View Full Version : NFL to replace National Anthem with niggersong and feature dead coon felons on helmets and jerseys

Whitey Ford
07-17-2021, 04:19 AM
NFL To Replace ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ With ‘Black National Anthem,’ Feature BLM Felons On Player Helmets And Jerseys


The National Football League, known for its plummeting ratings after coming out in support of anti-White rhetoric, is reportedly planning to replace the “Star-Spangled Banner” with a song nicknamed the “black national anthem” on Opening Day, relegating the American national anthem to the role of following “Lift Every Voice And Sing.”
ESPN reported on Friday that a source confirmed the “black national anthem” would be played before every game in the first week of the season, including the opening daty game between the Houston Texans and Kansas City Chiefs on Sept. 10.

Additionally, “the NFL, in collaboration with the NFL Players Association, is also considering listing the names of victims on uniforms through decals on helmets or patches on jerseys.” Various “victims” championed by Black Lives Matter include convicted felons such as George Floyd and Jacob Blake, as well as individuals who were killed while attacking other people such as Ma’khia Bryant and Trayvon Martin.


Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-17-2021, 12:13 PM
I stopped watching sports a long time ago.

I just can't justify giving money to an organization when I know some of that money will also be given to niggers. (I do pay my taxes, though. Just clarifying that I'm not suggesting that anyone should do anything illegal.)

07-17-2021, 12:29 PM
They are clearly pandering to the back of the bus player niggers. It will cost them dear. Folk are nig-saturated and are just becoming intolerant of perpetual nigger demands. Nice to see the downfall of this filthy profiteering sleazy organization.

Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-17-2021, 01:07 PM
They are clearly pandering to the back of the bus player niggers. It will cost them dear. Folk are nig-saturated and are just becoming intolerant of perpetual nigger demands. Nice to see the downfall of this filthy profiteering sleazy organization.

Honestly, I thought most of the pandering was just corporations trying to say "please don't burn down our buildings, rape and/or kill our employees, and stop being a menace to society."

Nike probably doesn't care if niggers kill each other so they can steal the shoes. They already received their money.

Does anyone else remember when Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson used to blackmail (niggermail?) corporations into giving them millions of dollars?