View Full Version : Lazy lying breeder sow, sec8, and 17K in damages

08-06-2021, 12:38 AM
The sow shat out 4 niglets, leeches on the taxpayers, and wrecks its nest, OF COURSE! Bleeding-heart Libtards feel sorry for her squirting 4 welfare tickets, and shower her with 12,000$.

You know those niglets just wrecked the place, as per usual.

After escaping domestic violence and homelessness, Tia Hoyt, nigger hoe, found herself trapped in deplorable living conditions, in a rental home paid for by a Durham Housing Authority voucher

Here's an idea, Tia: Stop spreading for every randy nigger buck that comes along and get a J-O-B. Then you get a place that suits your lofty standards and not be everyone's damned charity case.

In July, WRAL News reported on a breeder sow in Durham who had been living in an apartment so moldy that mushrooms were growing inside. Nigger-loving suckers donated $12,000 within a few days (https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-my-kids-secure-a-livable-rental?utm_campaign=p_cf%20share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&fbclid=IwAR2gYkKpIPLZbG4KscvSPEWKvMX__XqK2BuTAEfge U8KyZlXfO5n5PY5I8M) to help the mammy and her four sprogs. Now, her landlord is demanding $17,000 in repairs or she will be evicted in 10 days.

Crap like this pisses me off so much. :mad:


Jim Crow
08-06-2021, 07:03 AM
You can’t make a savage animal stop spreading for anything that will fuck it! That’s what savage beast niggers do! You can’t domesticate or civilize a nigger by giving it money! The nigger and it’s monkey brood need to be relocated.The jungle of Africa would be a great place for it to live.It could muh pussy everything and act as savage as it desires w/no repercussions.

08-06-2021, 10:58 AM
You can’t make a savage animal stop spreading for anything that will fuck it! That’s what savage beast niggers do! You can’t domesticate or civilize a nigger by giving it money! The nigger and it’s monkey brood need to be relocated.The jungle of Africa would be a great place for it to live.It could muh pussy everything and act as savage as it desires w/no repercussions.

I don't care how much niggers rut - at least when they're rutting they aren't out raping and robbing - but make them get spayed/neutered first so decent human beings who don't want to support filthy breeder sows and their litters of niglets won't have to.

I just hate seeing stupid, brainwashed people rewarding breeder sows like this one for her irresponsibility and bad choices in dropping niglets with no way to pay for them. Niggers don't learn a thing this way.

Ray Cizzums
08-06-2021, 11:18 AM
Eviction ? She's got $12K. Move the fuck out, you filthy animal. She no longer needs that welfare apartment.
That nasty buffarilla picked that 'shroom out of her moldy ass crack. There's no way to keep up with repairs,
when niggers wreck the place more with each passing day. Other sheboons are going to see this go-gibs-muh
result, and do the same, just like they did with gorilla glue girl.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-06-2021, 11:43 AM
Ugh, just got a visual of nigger filth mushrooms.

Coon Club Road
08-06-2021, 11:01 PM
It's been proven day in and day out, gibbs me's are never taken care of like something you pay for with your own hard earned money.

08-10-2021, 09:12 PM
You can’t make a savage animal stop spreading for anything that will fuck it! That’s what savage beast niggers do! You can’t domesticate or civilize a nigger by giving it money! The nigger and it’s monkey brood need to be relocated.The jungle of Africa would be a great place for it to live.It could muh pussy everything and act as savage as it desires w/no repercussions.

I can't even call what niggers do "fucking." Humans fuck. What niggers do is beneath that vulgar word.

Jim Crow
08-11-2021, 07:54 AM
I can't even call what niggers do "fucking." Humans fuck. What niggers do is beneath that vulgar word.

One thing I know is that niggers multiply like cockroaches and spread their disease!