View Full Version : Is it just me?

07-31-2021, 09:24 PM
Is it just me that notices mostly niggers drive Mercedes? I also mostly see them in various other euro brands such as Jaguars, Audi and Maserati. I used to love European cars but, they have become very expensive to work on and maintain and we all know niggers don’t maintenance anything and they’ll have a really expensive lawn ornament. Either way I see too many coons driving these brands and wouldn’t be caught dead driving a nigger car.

07-31-2021, 09:55 PM
First of all, niggers, even if they drive a luxury car, are still nigger-rich, so it doesn't make them classy, much less human. Beyonce has a Rolls Royce, so what, it's still a monkey, that only a monkey would marry (or a mentally sick or inferior human).

I scoff when I see a nigger or negress with a luxury car. Mostly, it's the entry level lease Mercedeses. What's even funnier is a fat negress with claws driving a Range Rover. Just a matter of time before a cop pulls it over and learn it's stolen.

A few days ago, I was laughing because a real feral niggest nig was driving a shiny Mercedes 380SE. That was before 1985, so it must be worth around $3,000 or less, but Tyrone was all proud he be driving da Benz. He's classier than his nigger buddies. True to form, it's wife is also hideous. Though, at least this nigger knew it's place, not being all flashy and shit with a new model theft, or with a cheap coalburner. No recommendation for rope therapy that day.

Full clip
07-31-2021, 11:43 PM
Is it just me that notices mostly niggers drive Mercedes? I also mostly see them in various other euro brands such as Jaguars, Audi and Maserati. I used to love European cars but, they have become very expensive to work on and maintain and we all know niggers don’t maintenance anything and they’ll have a really expensive lawn ornament. Either way I see too many coons driving these brands and wouldn’t be caught dead driving a nigger car.

'...wouldn't be caught dead driving a Nigger car'
Agreed, having noted that they (Benz, Jag. Audi etc) are usually in BLACK as if to 'Match' the Spook behind the wheel.

Coon Club Road
07-31-2021, 11:49 PM
I'd have to say in my region, the preferred nigger whips are: Toyota, Chrysler mini vans, Hyundai and an occasional VW.

Of course the criminal niggers roll Escalades, 300's, and G wagons.

I've heard coons love cars that are easily stolen. (Chrysler mini vans)

They don't roll in stolen shit, but when their hoopties need tires, alternators, and body panels (because they can't drive worth a fuck), they can easily steal a donor whip for the parts.

08-01-2021, 01:53 AM
During my teenage years I was working at a grocery store, and this nigger fambily came in each week, like clockwork.

Dressed to the hilt in designer threads, and nigger daddy always was sporting a nice silk shirt, tie and jacket. You'd think they were about to meet the queen, or something.

They drove a showroom quality BMW. That car was just beautiful. Not one scratch or patch of dirt.

They always loaded down their cart with prime rib, caviar, and fine cuts of steak.

And they always paid with food stamps (This was long before EBT cards)

Coon Club Road
08-01-2021, 11:13 AM
During my teenage years I was working at a grocery store, and this nigger fambily came in each week, like clockwork.

Dressed to the hilt in designer threads, and nigger daddy always was sporting a nice silk shirt, tie and jacket. You'd think they were about to meet the queen, or something.

They drove a showroom quality BMW. That car was just beautiful. Not one scratch or patch of dirt.

They always loaded down their cart with prime rib, caviar, and fine cuts of steak.

And they always paid with food stamps (This was long before EBT cards)

That's how the jigs can afford fancier whips and clothing than you or I... because they don't pay for food! We buy it for them!

Blue Gum
08-01-2021, 03:06 PM
What I've noticed you may see a nigger in a nice car, but it doesn't last...niggers usually cant maintain the finer things in humans lives.

Besides I dont give a shit how much a nigger has, it doesn't matter because its STILL a dirty nigger.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-03-2021, 04:38 PM
Is it just me that notices mostly niggers drive Mercedes? I also mostly see them in various other euro brands such as Jaguars, Audi and Maserati. I used to love European cars but, they have become very expensive to work on and maintain and we all know niggers don’t maintenance anything and they’ll have a really expensive lawn ornament. Either way I see too many coons driving these brands and wouldn’t be caught dead driving a nigger car.

If they do, they're late model pieces of shit.

08-03-2021, 04:54 PM
The only vehicle ever niggers should ever drive in is a hearse, and only in the back.

08-06-2021, 10:32 AM
Yep, it's the same over here. Sand niggers exclusively drive mercedes, they especially love the amg versions since these things are extra loud. So they can be especially obnoxious when cruising through the towns at night. We (at least here in Switzerland, but I heard people in Germany using that term as well) therefore call these things "Ali Mohammed Gefährt" ("Gefährt" = "vehicle", in urban language it means "hooptie" as well). The nigger brands are apple, mercedes and nike.