View Full Version : "Just Another 3 Days in Pavement-ape Dumps"

07-22-2021, 01:16 PM

07-22-2021, 03:26 PM
Too many “injured” stupid niggers need to stop holding the “dissrespek negotiator” sideways with one hand and grabbing their diseased muhdiks with the other.
And get some better ammo niggers, you’re using the White mans money to shoot each other you might as well use a little more to do it right.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
07-22-2021, 10:44 PM
And you can be rest assured 99.999 it was nigger on nigger violence. Black lives matter to niggers only when one gets goodified by a white cop after the nigger goes ape shit on the cop during arrest.

07-23-2021, 11:42 AM
and you can be rest assured 99.999 it was nigger on nigger violence. Black lives matter to niggers only when one gets goodified by a white cop after the nigger goes ape shit on the cop during arrest.

every single time!!

Coon Club Road
07-23-2021, 02:00 PM
Black lives only matter to niggers trying to win a nigger lotto at the expense of YT.

As far as nigger on nigger crime... they can give a fuck less about each other. Their shit lives don't matter... never have, never will unless there is a nigger payday involved.

07-23-2021, 02:23 PM
very upset there aren't more dead niggers than this !! I protest loudly and vehemently !!