View Full Version : Haagen Dazs Promotes Coal-Burning

Coon Town
07-30-2021, 10:32 AM
Well, no more of this shit in my house.

Honestly., I could not tell what the nigger in the opening scene was eating. An ice cream bar? A turd? Its own monkey-poxed paw?

Hmmm....ice cream with a side of bestiality? I think I'll pass.


Coon Club Road
07-31-2021, 01:30 AM
Behr paints... sold at the Depot are now on my boycott list.

I've seen their coalburning commercials several times in the last few days.

Probably would make for a good thread to list nigger ass kissing products not to purchase... like fucking Nissan and their oil drilling cuck with the zebra bastard kids in the back seat.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
07-31-2021, 03:46 AM
Well, no more of this shit in my house.

Honestly., I could not tell what the nigger in the opening scene was eating. An ice cream bar? A turd? Its own monkey-poxed paw?

Hmmm....ice cream with a side of bestiality? I think I'll pass.


If libtards have their way, that abomination at the end of the commercial will be representative of what the worlds population will look like. Scary shit!

Jim Crow
07-31-2021, 09:33 AM
I’ve been sick at home for the last few days. And I’ve been forced to watch reruns of the Andy Griffith show, Gunsmoke and everybody loves Raymond. Don’t get me wrong, those shows are great. But I’ve been seeing those same commercials you posted. They fucking make me wanna puke! I don’t need to boycott any of that shit. Because I buy all the generic brands anyway. I wouldn’t spend five dollars for a fucking pint of ice cream.Especially when the makers of the ice cream want niggers to mu dick humans.Fuck those demented liberal cocksuckers!