View Full Version : Media: poor illegals are being push back by border guards doing their jobs! Illegal and evil!!!!

Cat fur allergic
07-31-2021, 10:07 AM
Authorities deny it, but the migrants tell stories of being repeatedly pushed back at the border in what is an illegal anti-migrant strategy.

But a closer look reveals a parallel reality lived by its temporary migrant residents, who are struggling to cross from Serbia over heavily guarded borders with neighboring European Union states Romania and Hungary.


These crazy liberal reporters expects border guards to open their arms and welcome niggers and sand niggers in.

08-18-2021, 02:00 PM
Mexican police already hate illegals from south of their border, so what about uppity niggers yelling at them? But the easy thing for the Mexican police and military to do is let the "migrants" cross. Let them become the Americans' problems.


Jim Crow
08-18-2021, 03:31 PM
Mexican police already hate illegals from south of their border, so what about uppity niggers yelling at them? But the easy thing for the Mexican police and military to do is let the "migrants" cross. Let them become the Americans' problems.

That’s the same attitude I’d have as long as the dumb ass American liberals allow it.

Coon Club Road
08-18-2021, 04:22 PM

These crazy liberal reporters expects border guards to open their arms and welcome niggers and sand niggers in.

Probably think they should blow 'em too!

08-19-2021, 07:08 PM
Who wants any of those mooching, raping, terrorizing turd world niggers and Mudslimes invading their country? Shoot them all down!

08-21-2021, 02:09 AM

Wouldn't you just love that nigger in the picture in your community, seeing it at the grocery store, it going to the same college as your daughter, living next door to you, letting it's shit ape relatives ook and eek in your neighborhood all day long, stealing your kids bike, breaking into your house etc?

Nigger acts like the Policeman ate the last chiggun wang or sumfin, SHEEIT
If I were that cop I'd have taser out at very least

Thank Biden for letting all niggers from Haiti in

08-21-2021, 03:57 PM
Mexican police already hate illegals from south of their border, so what about uppity niggers yelling at them? But the easy thing for the Mexican police and military to do is let the "migrants" cross. Let them become the Americans' problems.


Central americans are the sand niggers of latin america, completely ungrateful bastards. They still complain about the free health care, clothing, food, shelter, and financial aids that Mexico offer them while they await their asylum in Mexico. While they're in Mexico they bring their low life lifestyle gangs like ms13 and 18st with them, these are the people that America is taking in.

08-21-2021, 04:01 PM
Probably think they should blow 'em too!

Mexico currently has a scoialist president, he let these scumbags central americans, Haitians, and Africans in while they await their asylum to the USA.

08-21-2021, 04:21 PM
Wouldn't you just love that nigger in the picture in your community, seeing it at the grocery store, it going to the same college as your daughter, living next door to you, letting it's shit ape relatives ook and eek in your neighborhood all day long, stealing your kids bike, breaking into your house etc?

Nigger acts like the Policeman ate the last chiggun wang or sumfin, SHEEIT
If I were that cop I'd have taser out at very least

Thank Biden for letting all niggers from Haiti in

Niggers took over parts of Chiapas, Mexico.

08-21-2021, 04:26 PM
Mexico currently has a scoialist president, he let these scumbags central americans, Haitians, and Africans in while they await their asylum to the USA.

Just temporarily, until they're sent over the borders as Niggers of Mass Destruction.

08-21-2021, 04:40 PM
Just temporarily, until they're sent over the borders as Niggers of Mass Destruction.

Hey dude, I highly recommend this channel. He's a independent reporter from Mexico, he does reports on illegal crossing into both Mexico and the USA. His reports are in English, he's a firm Trump supporter. He's station in Tijuana.
Here's a report from his southern Mexican trip, to report on Africans takes over.