View Full Version : cRapper DaBaby gets its black ass booted from Lollapalooza for "homophobic" remarks.

08-02-2021, 12:26 PM
As if this nigga isn't on the downlow in secret.

While on stage, the rapper called out members of the LGBTQ community and people with HIV and AIDS. Using crude language, he asked attendees who weren't gay men or people affected by HIV or AIDS to raise their cellphone flashlights, and he incorrectly said the disease would “make you die in two or three weeks.”

I do enjoy it when niggers, libtards, and SJWs start devouring each other. :lol


Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 12:38 PM
You can always count on a nigger to say and do stupid and felonious shit! After all, Nager’s are low IQ stupid beasts with a high tendency to commit criminal acts.It’s in their DNA!

08-02-2021, 09:14 PM
As if this nigga isn't on the downlow in secret.

Every buck is or would like to be, but they hate to admit it. What liberals claim about conservatives is actually true about niggers. The more a buck makes "anti-gay" remarks, the more it's on the DL. "The nigger doth protest too much."