View Full Version : Cry me a river, Shezilla!

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07-29-2021, 05:38 AM
FFS it's all over Facebook/Tik-Tok and Twitter - Juana Witty, hailin' from somewhere in Kentucky has been sufferin' post natal 'depression' after ejecting what looks like a 99% WHITE sprog.
It has received millions of 'hits' all offerin' 'Emotional support' (Yawn) so I guess 'Go Fund me' will be next. Some wimmen (Niggers/Whiggers) have even flown in from out of state to lend sympathy to this Whoopsie Goulberg look-a-like but I think its only depressed because unless there is something wrong with my screen/color contrast it has shat out something that LOOKS like its humanoid!

Coon Club Road
07-30-2021, 12:26 AM
Hospital mix up.

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07-30-2021, 07:25 AM
Hospital mix up.

Holy sh.t - someone else got a niglet then?

07-30-2021, 09:46 PM
Holy sh.t - someone else got a niglet then?

SCARY thought!!

07-31-2021, 12:50 PM
Hospital mix-up for sure. Imagine the horror that white baby will go through if it isn't restored to its real parents. It'll be passed around bucks, just like in Africa, until it literally dies from muh dikk. "Dis gonna cure AIDS!"

This is a painting called A Redenção de Cam, The Redemption of Ham. It's just what you think: a niggeress is happy its grandniglet is light-skinned.


07-31-2021, 06:17 PM
Hospital mix-up for sure. Imagine the horror that white baby will go through if it isn't restored to its real parents. It'll be passed around bucks, just like in Africa, until it literally dies from muh dikk. "Dis gonna cure AIDS!"

This is a painting called A Redenção de Cam, The Redemption of Ham. It's just what you think: a niggeress is happy its grandniglet is light-skinned.


Look at the CUCK oil driller in the painting!!

Tar Remover
08-10-2021, 03:04 AM
Now THAT'S a fuckin' horror story.......