when none of these landwhales work.

This should just be euthanized, for the good for all who have to see and support it:


Ray Cizzums
08-14-2021, 07:58 PM
This should just be euthanized, for the good for all who have to see and support it:


Jeebus H Christ, WTF am I looking at here ? Yikes !
I remember when the African Hindenberg was craned onto a flatbed by the NYCFD.
She was 910 pounds of ugly fat, all paid for by hard working taxpayers, including the hospital suite with 6' wide
doors, the 1000 pound test electric bed, and god-only-knows who engineered the 10 gallon bed pan. She said “I keep trying to move my legs but I just can’t do it . . . I don’t know when this occurred, believe me. I have a loss of appetite,” Bowman said — in spite of the chicken leg in her hand and an unwrapped turkey sandwich beside her bed. God help us all....
:bugeye 16693


08-14-2021, 09:39 PM
I see a fair share of obese humans in the motorized shopping carts, but niggers are "disproportionately represented" in that they're easily half of the users. It's been a while since I've seen this particularly disgusting niggeress, maybe not 900 pounds, but fat enough it's a wonder the battery can last more than a couple of aisles.

08-14-2021, 09:46 PM
What bugs me are


Rhetorical question time.
Excuse me, but is that the front or the back?

08-16-2021, 08:38 AM
Two reasons I hate fat fucks:

1. They drive up health care costs for everyone else
2. They're almost as coddled and protected as niggers

Tar Remover
09-18-2021, 12:35 PM
Fuck that fat nigger. And she's obviously a coal burner, herself....