View Full Version : Nigger Faggot Obama Hosting Huge Birfday Bash On Martha's Vineyard

Ray Cizzums
08-02-2021, 12:05 PM
Libturd queers Pearl Jam will be performing at said party. A hairdresser on Martha's Vineyard is
booked to poof up an unidentified member of the band. Eddie Vedder will be getting a butt-
fucking and pearl necklace after the show, from Big Mike. If I still had my tuna boat, I'd anchor
up off the island, and go ashore like Schwarzenegger in Commando. Let's hope someone else
gets the same idea. Or better yet, an A-10 pilot goes rogue.

08-02-2021, 12:20 PM
Libturd queers Pearl Jam will be performing at said party. A hairdresser on Martha's Vineyard is
booked to poof up an unidentified member of the band. Eddie Vedder will be getting a butt-
fucking and pearl necklace after the show, from Big Mike. If I still had my tuna boat, I'd anchor
up off the island, and go ashore like Schwarzenegger in Commando. Let's hope someone else
gets the same idea. Or better yet, an A-10 pilot goes rogue.

That's not very respectful towards your former POTUS and his First Lady.


Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 12:21 PM
Libturd queers Pearl Jam will be performing at said party. A hairdresser on Martha's Vineyard is
booked to poof up an unidentified member of the band. Eddie Vedder will be getting a butt-
fucking and pearl necklace after the show, from Big Mike. If I still had my tuna boat, I'd anchor
up off the island, and go ashore like Schwarzenegger in Commando. Let's hope someone else
gets the same idea. Or better yet, an A-10 pilot goes rogue.
I’ve been stuck in the house for the last week since I got a positive Covid test. I don’t have any major symptoms. Just bored out of my fucking mind. Hopefully the test I took today comes back negative so I can go to work.
Anyway, thanks for posting.reading Eddie Vedor getting butt fucked by big Mike after the show sure did make me crack up.(I needed a laugh)And I’m sure that’s what will happen! Liberal celebrities sure do love the Obamas!

Ray Cizzums
08-02-2021, 12:46 PM
I’ve been stuck in the house for the last week since I got a positive Covid test. I don’t have any major symptoms. Just bored out of my fucking mind. Hopefully the test I took today comes back negative so I can go to work.
My sister and brother in-law both tested positive, and it was horseshit. There are no consequences when they get
it wrong, except getting more money for tests. You're gonna be fine either way.
I used to tuna fish up on Cape Cod, and on closed days, we'd anchor off Nantucket, or Martha's Vineyard, and
just swim in. The local waitresses and bartenders were happy to see some non-fag-o-titos who could drink.

Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 12:57 PM
My sister and brother in-law both tested positive, and it was horseshit. There are no consequences when they get
it wrong, except getting more money for tests. You're gonna be fine either way.
I used to tuna fish up on Cape Cod, and on closed days, we'd anchor off Nantucket, or Martha's Vineyard, and
just swim in. The local waitresses and bartenders were happy to see some non-fag-o-titos who could drink.
I really have it. The crazy Cuban and I have had a loss of sense of taste and smell for over a week now. And I took two tests. I have to stay home until I test negative because I’m not going to risk infecting my customers.Some may have underlying problems.
I’ve been reloading bullets,resting and watching Andy Griffith reruns for this past weekend. Even laid off the Jack Daniels! I’ve got thousands of dollars of work sitting. And I don’t want them to call somebody else!I have covid tests scheduled every day starting tomorrow. Hopefully I will test negative soon!

Ray Cizzums
08-02-2021, 01:13 PM
I really have it. The crazy Cuban and I have had a loss of sense of taste and smell for over a week now.
Get well soon, you white debbil. May your bout with the Kung Flu soon be over.
In any case, what Big Mike infects Eddie Vedder with will be far more deadly.

Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 01:15 PM
Get well soon, you white debbil. May your bout with the Kung Flu soon be over.
In any case, what Big Mike infects Eddie Vedder with will be far more deadly.

Thanks bud.
Anyway, like I said my symptoms are extremely mild. I just have to stay away from people. I don’t want to infect anyone.

08-02-2021, 06:03 PM
That's not very respectful towards your former POTUS and his First Lady.


Former @$$lifter in chief and 1st TRANNY!!

08-02-2021, 06:04 PM
I really have it. The crazy Cuban and I have had a loss of sense of taste and smell for over a week now. And I took two tests. I have to stay home until I test negative because I’m not going to risk infecting my customers.Some may have underlying problems.
I’ve been reloading bullets,resting and watching Andy Griffith reruns for this past weekend. Even laid off the Jack Daniels! I’ve got thousands of dollars of work sitting. And I don’t want them to call somebody else!I have covid tests scheduled every day starting tomorrow. Hopefully I will test negative soon!

My fingers are crossed for you Brother!! Get well soon!!

Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 06:47 PM
My fingers are crossed for you Brother!! Get well soon!!
Thank you for your well wishes.I am taking the test again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can go back to work soon.

08-02-2021, 06:48 PM
Thank you for your well wishes.I am taking the test again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can go back to work soon.


08-02-2021, 07:22 PM
Thank you for your well wishes.I am taking the test again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can go back to work soon.

Feel better soon! You need to get back to work to pay taxes and buy iPhones for lazy niggers!!

Jim Crow
08-02-2021, 07:55 PM
Feel better soon! You need to get back to work to pay taxes and buy iPhones for lazy niggers!!
I may pay taxes for niggers’ free gibbs in other ways.But I charge my customers cash. It all goes to me!

08-02-2021, 09:06 PM
Former @$$lifter in chief and 1st TRANNY!!



08-03-2021, 08:08 AM


Both pics look about right!!

Ray Cizzums
08-04-2021, 02:29 PM
Oops, Barry and Big Mike had to dial back the festivities, as they were catching flak about spreading the coof.
Forget that, the real disease uptick would be all the STDs transmitted between the niggers and their woketurd
enablers. They probably had a Dovato and Truvada vending machine installed, next to the glory hole in Barry's
master baffroom. They probably had child prostitutes booked for Creepy Joe, and other Democrat big shots.

animal mother
08-04-2021, 04:08 PM
Oops, Barry and Big Mike had to dial back the festivities, as they were catching flak about spreading the coof.
Forget that, the real disease uptick would be all the STDs transmitted between the niggers and their woketurd
enablers. They probably had a Dovato and Truvada vending machine installed, next to the glory hole in Barry's
master baffroom. They probably had child prostitutes booked for Creepy Joe, and other Democrat big shots.

Yeah, male child prostitutes because we all know how the down low dems play.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-04-2021, 09:37 PM
I really have it. The crazy Cuban and I have had a loss of sense of taste and smell for over a week now. And I took two tests. I have to stay home until I test negative because I’m not going to risk infecting my customers.Some may have underlying problems.
I’ve been reloading bullets,resting and watching Andy Griffith reruns for this past weekend. Even laid off the Jack Daniels! I’ve got thousands of dollars of work sitting. And I don’t want them to call somebody else!I have covid tests scheduled every day starting tomorrow. Hopefully I will test negative soon!
Shouldve scheduled the nigger backsplash you mentioned in a previous post for this week . Lol.

Jim Crow
08-05-2021, 07:13 AM
Shouldve scheduled the nigger backsplash you mentioned in a previous post for this week . Lol.
I left the house yesterday to take a covid test.On the way home I stopped at Walmart to get some groceries. I sneezed on a nigger who was on my ass in the check out line..It definitely got too close to me and wasn’t wearing a mask. By the way, my test was positive still!
It’s pissing me off. I no longer have symptoms. I want to go back to work. But, I won’t till I test negative.I’m going to test again today at 11 AM.

08-05-2021, 08:49 AM
There goes the neighborhood
.. We can pray for a. Mass Chappaquiddick style self deletion.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-05-2021, 09:09 AM
I left the house yesterday to take a covid test.On the way home I stopped at Walmart to get some groceries. I sneezed on a nigger who was on my ass in the check out line..It definitely got too close to me and wasn’t wearing a mask. By the way, my test was positive still!
It’s pissing me off. I no longer have symptoms. I want to go back to work. But, I won’t till I test negative.I’m going to test again today at 11 AM.

:rofl hopefully it was one with “underlying medical issues”.

Coon Club Road
08-05-2021, 09:27 AM
:rofl hopefully it was one with “underlying medical issues”.

Sheeeeeit! If I knew I had the vid back before anyone knew the vid was the vid, I would have driven to Cleveland, bought an all day bus pass then rode around all day hacking and wheezing all day on the niggers on the "buh" !

Jim Crow
08-05-2021, 12:57 PM
:rofl hopefully it was one with “underlying medical issues”.
And I went to the grocery store today after I took my second positive test.I went to Publix. I’m starting to feel better and I’m very hungry. I’m going to make some lasagna! Anyway, I don’t wear a mask. But the white people are smart enough to stay 6 feet away from me. Niggs want to get close, I’ll cough on purpose!