View Full Version : Delta & United giving Africoon migrants FREE niggerflights into the United States

Whitey Ford
07-29-2021, 05:18 PM
Delta, United Airlines Are Providing African Migrants Free Flights To The U.S.


As hundreds of illegal immigrants surge across the southern border daily, migrants from Africa are gaining entry into the United States with free plane tickets paid funded by American taxpayers.
Asylum seekers wanting entry to the United States from Africa typically embark on journeys to South America by boat or plane, then make a treacherous trek on foot through Colombia and Panama towards the United States.

Now, migrants and their families can entirely circumvent checkpoints at the U.S. southern border

Miles4Migrants, a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to donating frequent flyer miles to refugees and their family members provides free flights to thousands of Africans refugees into the interior of the U.S.


07-29-2021, 05:29 PM
Of course. "Miles4Migrants"? :lol Who cares about nigger diseases like monkeypox? It pales in the face of "Be kind to niggers".

An outbreak occurred in Nigeria from 2017 to 2019, with cases still being reported in 2021. In addition to Nigeria, outbreaks have also been reported in nine other countries in central and western Africa since 1970. In 2020, over 6200 suspected cases were reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sporadic outbreaks among NIGGERS have occurred in other countries such as Cameroon or the Central African Republic.

Coon Club Road
07-30-2021, 12:02 AM
Maybe the free riding spooks will cause enough headache for the airlines to reconsider their offer and double charge niggers.

Full clip
07-30-2021, 01:16 AM
I guess there are no free tickets for Human South African farmers?

Coon Town
07-30-2021, 10:19 AM
This shit never ceases to boggle my mind. Here we are a year+ deep in muh' COVID, with new strains reportedly popping up, and now two major airlines are getting paid, with our tax dollars to import not just turd worlders, but shitskinned, bathed in cow urine, menstrual blood drinking, goddamn niggers!?!?

Head for the hills, folks. We're fucked.

SC Anemia
07-30-2021, 10:57 AM


07-30-2021, 01:54 PM
Lassa! Niggers catch it from their dinners.


The Lassa virus is transmitted to niggers mainly through handling infected rats, food or household items contaminated by the rats’ urine and faeces.

08-02-2021, 02:21 PM
This is called treason: aid and comfort to the enemy.