View Full Version : Meet the elite, all-she boon Army Unit that 'boosted morale' by delivering mail and won WWII

Whitey Ford
08-08-2021, 08:10 PM
How these little-known black female WWII heroes lifted soldiers’ morale

I give it a year before this is turned into a 'highly acclaimed' movie that no one actually watches, but somehow wins like 10 Oscars. Alicia Keys she boon will star in the lead role with beta cuck soy white guys like Patton Oswalt star as the incompetent, blundering Military Brass that time and time again get outshined by the superior negroid intellect. This will be like Red Tails and Hidden Figures, both of which totally suck and are so historically inaccurate they come off as a comic book movie.


It was 1945, and warehouses in Birmingham, England, were filled with millions of pieces of undelivered mail. As the Allied forces swept across Europe, mail delivery had become difficult, but the lack of care packages and letters from back home was hurting morale.

Enter the 6888: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, a part of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) of the US Army.

This all-black, all-female group of 855 women, both enlisted and officers, had a task that was both simple and nearly impossible: to deal with the mail backlog and then keep abreast of incoming deliveries.

While it all happened 76 years ago, these ladies are just now starting to get their due. In 2018, a monument to the 6888 was unveiled in the Buffalo Soldier Military Park at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. And a bill introduced in the House of Representatives, HR 1012, would award a Congressional Medal to the members of the 6888.


Jim Crow
08-08-2021, 08:25 PM
Nigger heroes! give me a fucking break! no one‘s gonna buy that shit! The only thing you can count on niggers for is causing problems!

08-08-2021, 08:55 PM
How these little-known black female WWII heroes lifted soldiers’ morale

I give it a year before this is turned into a 'highly acclaimed' movie that no one actually watches, but somehow wins like 10 Oscars. Alicia Keys she boon will star in the lead role with beta cuck soy white guys like Patton Oswalt star as the incompetent, blundering Military Brass that time and time again get outshined by the superior negroid intellect. This will be like Red Tails and Hidden Figures, both of which totally suck and are so historically inaccurate they come off as a comic book movie.



Why is Thom McCann like the USPS? They both have 40,000 "black Loafers!!"

Ray Cizzums
08-08-2021, 09:12 PM
My folk's Florida post office is full of nigger bitches, who hate whitey. It's anybody's guess where your mail ends
up down there, and all kinds of shit mailed up here takes two weeks longer than it should. Add in a nigger
postmaster, and you've got chaos. NY post offices are going all nigger, with similar results.
In reality, the negro caused big problems during WWII. A spook named Louis Till was executed, along with an
accomplice, for raping and murdering women while stationed in Italy. He was the father of Emmett Till, who also
deserved his batwings. Then there were two hundred spooks who rioted, when an ammunition ship they were
loading exploded. Plenty of whites died there too, but they showed up to work nonetheless. All branches of the
service handle dangerous ordnance, but only lazy, shiftless negroes couldn't handle it.

Coon Town
08-09-2021, 12:46 AM
How these little-known black female WWII heroes lifted soldiers’ morale

I give it a year before this is turned into a 'highly acclaimed' movie that no one actually watches, but somehow wins like 10 Oscars. Alicia Keys she boon will star in the lead role with beta cuck soy white guys like Patton Oswalt star as the incompetent, blundering Military Brass that time and time again get outshined by the superior negroid intellect. This will be like Red Tails and Hidden Figures, both of which totally suck and are so historically inaccurate they come off as a comic book movie.

I think you hit that nail firmly on its nappy head. All the Hollyweird 'ode to nigger' type movies are one of many reasons I've given up nearly all media. I can only hope that the trend ends within my lifetime. Going to the movies used to be one of my great pleasures, but now every single goddamn movie is about niggers, has niggers shoehorned in, or is about nig-love.

Coon Club Road
08-09-2021, 01:50 AM
Sounds as if basically the U.S. Army brass discovered they could send 855 female coons to the mailroom... they'd be perfectly happy reading the mail, snitching the cookies sent from home, and never be a bother to the Army again.

This story sounds like Tuskegee air mail! :lol

08-09-2021, 11:17 AM
How these little-known black female WWII heroes lifted soldiers’ morale

I give it a year before this is turned into a 'highly acclaimed' movie that no one actually watches, but somehow wins like 10 Oscars. Alicia Keys she boon will star in the lead role with beta cuck soy white guys like Patton Oswalt star as the incompetent, blundering Military Brass that time and time again get outshined by the superior negroid intellect. This will be like Red Tails and Hidden Figures, both of which totally suck and are so historically inaccurate they come off as a comic book movie.


I wonder how many letters and packages got opened and raided before they arrived at their destination.

Tar Remover
08-09-2021, 12:50 PM
Nigger heroes! give me a fucking break! no one‘s gonna buy that shit! The only thing you can count on niggers for is causing problems!

Hoppin' Horseshit! And for SORTING MAIL no less! And we ALL know that niggers are EXPERTS at sorting mail......

Tar Remover
08-09-2021, 12:54 PM
My folk's Florida post office is full of nigger bitches, who hate whitey. It's anybody's guess where your mail ends
up down there, and all kinds of shit mailed up here takes two weeks longer than it should. Add in a nigger
postmaster, and you've got chaos. NY post offices are going all nigger, with similar results.
In reality, the negro caused big problems during WWII. A spook named Louis Till was executed, along with an
accomplice, for raping and murdering women while stationed in Italy. He was the father of Emmett Till, who also
deserved his batwings. Then there were two hundred spooks who rioted, when an ammunition ship they were
loading exploded. Plenty of whites died there too, but they showed up to work nonetheless. All branches of the
service handle dangerous ordnance, but only lazy, shiftless negroes couldn't handle it.
ALL of the above a documented, historical FACT. Niggers have spent my entire life disgusting me, it seems.

Tar Remover
08-09-2021, 01:03 PM
The Six Triple Ape.......

The character of a race must be determined by it's womanhood........ Huh....... Well I'll be damned. Firstly, the female of your species is far from a landmark character indicator. Secondly, WTF does that even mean?
This eyesore of a bix nood covered monument needs to be bulldozed ASAP. Next thing you know these old Mail Bats will be awarded the CMH.
They actually deserve the CMN: Congressional Medal of Nigger.

:lolActually, somebody here with awesome tech skills should design us one for a smiley......:lol

Ray Cizzums
08-09-2021, 02:40 PM
ALL of the above a documented, historical FACT. Niggers have spent my entire life disgusting me, it seems.

My dad, a Korean War veteran, said his company got stuck disposing of tens of thousands of fused 90mm
anti-aircraft rounds. They were marked "Unstable", and had skull and crossbones signs all around the ammo
dump they were in. Bulldozers created 20' deep x 100 yard long pits, and these guys human chained them
down there, and re-stacked them, before burial. They were told "One of you fucks up, and we'll all be mince
meat", and "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing". All the klutzes, retards and fuck-ups were excluded from this detail. There were no negroes present.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-16-2021, 04:46 AM
Oh FFS! Heroic for sorting mail. Wow, what a heroic feat. Right up there with Sgt. York and Audie Murphy.

SC Anemia
08-16-2021, 09:49 AM
My dad, a Korean War veteran, said his company got stuck disposing of tens of thousands of fused 90mm
anti-aircraft rounds. They were marked "Unstable", and had skull and crossbones signs all around the ammo
dump they were in. Bulldozers created 20' deep x 100 yard long pits, and these guys human chained them
down there, and re-stacked them, before burial. They were told "One of you fucks up, and we'll all be mince
meat", and "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing". All the klutzes, retards and fuck-ups were excluded from this detail. There were no negroes present.


Sorry about the shitty image but this is a 45 year old Polaroid. My MOS (job for civilians) was 6531 Aviation Ordnance. That's me under there stringing arming wires on a full load of Mk 82's. (500 pound bombs), the green thingys with the yellow stripes. An F-4 Phantom can carry 18 of them.

I can goddamn assure you that there wasn't a shine within 100 miles of this activity. We had a sortie going out usually 3-4 times each morning. 5-6 aircraft x 18, 500 lb bombs each. You do the math.
Oh and on one side of our flight line was the bomb dump and on the other side was the LOX (liquid oxygen farm).

One teensy-weensy fuck-up, just one and the conflagration would have been biblical. We may be crayon eaters but we ain't that fuckin stupid. We didn't let niggers play with us.

Coon Club Road
08-16-2021, 10:26 AM
My dad, a Korean War veteran, said his company got stuck disposing of tens of thousands of fused 90mm
anti-aircraft rounds. They were marked "Unstable", and had skull and crossbones signs all around the ammo
dump they were in. Bulldozers created 20' deep x 100 yard long pits, and these guys human chained them
down there, and re-stacked them, before burial. They were told "One of you fucks up, and we'll all be mince
meat", and "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing". All the klutzes, retards and fuck-ups were excluded from this detail. There were no negroes present.

That would have actually been a perfect job for the Tuskegee ordnance handlers!

Ray Cizzums
08-17-2021, 01:22 PM

Sorry about the shitty image but this is a 45 year old Polaroid. My MOS (job for civilians) was 6531 Aviation Ordnance. That's me under there stringing arming wires on a full load of Mk 82's. (500 pound bombs), the green thingys with the yellow stripes. An F-4 Phantom can carry 18 of them.

I can goddamn assure you that there wasn't a shine within 100 miles of this activity. We had a sortie going out usually 3-4 times each morning. 5-6 aircraft x 18, 500 lb bombs each. You do the math.
Oh and on one side of our flight line was the bomb dump and on the other side was the LOX (liquid oxygen farm).

I had no idea that the F-4 was such a bomb truck. I guess it got the job when the F-105s were put out to pasture.
Handling explosive ordnance is serious business, and certainly no place for lazy, shiftless malcontents.
Those Chicago jaboons that rioted after the ammunition ship exploded proved that they didn't belong in either
theater of WWII. They were stateside, in no danger from enemy attack, with no stomach for the consequences
of mishandling dangerous cargo. They cried raycizzums, and mutinied, instead of getting their shit squared away,
so it couldn't happen again. They didn't give one fuck about our boys overseas running out of ammo.

08-18-2021, 01:39 PM
NY post offices are going all nigger, with similar results.

Niggers in charge of delivery are only incompetent if you're lucky. My old PO had three regulars, two humans and one giant niggerbuck. Suddenly the two humans were gone, replaced by a Quantavious and Quaneshia. The long lines were so interminable, it was worth it to drive a few miles to the next PO that remained 100% human-staffed. Before tracking became standard with priority packages, I figured I'd save a couple of bucks, and the box took two weeks to arrive. I suspect the niggers put it somewhere in the back and couldn't be bothered to lift 10 pounds.

The mailroom at an old job was full of niggers. I made the mistake of giving them a Netflix envelope (showing how long ago this was), trusting them to give it to the USPS carrier when he came to pick it up. Not surprisingly, the DVD took two weeks to arrive back, and I know it's because the niggers took turns taking it home. It's amazing it made it back at all.

08-18-2021, 01:40 PM
That would have actually been a perfect job for the Tuskegee ordnance handlers!

Dead Nigger Disposal and Dead Nigger Storage, all in one! Just keep all humans x hundreds of yards away, and bulldoze dirt over the site when done.

SC Anemia
08-18-2021, 02:23 PM
I had no idea that the F-4 was such a bomb truck. I guess it got the job when the F-105s were put out to pasture.

Ray that's exactly what happened. The F-4 was a direct replacement for the F-105 Thunderchief. "Thuds" as they were not so affectionately called because that's the sound they made when they fell out of the sky. Fast bastard though (mach 2) for an early 50's design.

Ray Cizzums
08-18-2021, 02:57 PM
Ray that's exactly what happened. The F-4 was a direct replacement for the F-105 Thunderchief. "Thuds" as they were not so affectionately called because that's the sound they made when they fell out of the sky. Fast bastard though (mach 2) for an early 50's design.

The Thud's carried something like 18 750 pounders, which is mind boggling. A old special forces guy I know
told me how they used to spot traffic on the Ho Chi Minh trail, then watch the F-105s plaster the trucks and
troops. He said "Spooky" would come after dark, and mop things up with mini-guns. They knew exactly what
communists needed back then - the same thing they need now.

Tar Remover
08-18-2021, 04:18 PM
I had no idea that the F-4 was such a bomb truck. I guess it got the job when the F-105s were put out to pasture.
Handling explosive ordnance is serious business, and certainly no place for lazy, shiftless malcontents.
Those Chicago jaboons that rioted after the ammunition ship exploded proved that they didn't belong in either
theater of WWII. They were stateside, in no danger from enemy attack, with no stomach for the consequences
of mishandling dangerous cargo. They cried raycizzums, and mutinied, instead of getting their shit squared away,
so it couldn't happen again. They didn't give one fuck about our boys overseas running out of ammo.

Semper Fi brother! I was a 6132! Helicopter Dynamic Component Mech.

Tar Remover
08-18-2021, 04:21 PM
The Thud's carried something like 18 750 pounders, which is mind boggling. A old special forces guy I know
told me how they used to spot traffic on the Ho Chi Minh trail, then watch the F-105s plaster the trucks and
troops. He said "Spooky" would come after dark, and mop things up with mini-guns. They knew exactly what
communists needed back then - the same thing they need now.

AGREED, Ray. Communists got what they fuckin' deserved then. So did the fuckin' Pinkos. We need to get back to that and FAST.

SC Anemia
08-18-2021, 07:51 PM
AGREED, Ray. Communists got what they fuckin' deserved then. So did the fuckin' Pinkos. We need to get back to that and FAST.


I've been seeing this photo op of the Taliban leadership in the Afgan presidential palace and thinking it would have been a lovely place for a JDAM. :lol

Ray Cizzums
08-18-2021, 08:01 PM
Semper Fi brother! I was a 6132! Helicopter Dynamic Component Mech.
That's the Corp's own SC Anemia, loading up F-4s with 500 pound crowd pleasers.
I was just a dirty leg 11B that never deployed. Hoo hah !

SC Anemia
08-18-2021, 09:42 PM
Semper Fi brother! I was a 6132! Helicopter Dynamic Component Mech.

Marine Aviation, Ooh-Rah! Were those 'normal' helo's or Ospreys? I'm too fuckin old to have been in one (rode around in plenty of UH-1's though) but I heard an Osprey can accelerate like a mofo. You have any experience with those?


Tar Remover
08-19-2021, 08:26 AM
Marine Aviation, Ooh-Rah! Were those 'normal' helo's or Ospreys? I'm too fuckin old to have been in one (rode around in plenty of UH-1's though) but I heard an Osprey can accelerate like a mofo. You have any experience with those?


Traditional helos. Ospreys came in as I was heading out. Never got to fly in one.

10-14-2021, 05:14 PM
My dad, a Korean War veteran, said his company got stuck disposing of tens of thousands of fused 90mm
anti-aircraft rounds. They were marked "Unstable", and had skull and crossbones signs all around the ammo
dump they were in. Bulldozers created 20' deep x 100 yard long pits, and these guys human chained them
down there, and re-stacked them, before burial. They were told "One of you fucks up, and we'll all be mince
meat", and "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing". All the klutzes, retards and fuck-ups were excluded from this detail. There were no negroes present.

No movie about them has ever been made, and none ever will be (unless Hollywood makes yet another nigger fraud movie out of it, with magic niggers saving the day from incompetent whitey).

There are so many TRULY unsung white heroes throughout history, remembered only by their families and close friends. Meanwhile, every nigger chimp that sat on its lazy black ass and collected a paycheck from the U.S. government gets its own movie from the fake news media that makes the chimp out to be a magical flying hero that won a war with its mystical ape super-powers.