View Full Version : Where to go to get away from niggers?

07-17-2021, 02:41 PM
Hi all,

I live in NC and this state is infested with niggers now. Everywhere I have lived in NC is a black cesspool. I want to move but it seems like everywhere in the country is niggered out. Where can you go in this country to get away from the nigger animals? Or should I look into moving to England?

07-17-2021, 03:30 PM
There's no place that's 100% nigger free, and if you go to the UK, odds are you'll find the worst combination of niggers and asslifters.

There are no states left untouched. The Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, even parts of Alaska have niggers, but it's a matter of finding a good small town where niggers wouldn't dare come in.

Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-17-2021, 03:40 PM
Start a cult with some rich members, and build a compound just for you guys.

I think religious groups are granted exemptions for discriminating against certain groups. Alternatively, you can create rules that you know niggers won't be unable to abide by but aren't explicitly "racist": speak proper english at all times, no domestic abuse, no criminal activities, no cocaine/meth/krokodil/jenkem, no child molestation, no sex with animals, no eating feces, et cetera.

07-17-2021, 04:34 PM
Start a cult with some rich members, and build a compound just for you guys.

I think religious groups are granted exemptions for discriminating against certain groups. Alternatively, you can create rules that you know niggers won't be unable to abide by but aren't explicitly "racist": speak proper english at all times, no domestic abuse, no criminal activities, no cocaine/meth/krokodil/jenkem, no child molestation, no sex with animals, no eating feces, et cetera.

That'll keep the niggers OUT!!

07-17-2021, 04:46 PM
Take a look at NY state. It's a redwash ! Outside of the obvious nigger cities, it's a fucking fine place to live..taxes not considered. If NY was split into N and S, it would be a red heaven up north. I could go a week without seeing a coon and this was only a few years ago too when we lived there. High property prices are keeping the spades out of rural areas. 16204

Ray Cizzums
07-17-2021, 05:09 PM
Upstate NY, with the exception of nigger infestations in cities, and some former industrial towns, is fairly nigger
free. Some large extended family group of white folks moved in recently, on an adjacent road, and a couple
I know, possible libturds, found them to be scary. But my other neighbor met 'em, and said they were country
boys from North Carolina, here with their families. Said they were same as any of us woodchucks up here. The
only problem about NY state is the ridiculous property taxes. They're why you can pick up a place for half what
it's really worth - the state charges what amounts to rent anywhere else.

07-17-2021, 05:32 PM
They're why you can pick up a place for half what
it's really worth - the state charges what amounts to rent anywhere else.

The house we sold in Ulster has increased 50% !!!! since Covid struck according to Zillow. The great libtard migration from NYC has driven up property prices substantially fucking the locals right up.

Ray Cizzums
07-17-2021, 05:53 PM
The house we sold in Ulster has increased 50% !!!! since Covid struck according to Zillow. The great libtard migration from NYC has driven up property prices substantially fucking the locals right up.
Houses on Long Island went up as well, but there's a lot of property in northern and western NY that's assessed
for twice what you can sell it for. Lake front places often have $25 -30K yearly taxes, and people are dumping them
before they go any higher. These commie fucks heard about New Hampshire's "View tax", and came up with their
version, called a "Vista tax", costing people $5K+, even away from the lakes. The school districts up here have some
racket going, providing nothing to all the downstate owners of vacation property. Fucking parasites they are.

Jim Crow
07-17-2021, 06:40 PM
I live in a rural area. FL. There are maybe one or two scattered nigger families living around my 4 mile area . But for the most part no niggs. I’ll leave my door open sometimes and forget my keys in the ignition of my truck. Never had a problem. If you can afford to live on Beachside, it is also 99% white. Niggers pretty much stick to the inner city for the most part. Because that’s where the free gibbs is!

07-17-2021, 06:42 PM
Niggers pretty much stick to the inner city for the most part. Because that’s where the free gibbs is!

ain't that the nigger truth James !

07-17-2021, 06:51 PM
Don't even think about England! It's rotten and infested with the worst, most savage Africoons you can think of, particularly Nigerians. who are free to hack citizens to death with machetes on the streets.

07-18-2021, 01:43 AM
Small rural towns are the way to go. Metro areas are infested with libturds and niggers. In my small town of 5,000, there are only about 10 niggers who live here and are rarely seen. Everyone knows about their sordid, heathen, perverse lives too and keep an eye on them. They are pretty much shunned. Crime is almost unheard of and most people don't even lock their houses or cars. Very nice.

07-18-2021, 06:21 AM
From what I hear, England is over stuffed with
both North and Sub Sahara Africans. They have been invaded by the islamic killers like the rest of Europe also, for that matter....

07-18-2021, 12:05 PM
Don't move to GA. The whole state is infested with niggers.

Coon Club Road
07-18-2021, 10:56 PM
"... High property prices are keeping the spades out of rural areas."

Paying high prices for property or paying high property taxes to keep coons out... PRICELESS!

07-18-2021, 11:25 PM
Vidor, Texas. 97% white, 0.1% ape.

The whole town is run by the KKK, and they let the monkeys know they're not welcome, especially after dark.

About once a year, the coons will march through town and protest, but they know not to stay.

07-19-2021, 07:07 PM
Vidor, Texas. 97% white, 0.1% ape.

The whole town is run by the KKK, and they let the monkeys know they're not welcome, especially after dark.

About once a year, the coons will march through town and protest, but they know not to stay.

Not sure if a town ran by the KKK is a good place to live. They hate many humans who don't deserve to be hated.

07-19-2021, 07:25 PM
Not sure if a town ran by the KKK is a good place to live. They hate many humans who don't deserve to be hated.

That's always been my problem with the Klan. They'd burn crosses in the front yards of my Jewish and Catholic ancestors. If they'd just stuck to niggers...

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-19-2021, 09:03 PM
draw a rectangle that begins at the SE corner of South Dakota to Burns, OR in the west, then extends directly north to the Canadian border, then back east to the NE corner of North Dakota.

That is a massive area of about 1,000 x 500 miles and is essentially nigger-free.

SC Anemia
07-19-2021, 09:18 PM
draw a rectangle that begins at the SE corner of South Dakota to Burns, OR in the west, then extends directly north to the Canadian border, then back east to the NE corner of North Dakota.

That is a massive area of about 1,000 x 500 miles and is essentially nigger-free.

I bought my first home in northwest Montana. 100% nigger free. It's also 100% SC Anemia free now because I got tired of freezing my balls off.
It's magnificently beautiful and truly God's country but you do need to be the hearty sort to live there. That was back in the late 70's when I lived there, in my early 20's and still just couldn't take another winter.

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-19-2021, 09:24 PM
I bought my first home in northwest Montana. 100% nigger free. It's also 100% SC Anemia free now because I got tired of freezing my balls off.
It's magnificently beautiful and truly God's country but you do need to be the hearty sort to live there. That was back in the late 70's when I lived there, in my early 20's and still just couldn't take another winter.

See, that's my problem too! I cannot take the cold at all! You're right about the natural beauty -- it's truly stunning.

SC Anemia
07-19-2021, 09:31 PM
See, that's my problem too! I cannot take the cold at all! You're right about the natural beauty -- it's truly stunning.

When they drive around your neighborhood in a tracked vehicle and blast warnings over a bullhorn to shelter any livestock, that's ass-kicking cold. Livestock!

07-20-2021, 08:54 AM
Start a cult with some rich members, and build a compound just for you guys.

I think religious groups are granted exemptions for discriminating against certain groups. Alternatively, you can create rules that you know niggers won't be unable to abide by but aren't explicitly "racist": speak proper english at all times, no domestic abuse, no criminal activities, no cocaine/meth/krokodil/jenkem, no child molestation, no sex with animals, no eating feces, et cetera.

@Chiggun Noodle Soup, how nigrified is Arizona nowadays? It is still a good place to live?

Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-20-2021, 12:24 PM
That's always been my problem with the Klan. They'd burn crosses in the front yards of my Jewish and Catholic ancestors. If they'd just stuck to niggers...

That sort of thing is why I like this site: the idea of unifying humankind against the nigger can result in a force more powerful than what you would have if, say, only the Irish decided to hate niggers.

@Chiggun Noodle Soup, how nigrified is Arizona nowadays? It is still a good place to live?

It's not too bad. Most of the niggers you see are the homeless types begging for money. Annoying, but at least they are in their proper place.

It's a concealed carry state (you don't need a license to CC, but you should be a law abiding citizen of course), and the police departments seem to be well funded, so there aren't really any major chimpouts (like BLM protests) to worry about.

I do see a lot of niggers at fast food places, so it might be a good idea to go to classier restaurants, or cook your own food at home.

It also depends on where you choose to live. Some places have a significantly higher nigger density than others. But that could be applied to pretty much any state.

I concealed carry, and I've only come close to pulling out my gun once in the last decade. I ended up not needing to take things that far.

Coon Club Road
07-21-2021, 04:42 AM
The only thing that keep a region nigger free is the lack of gibbs me's dats, chicken joints and public transportation.


07-21-2021, 07:12 AM
That's always been my problem with the Klan. They'd burn crosses in the front yards of my Jewish and Catholic ancestors. If they'd just stuck to niggers.../QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Unregistered;181443]Vidor, Texas. 97% white, 0.1% ape. The whole town is run by the KKK, and they let the monkeys know they're not welcome, especially after dark. About once a year, the coons will march through town and protest, but they know not to stay.

The KKK is a group of some of the most inbred, dumb, hateful white folk in this country. Their membership numbers are exaggerated by the media and liberals for political purposes. They also inflate it themselves for the same reason a dog raises it's hair when growling - to make itself seem larger to a threat.

The truth is, their (secret) true membership is well under 10,000 with some estimates being half of that. I've only personally met one in my entire life. He was older than dirt and just about as worthless and smart as the rocks underneath it.

While they are fun to talk about as if they ever did or could be effective in the culture war against niggers and their ilk, they have never really been anything but a paper tiger.

Sandman, they would probably burn a cross in my front yard too, if they didn't blow all their gas money on whiskey and chewing tobacco.

I think religious groups are granted exemptions for discriminating against certain groups.

Unfortunately, religious groups in the US can loose their tax exempt status if they were to do this. Most people don't know just how much control the government has over churches and what they can preach. We are not as bad as Canada quite yet, but we're getting there.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibits employers from discriminating against or harassing employees and potential employees on the basis of of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin(*). Title VII applies only to churches with 15 or more employees. *note: you can add the LGBT nuts to this list if the church has a school.

Did you know that churches cannot preach certain other doctrines without the same penalty?
The thing is, most of the other regulations are all buried deep in IRS regulations and mostly no-one hears about them. They go unnoticed except by the church leadership who are generally too scared to rock the boat due to the consequences - meaning they could all be out of some cushy jobs.

They cannot point out how one candidate is morally against divine law or that another is in line with it. They can't preach that a nigger candidate is against a divine plan. They can't preach that Kamala is possessed by a demon when she so clearly is. Of course these are just the obvious ones. One church lost it's tax exempt status after doing just that to Bill Clinton due to pointing out his obvious anti biblical nature in his political actions and support along with his public record in the AR Governor's office.

If you actually read the entire tax code when it comes to this stuff, you would be quite surprised at what they can and cannot preach. For example - did you know that one Christian church cannot legally preach, as doctrine, that any/all other churches are wrong about the method of salvation? While they can legally preach that abortion is a sin, they can't preach that abortion should be illegal. This could fall under political speech. While these two particular examples have never been enforced (to my knowledge), it's actually in the tax code - a code so poorly written that it could mean anything to anyone in charge who decided to interpret it anyway they damn well chose.

Is your church IRS/BATF approved?

07-21-2021, 11:51 AM
Don't move to GA. The whole state is infested with niggers.
Douglasville was starting to get dark in the late 90s but, me and a friend went to arbor place mall in 2005 after our band went on a tour for 6 months and it looked like a nigger piñata exploded. Every criminal coon from Katrina dropped in to stay forever ruining that place.

07-21-2021, 05:55 PM
I ranted off on a tangent and forgot to answer the original question in my last post.

One word - MOUNTAINS.

It's been my experience that niggers really don't like them. I don't know the true reason but if I were to guess, I would say that it probably has something about the hills being so different from the plains of the muddaland. They just really don't seem to like mountains and prefer flat concrete jungles instead. The population is more spread out in hill country. Ozarks, Smokies, etc. I've never been deep in hill country and seen a bunch of niggers. It also helps that hillbillies don't like niggers.

As far as the KKK, thereputation is sometimes enough to keep a town nigger free. In this case, it has hills and reputation but no actual activity to speak of. I've been there. They do hate niggers and take advantage of the reputation:


In this case, the paper tiger I mentioned earlier still works for the city in a positive way - AND they are smack dab in the middle of the Ozarks. It really is a beautiful country area with great friendly people - unless you're a nigger. Niggers will not find it a hospitable place and they don't put up with monkeyshines there. In reality, however, there is no Klan presence there anymore than any other place.

Let's not advertise it though. I'd like to keep it that way since I'm trying to move there.:lol

07-21-2021, 07:10 PM
I ranted off on a tangent and forgot to answer the original question in my last post.

One word - MOUNTAINS.

It's been my experience that niggers really don't like them. I don't know the true reason but if I were to guess, I would say that it probably has something about the hills being so different from the plains of the muddaland. They just really don't seem to like mountains and prefer flat concrete jungles instead. The population is more spread out in hill country. Ozarks, Smokies, etc. I've never been deep in hill country and seen a bunch of niggers. It also helps that hillbillies don't like niggers.

As far as the KKK, thereputation is sometimes enough to keep a town nigger free. In this case, it has hills and reputation but no actual activity to speak of. I've been there. They do hate niggers and take advantage of the reputation:


In this case, the paper tiger I mentioned earlier still works for the city in a positive way - AND they are smack dab in the middle of the Ozarks. It really is a beautiful country area with great friendly people - unless you're a nigger. Niggers will not find it a hospitable place and they don't put up with monkeyshines there. In reality, however, there is no Klan presence there anymore than any other place.

Let's not advertise it though. I'd like to keep it that way since I'm trying to move there.:lol

I know why the niggers hate the mountains it’s because their lips explode at high elevations.

07-21-2021, 09:16 PM
Sure, planet Mars. Sorry to doom and gloom. Stop running.

Tell it like it is
07-22-2021, 08:33 AM
Not sure excusing everything the KKK has done, but no need to bash them all or call names.For 150 years, the very mention of the Klan has gotten the attention of any nigger.Yes, through libtard laws and just a general IDGAF attitudes, the Klan has lost numbers and influence.I have attended rallies and met members here in my state of Mississippi, and they seem like any other group of country folks, some smart, some well off, some not so much.One thing they do seem to have thought, as a rule, is respect for this country,God, and their White race.When is the last time any one of us (yeah, that includes me) took the street for what we believe? I doubt any of us have ever put the fear of God in a nigger with our anonymous rantings from behind a keyboard.Sure as Hell don't get their attention like a 20 foot tall lighted cross....something about that still says "niggers not welcome".Just my opinion,not looking to start an argument.Fighting among ourselves will do nothing to help our cause.

07-24-2021, 07:06 AM
You can't run away from them, They will find you!!...Black ass kissing is everywhere...It's a plague and Its spreading fast.

07-24-2021, 08:14 AM
Hi all,

I live in NC and this state is infested with niggers now. Everywhere I have lived in NC is a black cesspool. I want to move but it seems like everywhere in the country is niggered out. Where can you go in this country to get away from the nigger animals? Or should I look into moving to England?

The niggers have infested most of your major cities. Even here in Fort Worth, they are everywhere, and they all have their hands stretched out. To truly get away, you may want to look at a small town or rural community.

I've investigated some places to hang my hat when I retire. One is Comanche, Texas. It's a nice town, about halfway between Fort Worth and San Angelo and at the last Census (according to Wikipedia) has less than a 2% nigger population. Had a few wetbacks and spics, but very few niggers.

The other is Harrison, Arkansas which was coined 'America's Most Racist Town' and just a few miles away in Zinc was the national chapter of the KKK. If it was not for the winters they have, that would have been a no-brainer.

The other place is Vidor, Texas which was a bonafide 'sundown town' back in the day, and niggers are still afraid to step foot inside the town due to a KKK presence. But it's also on the Texas Coast and you have to deal with the occasional tropical storm

07-24-2021, 09:18 AM
If it was not for the winters they have, that would have been a no-brainer.

I'll take that over my 30 plus years in Fort Worth and NOLA any day.

I can always put on more layers when It's hot outside, but trust me - nobody wants to see me shed them when it's hot.

07-24-2021, 09:32 AM
Hi all,

Everywhere I have lived in NC is a black cesspool.

Had a brief layover in Charlotte last week.....Jesus....that's all I can say....niggers niggers niggers eveywhere ! It was scary. I feel your pain.

07-24-2021, 12:35 PM
Not sure excusing everything the KKK has done, but no need to bash them all or call names.For 150 years, the very mention of the Klan has gotten the attention of any nigger.Yes, through libtard laws and just a general IDGAF attitudes, the Klan has lost numbers and influence.I have attended rallies and met members here in my state of Mississippi, and they seem like any other group of country folks, some smart, some well off, some not so much.One thing they do seem to have thought, as a rule, is respect for this country,God, and their White race.When is the last time any one of us (yeah, that includes me) took the street for what we believe? I doubt any of us have ever put the fear of God in a nigger with our anonymous rantings from behind a keyboard.Sure as Hell don't get their attention like a 20 foot tall lighted cross....something about that still says "niggers not welcome".Just my opinion,not looking to start an argument.Fighting among ourselves will do nothing to help our cause.

I understand what you're saying, but you should tell that last sentence to Klan members, who do more harm than good. Like I said, they'd be burning crosses on the front yards of my Jewish and Catholic ancestors, which they did as much as to niggers. It's necessary to pick the right battles, and what can you tell me these rallies have done in recent years? Do they present themselves as intelligent people you didn't realize you associated with all that time? At best they only look silly while not frightening niggers at all.

A lot of it is the Lame Stream Media portrayal, but they really do come across as tweakstick said: inbred, dumb, hateful. Then niggers and coddlers use the rallies as excuses to call for clampdowns on freedom of speech, citing all the "violent and illiterate" redneck types, and a lot of people will nod their heads and say, yeah, those types shouldn't be allowed to own guns. Some niggers will even make their own fake burning crosses and nooses so they can be victims too. There hasn't been a "message" in a burning cross for many years.

Now about one thing you mentioned they have pride in: "and their White race"

Here, speaking as a moderator and on behalf of the site, Chimpout has never been a white supremacist site. We have lots of non-white members, just not niggers. We've loosened up a lot on posted content and won't censor talk about the Klan, but I'll still delete stuff from Stormfront/Vanguard or links to them, and I can't tell you how happy I was to jettison a guy's ass after he started accusing us of being Jew-run. I didn't even get to telling him that I'm part Jewish, and asking if he'd like to make something of it.

Now, speaking not as a moderator and only for myself, the lack of white supremacy is something that endeared Chimpout to me from the start. There's no way we can be called racist. Specieist, yes, but not racist. We're also presented much differently here. Years ago when the site went down for a little, I checked out a few other sites, and the functional illiteracy of most posters made my eyes bleed.

07-24-2021, 12:43 PM
^I'll just stop typing my response now. You pretty much covered it all Sandman.