View Full Version : Bank loans and mortgages are rayciss

07-10-2021, 08:45 PM
https://www.ibtimes.com/traditional-bank-loans-are-racist-ageist-classist-we-can-do-better-2760694 Credit scores are rayciss because niggers have bad credit due to not paying their bills on time, let alone paying their bills at all.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/13/your-credit-score-is-racist-heres-why (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/13/your-credit-score-is-racist-heres-why) Paying bills beez rayciss n shiet. White privilege.

Niggers don't have good enough credit to qualify for conventional loans because paying your bills on time is white privilege. FHA loans are rayciss because putting down less than 20% means you have to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI) and therefore PMI beez rayciss.

So what's the solution then?

You can't make this shit up.

Ray Cizzums
07-10-2021, 09:00 PM
Community organizer Barry Obanga, and his Demorrhoid asshole buddies, already bankrupted the country once
with this scam. The Community Reinvestment Act, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, Countrywide Financial ring any bells ?
Nigger Obanga used his "Acorn" tribesmen to surround the homes of bank executives, and threaten their families.
Dems forced banks to make zero down payment loans to deadbeat niggers, for homes in shithole neighborhoods.

07-11-2021, 05:12 AM
Translation: Paying for shit beez raycis. I'z desrv its fo' free

Coon Club Road
07-11-2021, 12:03 PM
Niggers and good credit are like oil and water!

07-11-2021, 01:58 PM
Biden just fired the FHFA director:


This will pave the way for hundreds of thousands of shit loans given to niggers, maybe a million or two. ARM's which will go in default when the nigger rich can't afford to live in their nests, anymore. This is what fueled the fake "boom" in Detroilet, Rottenchester, Apelanta, and many other nigger-infested shit hole cities. I just think there is something funny to take away from it all, at the end of the day those nests are worth less than they were when the notes were signed.


07-11-2021, 09:17 PM
Biden just fired the FHFA director:


This will pave the way for hundreds of thousands of shit loans given to niggers, maybe a million or two. ARM's which will go in default when the nigger rich can't afford to live in their nests, anymore. This is what fueled the fake "boom" in Detroilet, Rottenchester, Apelanta, and many other nigger-infested shit hole cities. I just think there is something funny to take away from it all, at the end of the day those nests are worth less than they were when the notes were signed.

This is really bad news. Well, I guess we'll see the housing market collapse any day now.
Btw Biden's new FHFA pick is a sow with buck teeth like sow Stacey Abrams.

07-11-2021, 09:38 PM
This is really bad news. Well, I guess we'll see the housing market collapse any day now.
Btw Biden's new FHFA pick is a sow with buck teeth like sow Stacey Abrams.

I saw that fugly ape!!

07-11-2021, 10:13 PM
I'm sick of paying for all of this shit. I'm sick of paying my bills and getting nowhere. More and more Americans are finding that they have so little left at the end of the working week, that it's barely worth getting up in the mornings. Niggers have a great life sponging off the rest of us. I want what the niggers are getting !